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Why didn't Tywin let Tyrion go with Gerion?


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In ADWD while Tyrion is reminiscing on his boat trip, he thinks about his uncle Gerion's voyage to Valyria that he later disappears on, and how he wanted to go with them. Tyrion by this point was 18 and had already brought shame down on his house through his marriage and I assume also had completely cemented the dislike his father held for him. However, Tywin still forbade him from accompanying Gerion.

So what I'm wondering is:

1) Seeing as to how Tywin clearly thought the entire voyage utterly insane, to the point where he forbade Tyrion from accompanying Gerion, why did he let Gerion go in the first place then?

2) Why didn't he let Tyrion go with Gerion, since it would have effectively meant that he could get rid of his second son whom he so thoroughly disliked?

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1) Tywin hated Tyrion, so saying no to him is always appropriate.

2) Gerion was by no means certain to vanish without a trace even if the odds of success were slim.

3) If by some fluke Gerion was successful, Tywin wouldn't want Tyrion being a part of that.

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Tywin and Gerion's relationship was "notoriously stormy". Gerion wasn't like Kevan who just meekly submitted to Tywin because Tywin overshadowed him.

Gerion was going to go even if his older brother didn't agree with it.

And he didn't let Tyrion go because it's a massive fuck you to the son he dislikes and is trying to shame. Like LL says, if there was a chance it could have been successful he wouldn't want Tyrion as part of that success.

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