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U.S. Politics - Indiana is super awesome


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So everybody claims victory.Yeah, how outstanding...

And the US got the longest text. Yeah, I guess the US had also the most people working on it...

(And add to that, that Obama kind of needs to spell out literally everything because of you know who. The legislative body whos name shall not be spoken...)

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This is not a college assay. Using word count to criticize a statement is... stupid. What next, check if it's 11 or 12 point font?


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This is not a college assay. Using word count to criticize a statement is... stupid. What next, check if it's 11 or 12 point font?


Surely there must be some gold in all the words published, or at the very least, a silver lining. ;)

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This is... hilarious in a "what idiotic thing are Republicans saying this time" sort of way. The Governor of Kentucky defended his attempt to ban gay marriage in his state by claiming it's not biased at all because hetero people can't get gay married either. It's not biased if everyone is banned from it!

Gov. Steve Beshear's administration is arguing in a brief filed with the U.S. Supreme Court that Kentucky's ban on gay marriage isn't discriminatory because it bars both gay and straight people from same-sex unions.

The brief argues that because Kentucky's law bars everyone from same-sex marriage, it isn't discriminatory and should be upheld.

Attorney Dan Canon, who represents six gay couples challenging Kentucky's gay marriage ban, told The Courier-Journal (http://cjky.it/1EZ2tMy) that the argument in the brief filed last week is "especially absurd."

I imagine the next genius GOP law will involve banning all people from having Food Stamps. It's fair because they're not letting people who make a million dollars a year have them as well as the people making $15,000 a year.

edit- I have no idea why the quote formatting is so weird

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Hahaha you gotta love Republican politicans. Apparently Michele Bachmann compared Obama to Germanwings pilot Andreas Lübitz due to him (Obama) signing the atom deal with Iran.

Hahaha I love the GOP :).

With his Iran deal, Barack Obama is for the 300 million souls of the United States what Andreas Lubitz was for the 150 souls on the German Wings flight - a deranged pilot flying his entire nation into the rocks. After the fact, among the smoldering remains of American cities, the shocked survivors will ask, why did he do it?

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Lol, is this a joke? I wonder how many words this guy used to get the proper amount of spin needed for the article...

It's the NYPost. What else need be said?

Likely everyone has put their own spin on the deal. That's what happens with press releases.

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Yeah, but then he's come through in other way so I suppose he can be forgiven. In all likelihood nothing he's saying will matter in the end, anyway.

Since he did implement the PPACA nd expanded MedicAid for Kentucky, I am happy to give him a pass on this anti-gay crap.

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Beshear is a Democrat, which makes that even more disappointing.

Perhaps he's decided that he can't get away with not defending the ban at all because that would hurt Jack Conway (current Attorney General, likely next Dem nominee for Governor) too much in the state, so he's decided to defend the ban in an especially incompetent sort of way.

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For the graph lovers, here's an interesting analysis that points towards signs of full employment when massaging the numbers to look at specific demographics and simultaneously considering the annual rate of change in employment in each demographic.


The pace in the decline in slack across nearly all employment segments remains robust. At current rates we should hit full employment for construction workers and college grads in 6 months, for teens by the end of the year, for peak age workers in about a year, and even for long-term and discouraged workers in 12-18 months. And I expect that as we hit full employment, we’ll see the beginnings of a wage/price cycle that were absent in the past two cycles because unlike then, we now have Millennial demographics driving demand rather than Gen-X demographics, we’ve had deferred fixed investment due to the after-effects of the financial crisis, and real interest rates are so low.

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Perhaps he's decided that he can't get away with not defending the ban at all because that would hurt Jack Conway (current Attorney General, likely next Dem nominee for Governor) too much in the state, so he's decided to defend the ban in an especially incompetent sort of way.

He certainly just took himself out of frontrunner for Clintons veep spot. Hickenlooper here she comes!
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He certainly just took himself out of frontrunner for Clintons veep spot. Hickenlooper here she comes!

Doubtful that she'd have picked him anyway; he'll be 72 come next inauguration. Clinton will almost certainly pick a younger person as VP so that the rallies aren't just two old people. Hickenlooper is possible, but he'd be almost 65 himself and probably "tainted" by marijuana legalization (I doubt it would hurt much, but VP candidates shouldn't hurt the ticket at all).

Martin O'Malley, who'd be 54, or Amy Klobuchar, who'd be 55, are better guesses for the VP spot.

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