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Would the High Septon crown Dany?


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Suppose Dany comes to Westeros with her Dothraki and more pertinently forces sworn to R'hllor. Particularly the Fiery Hand and some priests, maybe even Benerro himself. Suppose Aegon is killed by herself or her forces and she takes KL, thus winning the Dance.

Should he survive to this point, would the High Sparrow, that is the current High Septon, crown Dany queen of Westeros?

And if he refused what would Dany do? Would she execute him? Banish him? And replace him with someone more pliable? Simply accept his judgement?

Would she maybe declare R'hllor the god for Westeros and have herself made queen in R'hllor's name?

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I think it depends how powerful the faith militant is at that point in the story. Currently they probably can't really threaten anyone outside the capital but could cause a lot of trouble for anyone trying to hold the city.

Getting the high Septons blessing would probably only occur after you have solidified your rule to a large extent so by then I would make it a priority to replace the High Sparrow.

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That would all depend on the other political realities at the time - such as, but not limited to:

  • Dany's military power after subduing any other claimants
  • The existence (or not) of potential rivals, and their military strength
  • The Faith Militant and what power they hold, militarily, politically and how popular they are
  • Does Dany have one or more dragons, and what is her (perceived) control over them
  • Has Dany had to slaughter and burn her way through the country to get to KL, or not

For all that the HS has the hallmarks of a political zealot, I don't think he's blind to the realities of politics, his machinations so far suggests he knows exactly what he's doing.

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Suppose Dany comes to Westeros with her Dothraki and more pertinently forces sworn to R'hllor. Particularly the Fiery Hand and some priests, maybe even Benerro himself. Suppose Aegon is killed by herself or her forces and she takes KL, thus winning the Dance.

Should he survive to this point, would the High Sparrow, that is the current High Septon, crown Dany queen of Westeros?

And if he refused what would Dany do? Would she execute him? Banish him? And replace him with someone more pliable? Simply accept his judgement?

Would she maybe declare R'hllor the god for Westeros and have herself made queen in R'hllor's name?

I don't think Dany seems particularly R'hllorite. In fact, she seems to be rather noticeably uninterested in religion.

That's not to say that she wouldn't be susceptible to the 'Stannis treatment' ("My Queen, you are Azor Ahai, the One that was Promised, the only Messiah against darkness" would go down very well with her, I guess), but there's no reason to assume that she is a R'hllorite as of now.

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It would be a very stupid thing for Dany to crown herself with the religion of R'llor alone when its minority religion in Westeros. I do think we will see the faith break because they will also refuse to crown Jon should he get the throne as he worships the old gods. I guess Howland could crown Jon, after all the Greatjon 'crowned' Robb.

But maybe Dany would do it, she is bringing thousands of ex slaves across the sea who will need feeding during winter, Dothraki rapists, murderers, thieves and it seems Viking pirates. R'hllorites on top of that and having been brought up in a foreign land without knowing the culture or customs of Westeros. She's also married to a foreign slaver, in a patriarchal culture, this Mereenese guy is going to be King of Westeros? (Ok, he may be dead at this point) Then there are the three weapons of mass destruction against a people who aren't enslaved and don't want her around. It can't get much worse for her.

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I'm pretty sure that the HS would not willingly crown Daenerys if she were openly a follower of R'hllor. Dany herself seems pretty indifferent to matters of religion, so I doubt if she'd raise any objection to formally declaring her adherence to the Faith in return for a coronation.

Things might get tricky if she has formally proclaimed herself to be Azhor Ahai reborn, in order to gain the allegiance of millions of people in Essos, and then comes to Westeros.

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It would be a very stupid thing for Dany to crown herself with the religion of R'llor alone when its minority religion in Westeros. I do think we will see the faith break because they will also refuse to crown Jon should he get the throne as he worships the old gods. I guess Howland could crown Jon, after all the Greatjon 'crowned' Robb.

But maybe Dany would do it, she is bringing thousands of ex slaves across the sea who will need feeding during winter, Dothraki rapists, murderers, thieves and it seems Viking pirates. R'hllorites on top of that and having been brought up in a foreign land without knowing the culture or customs of Westeros. She's also married to a foreign slaver, in a patriarchal culture, this Mereenese guy is going to be King of Westeros? (Ok, he may be dead at this point) Then there are the three weapons of mass destruction against a people who aren't enslaved and don't want her around. It can't get much worse for her.

I think Dany is well aware that Hizdahr could never be acknowledged as King in Westeros, and I doubt if Hizdahr's ambitions extend that far.

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With the high sparrow, definitely not. Dany will be bringing ex slaves, worshippers of the drowned god, Dothraki and it seems like she will have the support of/come under the influence of the Red Priests. The high sparrow, is a fundamentalist, he won't support Dany, he will see her as an outsider. Another High Septon might.

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No way in hell. A woman? The HS got an opinion on women and it's not favorable. A heathen? Worse. A slaver? Kill it with fire.

For all that the HS has the hallmarks of a political zealot, I don't think he's blind to the realities of politics, his machinations so far suggests he knows exactly what he's doing.

Yes, his means are based on realpolitics, but his goals are determined by his zealotry.

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The High Sparrow is probably going to have to be the one to make a deal. I think the return of Dragons are going to make quite an impression on the faithful. Dany has not been shown to follow any particular religion, but she has no problem with certain traditional status quo.

Not sure if it will come to all that anyways. Cersei is probably going to have the man killed.

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The old issues of Targ incest and polygamy might crop up as well. The HS would want Dany to disavow both, but she may have to be careful about her bloodline if she intends to have her heirs control dragons.

1. They never had a problem with the incest, just the polygamy.

2. It's been shown that people other than Targs can ride and control dragons. This seems to imply that riding them is not a genetic ability.

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No, I think Dany will be more and more closer to the Lord of Light when she hear the prophecies about the bleeding star and her dragons. The Faith doesn't have a particular story that can fill her need for greatness, and the people in Westeros won't be very happy with the Dothraki running free across the realm, including the High Septon, who will be more satisfied with a follower of the Faith (anyone) than with this mad girl who lives with savages and eats horses.

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