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Which missing "thing" do not give a fig about?

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I think Robb's will is no longer relevant, if the north rallies for a Stark, it won't be Jon, I think Rickon will become king in the north, or at least, Lord of winterfell, he already has te support of Manderly and Stannis forces (only as Lord tho) and furthermore, his claim is better than any Jon could make

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Good idea

I'm curious about Quaithe, not too bothered about who she is

Couldn't care less about Ashara Dayne (lol if the theory they are the same person ends up being true though)

I don't care if Ned wanted to dance with her 20 years back or whether Ser Barristan liked her 50 years ago

Don't care about Quentyn either, found his chapters annoying and skippied most of the Dragontamer to the last paragraph where I got the gist and moved on

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I think Robb's will is no longer relevant, if the north rallies for a Stark, it won't be Jon, I think Rickon will become king in the north, or at least, Lord of winterfell, he already has te support of Manderly and Stannis forces (only as Lord tho) and furthermore, his claim is better than any Jon could make

Goes without saying that the other Stark children come before a legitimised Jon. People seem to think there would be a clash, can't see that happening, the relevance of that is not that Jon could be King, it's that he is legitimised by a form o Royal decree, meaning he can become Lord Protector or Regent until Rickon/Bran come of age, which for the stories sake means he is de facto King and plays its part in his arc

The will only has relevancy though if there are Lords/Troops to back it up and the dream of a Stark KiTN which appears to be in ruins, otherwise it becomes an irrelevant piece of paper if people are going to submit to IT rule under either Tommen or Stannis

Seems the Mormonts might be in, would have to see beyond that

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Tyrek Lannister. Gerion Lannister. Brightroar. Anything Lannister related, really.

Dawn. I will be perfectly content if the next two books finish without so much as a mention of the Daynes

I go back and forth with the sword Blackfyre. If it can cause trouble like the Blackfyre rebellion for just being a hunk of nice metal, good riddance. On the other hand, Aegon I wielded it and that's awesome.

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Robb's will - Jon is the Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, or if he is deposed, then he is still a sworn brother, which means he can't wear a crown or hold any lands. Jon has already declined the chance to have the North and a wife and family - he's turned his back on that decision now. Plus, Cersei has proven how ineffectual pieces of paper with dead men's wishes on can be. Of course the other alternative is that Jon is dead, in which case he won't be inheriting anything anyway.

R+L=J, with the view that Jon will take the IT. He's illegitimate (polygamy is banned by the faith, whether Rhaegar and Lyanna got married or not) and, as I said above, wouldn't want the IT if he's already turned down Winterfell.

True identity of Septa Lemore.

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Do Jon's parents count? He's a man of the NW and a son of Ned Stark. Who cares who his mother was?

Various missing Lannisters and their equally missing whores. Even if I contemplated it briefly when hearing about the Sailor's Wife.

How Euron did anything.

Who poisoned the locusts. Just kill all the named Meereenese characters and get it over with.

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