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Trial by Seven Face-off: Renly vs Tywin

Floki of the Ironborn

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Agreed. Team Renly also would not include Brienne of Tarth. Renly thought of her as a joke.

No, at worst he mentioned to Loras that he thought her somewhat absurd, which she is in their society, while speaking in private to his lover, who was currently angry at her. Furthermore, he defends his decision for allowing her into his guard by commenting on her loyalty.

If she tried out for Stannis' army, would he find her a joke or accept her for her skill.

He would openly insult her before telling her to go back home.

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Well, Brienne did defeat Sandor on the show, so . . .

I will now hide behind something solid while people throw things at me.

**Throwing solid things at you** Brienne would be too busy giving Renly the googly eyes to participate properly.

Without Garlan in the mix I would have to give to Team Tywin. Although Team Tywin could easily implode if Sandor and Gregor decide to have a brotherly spat mid-trial in which case everybody had better get the hell out of dodge.

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It would come down to the brothers Tyrell (I am putting Garlan in there instead of one of the others, sorry) and Brienne vs the brothers Clegane and Jaime.

Jaime finds out Brienne is a woman and underestimates her, which buys her time to hold him with the Tyrells fight the Cleganes, either that or Garlan gives Jaime a tougher fight than expected.

You know, I really have to pick team Tywin simply because the Mountain is an 8 foot freak and team Renly is almost entirely untested in real combat. Unless team Renly can, somehow, have an extra man over at the fights conclusion, I dunno, maybe Morrigen lives long enough to get butchered by but distract one of Cleganes long enough for one of the Tyrells to take advantage.

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I don't think any other lineup can beat Tywin's unless it's an amalgamation of say robb and Renly's like





Jason Mallister


And even then I might give it to team Tywin...as others have said assuming the Cleganes don't fight eachother

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Logically speaking.....

Brienne managed to beat Loras, but Jaime still managed to beat Brienne with only one hand. Logic would therefore suggest that Jaime is better than Loras. Therefore win-win for Tywin.

Are horses involved? Because if Loras has a mare in heat again, Stranger could very well take a fancy to the filly and therefore Sandor will get his 'true knight' superboost and save Loras from Gregor again.

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I don't think any other lineup can beat Tywin's unless it's an amalgamation of say robb and Renly's like





Jason Mallister


And even then I might give it to team Tywin...as others have said assuming the Cleganes don't fight eachother

Team Blackfyre might be the only one with a shot against team Twyin. And even that I doubt.

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I don't think any other lineup can beat Tywin's unless it's an amalgamation of say robb and Renly's like





Jason Mallister


And even then I might give it to team Tywin...as others have said assuming the Cleganes don't fight eachother

Could we swap Jason Mallister for Robert in his prime with his war hammer? He would be team Renly against the Lannisters.

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Could we swap Jason Mallister for Robert in his prime with his war hammer? He would be team Renly against the Lannisters.

Ma seems unfair...and Mallisters a tank anyway so I wouldn't want to swap him out

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