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The Sony Hack


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So the US inteligence community thinks North Korea was behind the attacks, but their conclusions appear to be based off the same information as this Wired article which argues the jury is still out.

Regardless, Peter W. Singer thinks the response by all parties has been a massive overreaction and a complete disaster

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Wait, they're cancelling the movie's release? Even if I didn't give a damn about it and it looks pretty stupid, that's ridiculous, disgusting and massively worrying.

I really hope the real reasons is they realised it was utter crap and preferred not to release it for fear of ridicule, but even in that far-fetched case, the official reason not to release it sends a terrible message.

What a bunch of miserable gutless cowards...

I'm OK with the media publishing information obtained in this way when there is a genuine public interest (provided the media itself isn't doing the hacking/paying someone for the hack/info - they are breaking the law if that happens and should be charged as such), but fighting between individuals doesn't remotely meet that criteria.

If the reporting is on illegal stuff uncovered by the hack, I could see it being reported. If they managed to get a lot of data and there seems to be some discrimination with the paychecks, that might also deserve some reporting - and probably investigation / clarification to check to which extent there's genuine discrimination going on.

But well, describing movie scripts or gossips about some insiders bitching about other insiders is utterly worthless and is of no public interest at all.

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Now the 'The Interview' is set for limited release, l'd love to hear the excuses the 'Guardians of Peace' make when there are no attacks (hopefully) on any of the theaters.

I really want to see this movie but it probably will not come out in any form in my country. But it's on my bucket list. I will watch the movie one day.

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