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Does Roose have similar tastes to Ramsey?


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Roose says something to Ramsay along the lines of "No tales were ever told of me."
Theon says Roose shows mercy to the squatters in Winterfell by not flaying them.

For a long time I'd assume that Roose also enjoyed flaying or hunting people, but besides these two lines which could be read as evidence to the contrary and being a scary dude in general is there any evidence that Roose has any similar hobbies as Ramsay?

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He rapes people, knows about human skin making mediocre clothes or shoes and in the show George wanted a scene introducing him flaying somebody.

The knowing of Human skin thing can be explained away easily with like...a family cookbook passed down through the years or even just having a Maester.

The other part about GRRM wanting that scene in the show... I'd be super interested in reading that interview, or knowing the context of the comment. Sounds interesting.

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Well, Roose seems to know from experience that human skin makes inferior leather for boots, so there's that :p To me, it seems like Roose's view towards Ramsay's behavior is like Tywin's view towards Tyrion's whoring. Neither are technically against their son's behavior, exactly (especially since they indulge in the same habits, respectively) ...they just expect some discretion, damn it!
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The knowing of Human skin thing can be explained away easily with like...a family cookbook passed down through the years or even just having a Maester.

The other part about GRRM wanting that scene in the show... I'd be super interested in reading that interview, or knowing the context of the comment. Sounds interesting.

I don't have a link or even any clue where to find the interview. It was from a long times ago season 1 or maybe 2 he said he wanted scenes for all the big vassals when Robb called the banners so Greatjon would be drinking, roose flaying and I think the other was the Mormont's on their ships. But it would have been more than their budget for the entire season. That is all what I remember so likely not all correct.
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Well... like presently. my take on Roose is like....
I can't see him enjoying it.
And unless the whole Roose is a vampire/Other theory is actually true I can't see him indulging in it.
And I just can't bring myself to believing those theories as interesting as they are.

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He isn't like Ramsey. Ramsey is brash and full of rage. He makes his cruelty known. He is not one for formal training. His skill at arms stems from his aggression and brutality.
Roose on the other hand is calm, calculating, and reserved. "A peaceful land, a quiet people."   He never raises his voice. 
The only thing they really have in common is their eyes and their love of manipulating people 

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Roose is a sadist, and we know that he rapes and murders as he will. He also seem to know alot about flaying, and he loves to psychologically torment others for his own amusement. All things considered I'd say that Roose definitly has done just as twisted things as Ramsay. He's just discreeet about it ("no tales were ever told of me").

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He isn't like Ramsey. Ramsey is brash and full of rage. He makes his cruelty known. He is not one for formal training. His skill at arms stems from his aggression and brutality.
Roose on the other hand is calm, calculating, and reserved. "A peaceful land, a quiet people."   He never raises his voice. 
The only thing they really have in common is their eyes and their love of manipulating people 



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Isn't Ramsay just the "poordoneby bastard" who wasn't actually raised Bolton?   He had a single mother and a smelly babysitter, right?   Ramsay tries to impress Roose with his zany antics, so I'm thinking he must have heard something about his Bolton heritage.  Legends, rumors, gossip--but about what??? This is how he aims to impress his Lord Father?  Roose knows Ramsay killed Domeric and seems to be OK fine with it.   Did Roose put him up to it?   Was Roose impressed?   There might be something to it because Roose is one creepy weird guy.  Outside of a few words of warning, Roose doesn't try very hard to curb Ramsay's er, interests and hobbies.   Ancient family cookbook indeed.  

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Roose's "hunting" seems to be of a more conventional kind than Ramsay's.

He's willing to rape, but mostly enjoys normal sex. Ramsay only seems able to derive sexual pleasure from rape and torture.

He is totally cruel, but his cruelty is strategic, whereas for Ramsay, cruelty is done out of anger or for sexual gratification.

I'm sure Roose has carried out flayings, but he's not obsessed like Ramsay.
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Roose loves being in control. Torture and rape are perfect to feel in control as he has absoulte power over his victim.
He raped Ramsay's mother because she married without his consent, making him feel without control. Whenever Roose feels in control however he is entirely pragmatic and can be friendly and polite.

Ramsay on the other hand needs violence as his raison d´être. For him it is not a way to his goal, it is the goal.

That is the main difference and is why Roose is able to hide his crimes.
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What's done to the servants - especially Pia and the other women who had sex with Lannister men - when the northmen take over Harrenhall in ACOK is pretty brutal, and since Roose is in command, it was most likely his orders.

"Tothmure had been sent to the axe for dispatching birds to Casterly Rock and King's Landing the night Harrenhall had fallen, Lucan the armorer for making weapons for the Lannisters, Goodwife Harra for telling Lady Whent's household to serve them, the steward for giving Lord Tywin the keys to the treasure vault. The cook was spared (some said because he'd made the weasel soup), but stocks were hammered together for pretty Pia and the other women who'd shared their favors with Lannister soldiers. Stripped and shaved, they were left in the middle ward beside the bear pit, free for the use of any man who wanted them."
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Unless I've missed something (which is entirely possible), I don't see Roose as being the type to hunt, flay, rape just for the lols, as Ramsay does.

Sure, Roose has done these things, but with justification (even if we don't agree with it). I can't see Roose hunting down random women and then raping, killing and flaying them just for the fun of it.
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