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US Politics: coughing for peace is like dying for the economy

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Positive, consistent outreach with notable commitments (i.e. VP and others) are the best that can be done for now. Based on reactions that I see (similar to @DanteGabriel), I am approaching this in the manner that Lori Gottlieb described helping people with grief - start with understanding and hearing their anger (to an extent). In subsequent conversations I would then start to focus on in-roads and alignment.

I'd prefer that the NeverBidens or OnlyBernie or whatever they want to call themselves would get some humility and introspection to stop attacking Biden and the "establishment"*. It ain't gonna happen. Realistically, we don't need their vote today, tomorrow, or next week - we need EVERYONE'S vote in November.

*Establishment at this point is nearing "Deep State" in terms the paranoia exposed and reality of the bureaucratic body that is described.

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5 minutes ago, Tywin et al. said:

 Friends being at each other's throats. 

Seems to be the case at least.

Well, it seems to be something like Sanders choosing Biden's VP pick and Biden adopting some type of MFA proposal.  The latter is worth consideration, but that's if there is data that the public is indeed shifting on MFA due to all this - not in order to appease Sanders supporters.  The former just reeks of entitlement and something no presumptive nominee should ever agree to.  While I certainly agree the VP pick should be more "progressive" than Biden, I'm not sure those Sanders supporters that insist they're not voting for Biden are going to be satisfied by anyone but Sanders himself.  Most of them turned on Warren right quick already.

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3 minutes ago, DMC said:

Well, it seems to be something like Sanders choosing Biden's VP pick and Biden adopting some type of MFA proposal.  The latter is worth consideration, but that's if there is data that the public is indeed shifting on MFA due to all this - not in order to appease Sanders supporters.  The former just reeks of entitlement and something no presumptive nominee should ever agree to.  While I certainly agree the VP pick should be more "progressive" than Biden, I'm not sure those Sanders supporters that insist they're not voting for Biden are going to be satisfied by anyone but Sanders himself.  Most of them turned on Warren right quick already.

We have the same choices. Generally speaking. 

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3 minutes ago, DMC said:

Well, it seems to be something like Sanders choosing Biden's VP pick and Biden adopting some type of MFA proposal.  The latter is worth consideration, but that's if there is data that the public is indeed shifting on MFA due to all this - not in order to appease Sanders supporters.  The former just reeks of entitlement and something no presumptive nominee should ever agree to.  While I certainly agree the VP pick should be more "progressive" than Biden, I'm not sure those Sanders supporters that insist they're not voting for Biden are going to be satisfied by anyone but Sanders himself.  Most of them turned on Warren right quick already.

This is just dumb, and mischaracterizes what I said. 

I said that, by my reckoning, Biden can either 1) let Sanders pick his VP, OR 2) embrace M4A, to get truculent Sanders supporters on board. Not both, thank you.

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6 minutes ago, The Great Unwashed said:

I said that, by my reckoning, Biden can either 1) let Sanders pick his VP, OR 2) embrace M4A, to get truculent Sanders supporters on board. Not both, thank you.

Ok, that doesn't change my position that choosing the VP is an absurd concession for a losing candidate to demand - particularly considering Sanders has much less leverage than he did in 2016.  Pretty much every poll I've seen puts Sanders supporters voting for Biden at at least 80%.  As an electoral strategy, it's much more important to focus on convincing the majority of Americans that disapprove of Trump and ensure minority turnout is improved from 2016 by being vigilant against suppression than it is trying to attract the most leftist and/or obstinate fifth of Sanders' coalition.  I agree Biden should make more concerted outreach to Sanders supporters in general, but the concessions those 20% are likely to demand will almost certainly do more harm than good.

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If Trump wins re-election, Republicans will end up with a 7-2 majority on the Supreme Court.

Fuck anyone who needs incentive beyond that to vote for Biden.

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2 minutes ago, Fez said:

If Trump wins re-election, Republicans will end up with a 7-2 majority on the Supreme Court.

Any reason I'm not aware of that Breyer can't hold out for 4 more years?

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