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Confirmed, HBO show will spoil the ending of series

Dragon Seed

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I don't understand how any book fan could not be upset by this. There is no realistic way for us to avoid hearing about what happens. You know damn well that any major character death will be screamed about on late night talk shows, the news, and just about everywhere else. I don't understand why they can't use an alternate ending, they know its going to spoil it for us, they know they could use an alternate ending and they are just choosing not to. I think its bullshit.

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Honestly. I dont understand, why is so hard for people to grasp. If either Dany or Jon for instance, end up as a king or queen in the show. The exact same thing is going to occuring the later book.

I guess im just frustrated that having been told this, by the author and show creators, that this is the case; people still think that Martin is going to change something major.

This has been the source of much frustration for me as well.

The legacy of the show is also on GRRM it is his work and it is in his best interest that it be as accurate an adaptation of his work as it is possible. For him to short change it would see to me to be supremely odd. He's also a producer on the show and has up to this season been quite involved in the series, writing an episode a season. He's not going to withhold information from the show creators.

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I don't understand how any book fan could not be upset by this. There is no realistic way for us to avoid hearing about what happens. You know damn well that any major character death will be screamed about on late night talk shows, the news, and just about everywhere else. I don't understand why they can't use an alternate ending, they know its going to spoil it for us, they know they could use an alternate ending and they are just choosing not to. I think its bullshit.

Well. I am annoyed. However, I am too busy to be upset. I will just do my best to ignore anything GoT/aSoIaF until the final books comes out. It will be difficult, because the stuff will litter the web, and unfortunately I rely on the web for a number of things.

As far as the alternate ending goes. This is Martin's fault, not HBO's. I would rather have the visual of the books, even if slightly changed, that ends as the books do.

Rothfuss was working a deal with FX to make the KKC's into a series, but Rothfuss will complete the trilogy before that happens. Martin should have waited for the sixth book before committing, or focus more on writing aSoIaF instead of wildcards and the other crap. I know it isn't that easy, but this is on Martin, not HBO. Keep in mind, this show will be their resume.

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Honestly, I don't think this is as big of a deal as people want to make it. The "major" events will be the same, but the paths to those events will not be. That means the show could literally do whatever it wants to for as long as it wants until the major plot points. And the Books will end up doing something entirely different up till those plot points. So in essense...the show isn't really going to *spoil* anything. They are just taking two different paths to the same outcome.

The only major thing that could be spoiled is if the show kills off a major character that is not dead yet in the books. That would mean that "Character X" will also play no role in the future main plot line of the story, and that in essense could spoil it.

With GRRM consulting with the direction of the show going forward, I'm pretty sure he's going to make sure nothing too big is going to be revealed. The show will just do a bunch of crap that the books won't do, and vice versa.

Well the show will be spoiling the outcomes and most of the path to that outcome will be the same.

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Well. I am annoyed. However, I am too busy to be upset. I will just do my best to ignore anything GoT/aSoIaF until the final books comes out. It will be difficult, because the stuff will litter the web, and unfortunately I rely on the web for a number of things.

As far as the alternate ending goes. This is Martin's fault, not HBO's. I would rather have the visual of the books, even if slightly changed, that ends as the books do.

Rothfuss was working a deal with FX to make the KKC's into a series, but Rothfuss will complete the trilogy before that happens. Martin should have waited for the sixth book before committing, or focus more on writing aSoIaF instead of wildcards and the other crap. I know it isn't that easy, but this is on Martin, not HBO. Keep in mind, this show will be their resume.

That's going to be really hard. All it takes is one comment on facebook or on any other website to spoil it. Also don't forget that anytime your outside you have a chance of over hearing something (When the last season of GOT is on our going to have to stay indoor for like 20 weeks lmao)

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Yes, it was the original question I was answering.

Some people in the thread were questioning the fact that we will see the same ending in the show as in the series.

I think our wires might have gotten cross. :cheers:

Definitely cheers! (Apologies, I don't know how to do the animation thing)

And I agree 100%: in terms of the major narrative points it seems clear the endings will be exactly the same. If it turns out they're not then the TV peeps have led many of us a merry dance.

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That's going to be really hard. All it takes is one comment on facebook or on any other website to spoil it. Also don't forget that anytime your outside you have a chance of over hearing something (When the last season of GOT is on our going to have to stay indoor for like 20 weeks lmao)

Well for me that isn't a problem. Most of my hearing is gone in my right ear ;). And considering I spent most of my time in archives conducting research I can avoid overhearing things haha. ....or I hope... Nvm, I will cancel coffee breaks.... and food...

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But seriously, there is a lot of shows that were very mainstream, people mention them a lot and I have zero idea about what happened until I actually found out: Lost, Heroes, HIMYM. Even Glee, which I watched, have some episodes I didn't care for and I barely know what happened.

Hard? yes. Impossible? not that much.

Of course, no one should say "book readers should/not be mad about this!" because that's up to every person. Think it's insulting from GRRM, is one thing, otoh. I am hopeful that we'll see Winds next year. I can wait a few months to watch the show. After that, I wouldn't know. I have no problem waiting for five years for the final book. It's not like I don't have other things/books/movies/shows to care about. But I can understand why people involved in this fandom for almost 20 years is mad. It is very sad -no to say tragic- that people have to settle down for a mediocre ending just because we can't see the books in time.

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I don't understand how any book fan could not be upset by this. There is no realistic way for us to avoid hearing about what happens. You know damn well that any major character death will be screamed about on late night talk shows, the news, and just about everywhere else. I don't understand why they can't use an alternate ending, they know its going to spoil it for us, they know they could use an alternate ending and they are just choosing not to. I think its bullshit.

They are under no obligation to do this, the actual ending may be the best possible ending there is (so they aren't likely to change it just to appease the book readers and devalue the show as a result) and lastly we have to realise now that the for most people ASOIAF is HBO's Game of Thrones. Us book readers are very much secondary. The book publishers must have a very bittersweet feeling about it all as well as their sales have shot up but they are likely to miss out on a lot of cash if the show beats GRRM to the finishing line.

However, I don't necessarily think its a foregone conclusion that the show will beat Martin. Contrary to the belief the actual evidence points to Martin NOT being a slow writer. When you look at the size of these books (3 to 4 times larger than most novels) then it demonstrates that Martin isn't that slow. The rapid pace at which he banged on ASOS also demonstrates that he is can write at lightening speed when excited about the prospect.

The problem seems to have been GRRM has lost enough interest in ASOIAF to really push it and in recent years (especially since the launch of the show) has been more interested in gallivanting around the world, doing talk shows, conventions, getting his cinema up and running etc. than actually writing the books (because as we know he doesn't write unless at home) and yet despite this has still churned out the books in 5 years. If these books were broken down to a normal size back that's a book completed within 2 years and no one would be saying he was slow then.

So what I am hoping is that once TWOW is written his publishers won't hold him to too many book tours (it's not in their best interest anyway, the books will sell themselves and the potential revenue they'll lose from him not doing book tours will be easily offset by the additional profits they'll make if the final book is released before the final series of the show) and more importantly GRRM will be so excited writing the end game that he'll rediscover his "obsessed" spark with the series and potentially knock the book out in a couple of years.

I agree the above is unlikely but its by no means impossible.

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I don't understand how any book fan could not be upset by this. There is no realistic way for us to avoid hearing about what happens. You know damn well that any major character death will be screamed about on late night talk shows, the news, and just about everywhere else. I don't understand why they can't use an alternate ending, they know its going to spoil it for us, they know they could use an alternate ending and they are just choosing not to. I think its bullshit.

I'm with ya 100%

Imagine your one of the people that, as an example, think Aegon is the real deal. HBO kills him off and now the next 2 books just don't seem so appealing do they. Same goes for a lot of other theories.

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But seriously, there is a lot of shows that were very mainstream, people mention them a lot and I have zero idea about what happened until I actually found out: Lost, Heroes, HIMYM. Even Glee, which I watched, have some episodes I didn't care for and I barely know what happened.

Hard? yes. Impossible? not that much.

Yeah I know what you mean but I think that's maybe because you don't know the shows and the characters.. So even if someone says something about a character (from a show you don't watch) you just forget it because you don't know that character. But then these characters, these you know and you'll know who they're talking about as soon as someone mentions a name.

Still not saying it's impossible though, just really really hard.

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But seriously, there is a lot of shows that were very mainstream, people mention them a lot and I have zero idea about what happened until I actually found out: Lost, Heroes, HIMYM. Even Glee, which I watched, have some episodes I didn't care for and I barely know what happened.

Hard? yes. Impossible? not that much.

But did you go on message boards and fan sites for those shows? You have what 15k posts here... when the show ends and spoils some things do you believe they wont be spoiled on here?

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