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Who will be Sansa's final husband?


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If there's one thing the author has made abundantly clear, it's that she won't stay married to Tyrion. There are hints all over, he hammers that in repeatedly. I think LF knows the marriage between Tyrion and Tysha was not annulled and has a card he hasn't played yet. But they were so woefully mismatched. That was a horribly forced marriage, she bawled so hard she couldn't see through the tears. He said he would only send her home if Robb bent the knee, and she refused to kneel, then he cursed her for not kneeling. She found him utterly repulsive, and he said the only part of him that seemed to want her was the part she definitely didn't want. She said her suffering would be over, one way or another, she was desperate to escape what she called the mockery of a marriage. She said he told a Lannister lie when he said he would be good to her. She replaced him with the Hound in the marriage bed. He called her false and called Tysha his wife in the present tense. He's grooving on Tysha. She's grooving on the Hound. And they both have been focused on these others respectively, throughout the entire series.

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33 minutes ago, Le Cygne said:

If there's one thing the author has made abundantly clear, it's that she won't stay married to Tyrion. There are hints all over, he hammers that in repeatedly. I think LF knows the marriage between Tyrion and Tysha was not annulled and has a card he hasn't played yet. But they were so woefully mismatched. That was a horribly forced marriage, she bawled so hard she couldn't see through the tears. He said he would only send her home if Robb bent the knee, and she refused to kneel, then he cursed her for not kneeling. She found him utterly repulsive, and he said the only part of him that seemed to want her was the part she definitely didn't want. She said her suffering would be over, one way or another, she was desperate to escape what she called the mockery of a marriage. She said he told a Lannister lie when he said he would be good to her. She replaced him with the Hound in the marriage bed. He called her false and called Tysha his wife in the present tense. He's grooving on Tysha. She's grooving on the Hound. And they both have been focused on these others respectively, throughout the entire series.

This. I know some people think it would be beautiful if these two ultimately fell in love, but I seriously doubt it would ever happen. 

The only purpose I could see it serving is that it might reconcile the Starks and Lannisters. If this happens at all, I think it would happen between Jaime and Sansa, and in the form of a platonic friendship. That depends on him getting away from Stonehear though. 

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20 hours ago, Lady Fishbiscuit said:

In terms of political alliances, we've already seen various houses change alliances and team up if the political wind is blowing in the right direction.  Robert Baratheon made an alliance with the Lannisters after RR even though the Lannisters had been firmly Team Targ until the last minute.  Cat & Rob were willing to make an alliance with Renly if it meant getting rid of the Lannisters.  Stannis and most of ex-Team-Renly teamed up after Renly was killed.  The Boltons changed sides from Stark to Lannister to get Warden of the North.  The Tyrells switched from Renly to the Lannisters.  The Starks could be willing to make an alliance with Aegon & JonCon and vice versa if it were mutually beneficial.  That alliance could be sealed by marriage. It may not even be a case of bringing swords, it may be just a case of avoiding resistance or preventing an alliance with your enemies.  As a combined force, they could return Winterfell to the Starks and ensure no Northern opposition to the Targs resuming the Iron Throne with Aegon.

Okay, let's look at the situation here. Right now Aegon and the Golden Company are sitting in the Stormlands. Now it's true that the GC is a well oiled machine and that they, unlike their Yunkish counterparts, can like actually march and chew bubble gum at the same time without tripping, falling down, and hurting themselves. But the GC has only ten thousand men. Aegon needs more men. He needs to do something to counter Tyrell power. The Tyrells have a large army and lots of money. If Aegon and JonCon doesn't do something about the Tyrell threat, they are likely to get crushed.

The most obvious source of fresh troops is Dorne. If not Dorne, then maybe somewhere else in the South where the action is likely to be. Maybe so called friends in the Reach or in the Stormlands.

JonCon's thoughts about the current situation:


"Waiting." He frowned. "For what?" Without Daenerys and her dragons, Dorne was central to their hopes. "Write Sunspear. Doran Martell must know that his sister's son is still alive and has come home to claim his father's throne."

An old familiar story, that. I will even write King Tommen, stating as much and asking for a pardon and the restoration of my lands and titles. That will give them something to chew over for a while. And whilst they dither, we will send out word secretly to likely friends in the stormlands and the Reach. And Dorne." That was the crucial step. Lesser lords might join their cause for fear of harm or hope of gain, but only the Prince of Dorne had the power to defy House Lannister and its allies. "Above all else, we must have Doran Martell."

The Neck is hundred miles away. I think it's really kind of ridiculous to suggest that Aegon will send thousands of troops Northward to help defeat the Boltons, particularly when he really needs about every man he can get. And it's really unlikely that the North is going to send thousands of it's own people to the South when it's got it's own set of issues to deal with, like a looming civil war, and then preparing itself for a looming Others onslaught.

And by the way, how long would it take for troops from the North to reach the South. Or for troops from the South to reach the North. Probably several months. Here is an estimate from JonCon:


"Stannis is Robert's brother, of that same ilk that brought down House Targaryen," Jon Connington reminded him. "Moreover, he is a thousand leagues away, with whatever meagre strength he still commands. The whole realm lies between us. It would take half a year just to reach him, and he has little and less to offer us."

Plus the fact, that their is a bad history between House Stark and House Targaryen. Not that this couldn't be resolved, but I just don't think JonCon is really going to be in mood to be conciliatory. JonCon fought in RR. He led loyalist forces. He knows why the war started. And nowhere does he ever think "you know, the rebels might have had a point." In fact, JonCon seemingly regrets not burning Stoney Sept to the ground, killing every inhabitant in it. It just doesn't seem that JonCon would be very conciliatory towards the Northerners. Now, it's true that Aegon, in theory, would be the final decision maker, but I think JonCon's influence over him is likely to be considerable. Also, it's likely that Aegon has been told a highly biased version of events by JonCon.

Also there seems to be some pretty good "foreshadowing" that Dorne and Aegon are going to ally and that Dorne and Aegon will end up fighting Dany and her people. I am usually very cautious about using "foreshadowing" in order to make arguments, as I wouldn't wouldn't want to come up with some wacko Ashford Tourney theory, but when the foreshadowing actually seems consistent with the plot, it kind of grabs my attention.

We have from Myrcella:


“He [Trystane] always sets his squares up the same way, with all the mountains in the front and his elephants in the passes,” said Myrcella. “So I send my dragon through to eat his elephants.”

This line seems pretty ominous for team Aegon. Who would be the "elephants" in this case. Well, it seems the GC would be a pretty good candidate, seeing how it does have elephants. The dragons of course would seem to be associated with Dany and her people. Also, we know that the Northern frontier of Dorne is protected by the Red Mountains. To me this seems to suggest that Aegon, rather than fighting in the traditional Dornish style, will deploy his forces to aggressively to his front, where they will be quickly and rapidly destroyed by Dany's forces.

And would Aegon be a rash and impulsive tactician, rather than a more methodical and patient one that would draw Dany's forces into Dorne and destroy them through a strategy of attrition? I think we certainly get some indications that Aegon will be a rash and impatient tactician. From ADWD, we have:


They played on deck, sitting cross-legged behind the cabin. Young Griff arrayed his army for attack, with dragon, elephants, and heavy horse up front. A young man' s formation, as bold as it is foolish. He risks all for the quick kill. He let the prince have first move. Haldon stood behind them, watching the play.

And there is more. From ADWD we have:


Haldon removed the screen. Each of them contemplated the other's opening array. "You are learning," the Halfmaester said. Tyrion almost grabbed his dragon but thought better of it. Last game he had brought her out too soon and lost her to a trebuchet. "If we do meet these fabled pirates, I may join up with them. I'll tell them that my name is Hugor Halfmaester."

He moved his light horse toward Haldon's mountains.

Haldon answered with an elephant. "Hugor Halfwit would suit you better."

"I only need half my wits to be a match for you." Tyrion moved up his heavy horse to support the light. "Perhaps you would care to wager on the outcome?"

The Halfmaester arched an eyebrow. "How much?"

"I have no coin. We'll play for secrets."

"Griff would cut my tongue out."

"Afraid, are you? I would be if I were you."

"The day you defeat me at cyvasse will be the day turtles crawl out my arse." The Halfmaester moved his spears. "You have your wager, little man."

Tyrion stretched a hand out for his dragon.


"He moved his light horse towards Haldon's mountains." Now who would be this "light horse". Uh, could that like be the Dothraki? Then Haldon counters with his elephants. Uh, like would that be the GC? Haldon then counters Tyrion's move with heavy calvary with "spears". Now which region of the Seven Kingdoms is mostly associated with spear armed infantry. Uh, would that be like Dorne?

Aegon strategic situation, the plot, and the Cyvasse foreshadowing just seems to point that and Aegon and Dorne partnership is very likely. And that in turn seems to indicate that an Aegon & Arianne marriage seems very likely.

Now, I will acknowledge that their is a fairly decent argument against an Aegon and Arianne marriage and that is that if House Martell believes that Aegon is already who he says he is, then he is already related to the Martells. But, even if Aegon didn't need a marriage with House Martell, it just seems he could get more favorable marriages in the South, meeting his needs, than trying to ally himself with the North.

20 hours ago, Lady Fishbiscuit said:

Fair point about her not wanting a return to KL.  

I don't believe I've misread her character though.  She doesn't seem to have been given that dark edge in the books that the TV version has, she's just more aware of realty.  She has grown up a lot and dropped the fairytale notions, but she will probably need to marry again and it's not unreasonable to assume she'd want to marry someone decent who will treat her well and offer good future prospects.  Much as I hate to say this about a female character, she's got no other skills apart from being able to be a good dutiful wife/queen.  She's young, highborn, beautiful to look at and charming.  She's already been groomed to be royalty (like Aegon) and she will be content with spending half the day on show and the other half hanging out with other ladies and sewing. As Ned told her, she is meant for a good marriage and her children will be princes and princesses.


I think you have a lot wrong here about Sansa. I think she is more capable of being only a "breeder" for Aegon. And I think her arc is going into a different direction than you presume. I think her heart is in the North and she wouldn't care less about Aegon's cause, unless Aegon could offer swords for the North. And I just don't think that is likely.


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23 hours ago, The Ned's Little Girl said:

Are you sure that Sandor has found some peace in the monastery (yet still describe him as "a beast, a killer with rage issues")?

I think Sandor's horse Stranger might disagree with the idea that he's found peace there. Any peace. Those two are on the same wavelength and Stranger is ticked. The monks are trying to tame him, but he's having none of it. The Gravedigger throwing dirt toward Brienne isn't much of a sign of peacefulness. I doubt the monks will be able to tame him either.

And if GRRM isn't writing writing Beauty and the Beast, he's sure not writing it very oddly. The hallmarks of BatB are all over the Sandor and Sansa story. Glaringly.

I don't think he has found peace, yet. However, I also think that there's the potential of his doing so, in the monastery. I believe that the potential of his finding any peace outside of the monastery, back in the game with Sansa, are nil. I'm cynical when it comes to love stories. Love won't be enough to heal Sandor, not if it takes him back where he does not want to be. Then there's the fact that Sansa has changed. He knows her as the ever-victimized, helpless, gentle damsel who sings religious lullabies; last time they met was at the end of Clash. Clash Sansa is no more. I hope. I hope one Stark gained an understanding of the political game, anyway :/


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He knows her strength, too. He is her biggest fan. He has seen her at her best and her worst, and loves every inch of her. He gets her. He's tied to her identity, that's the Lady connection, and that's her strength. He's proud of her when he learns she flew away, as he puts it.

And there is every indication he does not belong on the QI. Stranger has his master's nature, and is champing at the bit to leave (hands off my bits). He aims a clod of dirt at the feet of passing knights (the Hound does not casually toss something). He's not long for there.

He's a chatty guy, who named his horse Stranger, and said all a man needs is a woman. And is clearly in love with Sansa. He doesn't want to be mute, saying prayers all day, and celibate. That would be hell, not peace. For many of us, too! But especially for Sandor.

Also, Sansa digs his ferocity. She doesn't want a meek, mild guy. That's what she is telling us, over and over again. She fantasizes about cruel kisses, like Dany does. She wants a wild ride. And he's the one to give it to her. Sparks flew between them, that's chemistry.

Beauty and the Beast is a story of sexual awakening. The Beast awakens the beast within Beauty.

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I think he seemed very content on QI. He never, ever wanted to be in KL. He had nothing but contempt for political gamesmanship, for knights and lords. Sansa appealed to him because he could find none of that in her. She was a highborn woman who was as innocent as a newborn babe of any of that. She was a lovely damsel, endlessly victimized by everything and everyone he detested, who looked to him for rescue.

He grew to love that Sansa. Problem is, that Sansa is as dead as the "Hound."

I think the only chance for a reunion for these two is after everything is done, after the new king or queen is on the throne, after Westeros starts to rebuild. Maybe they'll get together then. Atm, it would be a disaster.

EDIT: tbh, it would be lovely if they get together at the end. I think they could make one another very happy, so long as the game is done.

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Hell to the no. He doesn't want to be there. And he knows her very well. He awakens the beast in her. Again, the author ties him to her beast, Lady. Directly. Over and over and over again. That's at the heart of her identity. He's the one who said she could fly. And was proud of her when she flew away. Good for her, he said. This is all in the text, everything I have said. This is the story he's telling.

He wants a woman, not a girl. And she's becoming a strong woman. Strong enough for him. She wants a man, not a boy. And she found herself a strong man, strong enough for her, too. This is a classic tale, and the author has hit every beat. What he's doing now is showing they are two of a kind. She's his kind of woman, and he's her kind of man. This is classic, this style of writing. And he knows it well.

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8 minutes ago, kimim said:

I think he seemed very content on QI.

And you gleaned all that from the statements he made about it? Oh wait, he didn't make any statements about that.
And why do people say he found peace on the QI, when the phrase "at peace" is never used by the Elder Brother. The Elder Brother says "at rest". 
And for a guy that supposed to stay on the QI, forever, he sure does get mentioned an awful lot in subsequent chapters. Sometimes like in the strangest places like a Davos chapter and a Dany chapter.

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And in ADWD, the two are mentioned together. The Hound has Sansa. Now, she's telling Jaime a tale to get him to come with her. But the author is name dropping. He's putting their names together. Sansa and the Hound. And what comes after that... He's going to put them together. They already are together, in every other way. They go on and on about each other constantly. But it's no accident he's right there, where she is.

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2 minutes ago, OldGimletEye said:

And you gleaned all that from the statements he made about it? Oh wait, he didn't make any statements about that.
And why do people say he found peace on the QI, when the phrase "at peace" is never used by the Elder Brother. The Elder Brother says "at rest". 
And for a guy that supposed to stay on the QI, forever, he sure does get mentioned an awful lot in subsequent chapters. Sometimes like in the strangest places like a Davos chapter and a Dany chapter.

No, he made no statements. I'm trusting what the brothers say about him, which is that the Hound is dead, and that Sandor is at rest. That rest is a part of Sandor's healing, and he will need to be at rest a while, as he is still far from healed; see the behavior of the horse. Meanwhile, Sansa has taken the opposite path: She is learning about all those things Sandor hated. She is slowly becoming all that Sandor hated.


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Sandor already knew those things. He's the one who gave her advice about navigating the shark tank at Kings Landing. And she would listen to his advice. The Hound said this. I think this, too.

But he also saw other things in her, too. Again, the Lady connection is huge. He's the one who said she could fly. And said good for her when he heard she flew away. This is loaded with meaning.

"Get her a dog, she'll be happier for it" when Lady dies. This is about a deep connection, throughout the series.

And the behavior of the horse is a good thing! He doesn't belong there, and neither does Sandor. That's not the kind of life for him. He's not cut out to be a mute celibate monk. No way, no how.

He's hiding out there, he's all rested up, and now he's raring to go, just like Stranger. There's a line about cutting and polishing the driftwood, they tried to make Stranger Driftwood, and gave up.

That's going in the wrong direction for the notion that the longer he stays, the more docile he'll be. No, he shares his master's nature, and they gave up trying to make him domestic. They keep him apart from the others.

And one more thing, I have a notion that Bran is not going to become a tree, Arya is not going to become an assassin, and Sansa is not going to become a schemer/manipulator.

I think they will learn not to do what these imperfect teachers (who are holding back on them and using them for their own ends) want them to do. They will find it's best to do it their own way.

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1 hour ago, OldGimletEye said:

Okay, let's look at the situation here. Right now Aegon and the Golden Company are sitting in the Stormlands. Now it's true that the GC is a well oiled machine and that they, unlike their Yunkish counterparts, can like actually march and chew bubble gum at the same time without tripping, falling down, and hurting themselves. But the GC has only ten thousand men. Aegon needs more men. He needs to do something to counter Tyrell power. The Tyrells have a large army and lots of money. If Aegon and JonCon doesn't do something about the Tyrell threat, they are likely to get crushed.

The most obvious source of fresh troops is Dorne. If not Dorne, then maybe somewhere else in the South where the action is likely to be. Maybe so called friends in the Reach or in the Stormlands.

JonCon's thoughts about the current situation:

The Neck is hundred miles away. I think it's really kind of ridiculous to suggest that Aegon will send thousands of troops Northward to help defeat the Boltons, particularly when he really needs about every man he can get. And it's really unlikely that the North is going to send thousands of it's own people to the South when it's got it's own set of issues to deal with, like a looming civil war, and then preparing itself for a looming Others onslaught.

And by the way, how long would it take for troops from the North to reach the South. Or for troops from the South to reach the North. Probably several months. Here is an estimate from JonCon:

Plus the fact, that their is a bad history between House Stark and House Targaryen. Not that this couldn't be resolved, but I just don't think JonCon is really going to be in mood to be conciliatory. JonCon fought in RR. He led loyalist forces. He knows why the war started. And nowhere does he ever think "you know, the rebels might have had a point." 


I think you have a lot wrong here about Sansa. I think she is more capable of being only a "breeder" for Aegon. And I think her arc is going into a different direction than you presume. I think her heart is in the North and she wouldn't care less about Aegon's cause, unless Aegon could offer swords for the North. And I just don't think that is likely.


As per my first post, I don't think Sansa will actually marry Aegon or any of the other people suggested and I've also conceded that I even gave too high odds on this.  I was simply saying it could happen depending on events at the time (although I don't believe it will).  

Yes, you're right, it makes the most sense for Aegon to go to Dorne now and your evidence is spot on, but George really does have a habit of sending people off on tangents!  The books are choc full of people going way off course and taking vastly circuitous routes to get somewhere or ending up in different regions or even different continents than they set out for and even ending up on different sides.  Stannis went North to win the throne in the south because he recognised the strength of the North and beyond.  

I'm not saying Aegon will do this, I'm saying that it's possible considering all the other detours in the story.  He was very easily persuaded to head to Westeros instead of Dany.  If Jon is revealed to be Rhaegar's son, this could potentally sway Jon Con (again, I don't think this will happen, but it could).

As has been warned since the start though, Winter is coming and the goings on in Kingslanding are nothing compared to the catastrophe that could mean for everyone if a 2nd long night kicks in!

I hope I am wrong about Sansa as I find her a bit disappointing as a female character (just my opinion, Sansa fans!).  I hope she does prove to be more capable and interested in being more than a wife and that she doesn't always end up as someone else's pawn.  The very title of this thread made me wish that Sansa could be seen as more than just potential wife.  It's telling that people speculate about this so much more than, say, who will Tyrion, Bran or Dany marry because they have so much more going on.

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1 hour ago, Lady Fishbiscuit said:

I hope I am wrong about Sansa as I find her a bit disappointing as a female character (just my opinion, Sansa fans!).  I hope she does prove to be more capable and interested in being more than a wife and that she doesn't always end up as someone else's pawn.  The very title of this thread made me wish that Sansa could be seen as more than just potential wife.  It's telling that people speculate about this so much more than, say, who will Tyrion, Bran or Dany marry because they have so much more going on.

I'm more of a fan of independent pro-active characters, because I relate with them the most, but some people (male and female) feel the most purposeful as home-makers. In that sense they are king and queen of their home, of their family. Some people don't crave for adventures, or to instruct or change the world. I think that's how Sansa was written. I agree she shouldn't be at the mercy of other people's wishes and be someone else's pawn, and in that sense acquire more agency (aka the ability to choose)... but I think part of that agency is at some point her choosing with whom she'll make that home. Meanwhile I hope she won't become this "political player", because that's not what she even wants to be. I hope she can learn political astuteness to navigate the political waters for her own safety and the people she cares about, but I don't regard that as "poltical game playing". Imo she wants to ensure people around her, who are part of her home, are happy... or at least that seems her focus in the Vale. 

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I don't think Sandor is going to find peace on the QI and I don't think he'll stay there. His time of the QI will serve him for physical healing. He will not turn into Lancel 02. Stranger did not let the monks castrate him. Sandor and his horse are the same. Their similarity in nature reminds me of how direwolves mirror their masters. A few months will not change Sandor's view on the world or his nature....but I think his talks with the EB help him in some ways. After all the EB knows quite much about Sandor and this makes me think he is like shrink figure.

Sansa's path with Littlefinger didn't damage her core, yet. Becoming a better liar is a way of self preservation. Sansa already learned in KL that a lie can save her from dangerous situations. As Alayne, she learns that status and beauty is not all there is to people, She becomes close to Lothor and Mya. And it's funny because her old self seemed a bit outraged when Arya preferred the company of common folk instead of the highborn. 

Sansa thinks a lot of Sandor and even compares other men with him. We also might not get the full extent of it. 

 'Sandor Clegane had come to her chambers to take her from the city, but Sansa had refused. Sometimes she lay awake at night, wondering if she’d been wise.

Sometimes? That means she did some thinking off page for a number of times. We don't get to see all of it. Only the author knows exactly what other things go through her mind.

We'll just have to wait and see what happens in furture books. But so far there are many clues regarding Sansa and Sandor.

I could imagine her and Tyrion becoming friends and having mutual respect between them, but I don't think they will stay in a marriage that was forced on them and that made them really unhappy. I also ask myself why does she even have to marry? She could might as well not marry at all, yet choose for herself a partner. So far she didn't get to choose: her betrothal to Jeoff was orchestrated by Robert, Olenna and Margery tried to convince her to marry Willas, Lysa told her she would marry Sweetrobin Tyrion was Tywin's doing and Harry is Petyr's. I know it's common among the nobility to have arranged marriages with political purposes...but what if the cycle is broken? 

Aegon already has a higher goal (Dany and her dragons). And there is also Arianne who is a Dornish princess. For now Sansa is Alayne, a bastard. She might not even inherit Winterfel as Rickon and Bran( who might become a greenseer like BR) are alive and Jon might be the heir that Robb chose. Why would Aegon marry her? Sure she is beautiful and of noble blood but so far she is in an uncertain position, in hiding under a pretense name...she has nothing at the moment.

Of course it's all up for George RR Martin to decide. He is the puppet master of all the characters in ASOIAF.

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There are many marriage references for Sansa and Sandor. Could be a spiritual marriage, but why then all the explicit references, the cloak and all the associated references, the marriage bed (where she places him), the hope chest, etc. And there are also hints about children. My guess is she says, I am going to choose.

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2 minutes ago, Le Cygne said:

There are many marriage references for Sansa and Sandor. Could be a spiritual marriage, but why then all the explicit references, the cloak and all the associated references, the marriage bed (where she places him), the hope chest, etc. And there are also hints about children. My guess is she says, I am going to choose.

I agree that there are many marriage symbols.She accepted his cloaks twice although they were rough and dirty, yet she refused to kneel when Tyrion wanted to put a fancy marriage cloak on her. I think she will make her choice. A spiritual marriage or an official one...who knows? What matters is that she eventually makes her choice and is no longer a pawn that others use to their own interest.

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1 minute ago, RattleSnake said:

I agree that there are many marriage symbols.She accepted his cloaks twice although they were rough and dirty, yet she refused to kneel when Tyrion wanted to put a fancy marriage cloak on her. I think she will make her choice. A spiritual marriage or an official one...who knows? What matters is that she eventually makes her choice and is no longer a pawn that others use to their own interest.

True. And not just accepted, she put them on herself. That's even more of a choice. And it's empowering, this is such a big thing to anyone, but especially to Sansa. This means a lot to her, to choose. And she's actually pretty willful, I can see her getting to a point where she's like, to hell with this. I'm doing my thing.

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I still think it's going to be Jon. If we were to follow the Ashford theory and in my opinion about Sansa's husband being a Targaryen, Sansa has no potential to interact with Aegon and what Aegon-Sansa marriage will do. Also, keep in mind Sansa was only betrothed to Joffrey and Willas, married to Tyrion and will marry Harry Heir (notice the pattern here). Though there is possibility that Jon and Sansa won't get marry as far as the pattern goes in Sansa's husband. Maybe close partners yes, but Jon would have little reason to marry Sansa except probably to continue the Stark lineage.

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10 hours ago, sweetsunray said:

Regarding the comments about Sandor's age versus that of Sansa's:

I've been rereading the first introduction scenes to the reader: the yard scene in Arya's POV, and the yard scene in Tyrion's POV in aGoT. And I come away with a stunted maturity in an adult body. In the first, he ends up measuring himself against 14-yr old Robb: "I first killed at 12, and it sure wasn't a blunted sword". In the second, he wishes for Bran to die quickly and offers Joffrey to kill Summer for him. He competes with a 14 year old, he gets his kicks by turning on a 12 year old sadist regarding killing, and then later as he escorts Sansa home after the feast of the Tourney he seems personally insulted by a child's fantasy. None of that is adult behavior. If you, as an adult, know an 11 year old girl who talks about unicorns and my dear pony, would you feel in any way compelled to burst their fantasy bubble? Of course not. (Note: not saying that Sansa did not need someone to counter all the stupidity of Septa Mordane; she did). Initial Sandor reminds me of the 17 year old near adult who hangs out with the gang of middle schoolers and derives popularity and superiority out of it. Except, he's near 30 who has had plenty of adult experiences. What's the point? Well, he might have the urges and body of an adult, but he's emotionally still a teen at introduction... and just like Sansa, Arya, Jon and Dany he's going through a coming of age arc.

That is hugely interesting, you are right, I have never seen Sandor like that. 

At this may be the reason why I always had the impression that Sandor relates to Arya, and Arya to Sandor, like equals. They are  equals emotionally in a way. Sandor does  not act like a pedagocially competent adult mentor with Arya. And yet their communication was carried by the respect of two souls alike, a respect Sandor's behavior towards Sansa thoroughly lacked. 

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