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[Book Spoilers] Lady Stoneheart in Episode 10?


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I think that at this point we should not get our expectations up.

There has been zero set up. The time to have introduced her was at the end of the last Season, when there WERE clues abounding.

Yes, D&D could be pretending all along and have waited until this moment to reveal her--but honestly, that takes a lot of guile and planning and forethought..something I, and not meaning to be offensive, really don't think they possess those qualities--at least not in their writing or adaptation.

"lady catelyn" has been mentioned by brienne though, with someone else saying catelyn is dead (in the inn near winterfell, dont remember the episode). Doesnt say much but the name has been mentioned at least

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"lady catelyn" has been mentioned by brienne though, with someone else saying catelyn is dead (in the inn near winterfell, dont remember the episode). Doesnt say much but the name has been mentioned at least

Ned has been mentioned plenty of times throughout the seasons. Are we expecting Headless Ned to pop up at some point?

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Ned has been mentioned plenty of times throughout the seasons. Are we expecting Headless Ned to pop up at some point?

Just so you know, FreeParking, it's your fault I just spent 30 minutes reworking the lyrics to this song: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=FHWmxCoTV3Y

Ned Stark was a Warden

of the North of Westeros

Yes, of all the lords and ladies

Ned Stark was the boss

But a deal was made with Robert

to leave this Northern land

to brave the rot, and Southron plots

and serve as his King's Hand

He stood for law and justice

Sent Beric to the Ford

Disdained assassination

despite all Robert's roars

With his gaze set on the lions

and a book Jon Arryn read

the schemers soon decided

they wanted Ned Stark's head


Ned Stark the headless motherfucker goes to war

He's got a magic greatsword, he's evening up the score

He might be getting rotten, his looks might be a wreck

but Ice still cuts just fine through Western necks

...your fault, FreeParking. Your fault. :)

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Will you guys let it go now?

With Stannis and the Baratheons finished, there is SO much time freed up in the show. I never thought we would get the Greyjoys, Tarlys, Oldtown, and the Dothraki. Bran, Rickon, the Freys, and the BWB will return. Brienne is free of her oath to Renly. Jaime is free as well.

The peculiar and strange pacing of season 5 has made me go from "LSH is 100% out cuz it's way too late" to "nothing is past D&D."

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Y'know, I took one look at Robert Strong in that finale and in a way, for the first time felt relieved they passed on Stoneheart. Okay, it's a bad point of comparison (i.e: he's Frankenstein-esque in the books too) but for whatever reason, that goofy purple (cgi?) face? :ack: You see enough of it to get a sense of how they'd film their (non-wight/ww) undead.

It might be a comment on how much my faith in David & Dan has plummeted this past season, or in the show as a whole, but on current form, imo, it just wouldn't handle her correctly.

Besides the basic fact in plot terms, that ship has clearly sailed, I think it's unlikely to have been done justice outside clunky horror tropes that wouldn't work on screen. A top drawer TWD-prosthetics effects team and a top-form Bryan Cogman on writing duty? Okay, it could conceivably fly. But the way the cookie seems to crumble in GOT-land these days, with everything so rushed and unsatisfying, we'd get a reveal like Strong's: thirty seconds of expositionary dialogue and cheesy CGI.

So what else is there to say about this season - Hardhome aside - other than it's been an excercise in frustration the finale only really seemed to accentuate for me, really. Every pivotal scene except Jon's offing cut away from at the crucual moment ... Lena's body double and her cgi'd on head ... it all just felt so cheap to me, tbh.

In other words (and in in conjunction with the fact that the finale title appears to be a deliberate troll on those still hoping for the LSH storyline despite the fact that this will always be denied), I suppose that what I'm saying, for me, is that the tipping point has been reached. I've finally fallen out of faith with the showrunners and out of love with Game of Thrones.

Nothing final or absolute about that: I'm sure I'll still watch when season 6 wheels around, and all it really means in real terms is that my yearly penchant for obsesssively following every bit of gossip, news & casting tidbit in the interim is over because my heart just isn't in it anymore. It seems more like learned behaviour or stick-and-carrot than anything when the things I love and value in the strory aren't in line with those making the show.

GRRM recently lamented the disappearance of Tobias Menzies' Edmure and Stoneheart aside, that's the kind of character beats I'm talking about; his interactions with Jaime were as memorable as his growing love for Roslin Frey was moving and if you think that Jaime's Riverlands campaign moved the story forward any less less than the mess of what happened in Dorne ....? The missing bodyblow of his rejecting Cersei's letter/call for help and Nikolaj C.W. being robbed of that moment? Come on. Sitting through the cornball Dorne plot week after week, I found myself wondering how the hell Gendry was still rowing or The Blackfish was still in cryogenic suspension pissing up against that tree, if not for awful forward planning and allocation of screen time. Or was it all just cutting fodder at the expense of a plotline giving us hot chicks doing fancy fighting moves with bullwhips in boiled leather?

Whichever, season 5 for me was the one where plot holes started to feel like craters.

That said, there's no denying the good the show has done the genre in the televisual medium or the hard work the production teams still put in whether or not I like the end result, so long may people enjoy the show and long may it continue.

I have to accept the things & more intelligent plotting I enjoyed about it in the earlier days have gone south for me, even though that's gladly not the case for everyone.

We're all different with different sets of expectations, and thank God for that. :)

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Y'know, I took one look at how they handled Robert Strong in that finale and in a way, for the first time felt relieved they passed on Stoneheart.

I don't understand, what was wrong with Robert Strong? Because he had a head or something? Other than that, it's exactly the same way as the books.

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