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Would Stannis take the Hound into his service ?


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Would Stannis have taken Hound into his service after Blackwater or in the north if Hound had come to him . The hound as we see when he was with Arya needs someone to take him into their service , he was even going to serve Robb if RW had not happened.So would Stannis take him as we know Stannis does not have any hate especially for him, also Sandor is the best fighter in seven kingdoms.

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I feel like he would at least give him a chance to prove his loyalty. He pardoned all of Renly's men, provided they swore an oath of fealty, even though they were all "traitors" in his eyes.

However, I think Sandor is done with being a glorified bodyguard, whether it's for Joffrey or Stannis or any other king, so it's pretty much a moot point.

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I don't think the Hound would have wanted to serve Stannis anyway. He only wanted to join Robb because of Sansa. But if he did, Stannis would probably have no choice but to take him on because he needs all the men he can get but he would probably take some fingers or something as punishment for his crimes/being Joffrey's bodyguard etc.

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After Blackwater: Stannis is in a dire situation after his catastrophic defeat. He has only about twenty hundred men left, and many are poorly trained. He needs every sword he can get, and Sandor is one of the best fighters in Westeros. Also, Sandor is a Westerman and a former member of Joffrey's Kingsguard, so he doubtlessly knows many Lannister secrets. Stannis would take Sandor in, but

Pardoned them, yes. Forgiven. But not forgotten.
Stannis would never trust Sandor.

After he wins Winterfell: Stannis now has thousands of men, and he will have heard of the atrocities in Saltpans, supposedly committed by the ravaging Hound. Even if Sandor is a good swordsman, he's far too infamous for a man like Stannis to spare. Also, killing Cleganes may help his relationships with the Northmen. Sandor is dead.

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Stanis is such a stickler for the rules, he'd not overlook the Hound's act of desertion.

Still, if he was curious and wondered what made the Hound quit slaughtering Stannis' very own men, even if forgivable, the answer itself would be problematic: fire.

Stannis is only a stickler for rules when it suits him and it really does not suit him to turn away a good fighter in his present situation.

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Would Stannis have taken Hound into his service after Blackwater or in the north if Hound had come to him . The hound as we see when he was with Arya needs someone to take him into their service , he was even going to serve Robb if RW had not happened.So would Stannis take him as we know Stannis does not have any hate especially for him, also Sandor is the best fighter in seven kingdoms.

you do realize that this is, for the most part, a question with a pretty obvious answer right? It doesn't just go to the fact that Sandor is mostly a thug for Joffrey that Stannis wouldn't accept, or that he is a "traitor" to the "king". Both their personalities would would cause so much friction that they could threaten to ignite the vacuum of space if they found themselves there. Not to mention that Stannis knows the personality of the Hound and vice versa, both having lived in King's Landing for many years in the same castle, so we cannot say that Stannis or Sandor would take a chance on an unknown.

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