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Goodkind XXXIII: Happy New Yeard!


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It will be interesting to see how they deal with the stuff like torture scenes, Richard kicking Violet in the jaw, Khalan cutting off Demmin Nass's balls etc. My guess is that it will all go, leaving Goodkind paralysed with rage over how his 'essential message' and 'sense of moral outrage' has been removed.

And yeah, i bet all the posters prominently feature dragons and magic, just like those for any other fantasy series would.

This talk sort of mirrors the postulates here, and I still hope that we can hear the screams of rage from Tairy when SoT gets the "Xena" treatment.

Essentially it was speculated that either:

1.) series would stay true to the books (unlikely, w/ Disney funding), and would be a flop with the population at large

2.) content would be cut to make it more appealing to the masses, and "themes", along with rape, gore, and speeches would be lost, and Tairy would hate it.

The other probably alternative (I can see) is that Tairy is a true Randian, and could give a shit about conveying "important human themes" as long as he can make a buck off of it. This would also be acceptable to me because then any argument referencing "hating moral clarity" and "just not getting it" can be met with a "STFU".

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This talk sort of mirrors the postulates here, and I still hope that we can hear the screams of rage from Tairy when SoT gets the "Xena" treatment.

Essentially it was speculated that either:

1.) series would stay true to the books (unlikely, w/ Disney funding), and would be a flop with the population at large

2.) content would be cut to make it more appealing to the masses, and "themes", along with rape, gore, and speeches would be lost, and Tairy would hate it.

The other probably alternative (I can see) is that Tairy is a true Randian, and could give a shit about conveying "important human themes" as long as he can make a buck off of it. This would also be acceptable to me because then any argument referencing "hating moral clarity" and "just not getting it" can be met with a "STFU".

I think it will be great to see it get the standard TV treatment. I mean, there's nothing quite like there being sharp swords and other deadly implements everywhere, and yet no-one ever uses them to actually fight. Because that would be... bad. It's much better to fight with your fists and feet, after all ;)

It's Khalan, the Warrior Princess! I can totally see that... with hot Mord-Sith wearing tight leather who have nasty sharp awkwardly shaped swords that always end up getting kicked out of the way so people just get knocked over the head instead.

Maybe we should find a way to make this discussion private so Sam Raimi doesn't steal our ideas?

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Maybe we should find a way to make this discussion private so Sam Raimi doesn't steal our ideas?

Why? Any of these ideas are gold and he should feel free to steal them. It can only improve the quality of the final product.

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Why? Any of these ideas are gold and he should feel free to steal them. It can only improve the quality of the final product.

Why? Because we shouldn't be giving our ideas away for free, that's why! That's to not choose life, I'm pretty sure. I mean, I'm on somewhat shaky ground here, but isn't that the same as selflessly helping someone else? How does that benefit me? It seems like lemming-like behavior to me.

Certainly not the sort of thing that someone on Kahlan, Warrior Princess would do.

Come to think of it, though, Hercules and Xena were pretty much always choosing the non-objectivist approach. Helping the defenseless, standing up for the little guy. Sam Raimi movies tend to be all about that as well. This does make for a very very strange combination, when you think about it.

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Why? Because we shouldn't be giving our ideas away for free, that's why! That's to not choose life, I'm pretty sure. I mean, I'm on somewhat shaky ground here, but isn't that the same as selflessly helping someone else? How does that benefit me? It seems like lemming-like behavior to me.

Certainly not the sort of thing that someone on Kahlan, Warrior Princess would do.

Anything that helps make SoT on television into anything and everything it can be in a proper Raimi-world is beneficial to any one of us as an individual for the hours and hours of pure enjoyment and laughter we'll recieve. Even long after it's been pulled from the air after the first 2 or 3 weeks.

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I dunno. I read the whole series, just because I wanted to see how very bad it could get, and from a story point of view, there is no metric that can adequately describe just how far down the toilet Confessor plunged. It was a black hole of suck.

That said, there are bits - increasingly sporadic bits but bits nonetheless - that could have been a good story, even a good "Objectivist" story, if such a beast exists. I'd be interested to see if a semi-competent writer could stitch those bits together into what SoT could have been if written by anyone other than the Yeard. Er, edited, for instance.

On the other hand, it would also be fun to watch it all go boom.

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Is it possible that this series could be a good thing for ASoIAF fans? I personally couldn't finnish the first book in Goodkind's series. But if this TV series has received the greenlight and it garners loads of fans (doubtfull), it could help with getting the HBO series made.

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That is something interesting to consider and leads to an obvious next question. Could it then also doom the HBO series if it bombs? I don't think it would be a certainty that HBO would follow suit with how this series does, but I'm afraid to say I think the success or failure of WFR the series will be considered by HBO. Damn...am I forced to cheer for Tairy's success?!?

I can't wait to see who plays Richard. And when Michael gives his first terrible speech, how all the actors are going to have to pretend to be moved to tears. Good luck with that one Raimi.

I personally can't wait for the ads:

"This week on Sword of Truth: Kahlan gets raped....OR DOES SHE??" Accompanied by clips featuring evil collectivists leering at the camera and Kahlan in various states of undress and also Richard looking ANGRY AND RIGHTEOUS. This would also be the cliffhanger ending for every episode (the answer is no).

Oh and Lordy I think I will have a laughter-induced aneurysm if I hear the words "GRATCH LURRG RICH-ARRRGH" on national television. I'm beginning to actually look forward to viewing this series. God help us all.

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Can everyone on this thread please at the end of your next post state at which book you stopped with the series, or if you've made it all the way to the end? I'm dying of curiousity.

Hi, my name is Ben, and I quit reading the series after reading the third book.

Apparently I missed some of the better parts.

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On the other hand, it would also be fun to watch it all go boom.

No way this will end with a bang. It'll end with a whimper.

That said, I'm looking forward to the series being made. Though I would have prefered that it was directed by someone other than Sam Raimi.

Uwe Boll would have been a better choice. He has more experience working with source material of similar quality to SoT.

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Have you guys seen this? I knew Raimi had the rights, but I figured, you know, a miniseries.... Not 22 episodes of Goodkind goodness.

Oh. My. God. I can't wait for this! I wonder if it will ever be picked up for the Philippines. :) Hurrah for torrents!

But will the series be rated pg? Teary will probably state that it should be. But I dont know if America (or the world for that matter) is ready for the raw and uncut version of ball munchin', namble initiation, dealings with peace protesters, gold ring services and other important human themes.

Don't think so. Tairy didn't want kids reading his book, IIRC, so I don't imagine him being pleased at having his book 'kiddified'.

Has Tairy every explained, incidentally, why he chose to use a setting that superficially, to the casual and uninitiated observer so closely resembles a fantasy world for his books that are novels and most definitely are not fantasy stories?

IIRC, no. I remember, when Agulla was channelling Tairy, he was asked this question, and me, Pita and Agulla agreed that we'd really want him to answer the question: If this wasn't a fantasy series, why didn't he write SoT without the fantasy elements?

ETA: Looks like I was wrong on that. Thanks Mormegil!

Personally, I'm excited. I wonder how Disney's gonna handle the books. :)

To answer Triskele's question, I have only finished WFR and Debt of Bones.

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