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Dany was also what, 14 when Drogo died. She might find, when she's 18 or 19 or older, that some things are more important in a consort than 7-ft.-tall height and ability to slaughter people. Drogo was no fool, but he might not have been politically sophisticated enough to play the Game of Thrones in Westeros. Tyrion is. If Tyrion can exonerate himself of the false treason charge, and become Lord Lannister, with all the wealth of the domain at his disposal, then he would become a valuable potential consort for anyone, even an exiled Targaryen princess.

Or Daenerys might become like Elizabeth I of England, use her unmarried status as a political bargaining chip for many years, eventually grow old, beloved by her people, and pass her throne (provided she has one) to another branch of the family (in Daenerys' case, that could be Jon, or another house that has some Targaryen blood). I doubt that Daenerys will remain celibate, however; and if she is truly barren, then she can have love affairs without worrying about inconvenient/illegitimate children.

I doubt she will remain celibate either, but even at eighteen (and I'm guessing the series will end with her only 16) she is going to be answering a lot of her hormones calling. If she isn't sexually attracted to ugly people now (and Jorah is not even ugly, just average) then I doubt she will start caring about the inside instead of the outside before she is in her twenties.

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I don't think we can assume that Dany's lack of interest in Jorah is due purely to his appearance. I mean, he positioned himself as a father figure when their relationship began. Even if he was a handsome dude, I don't think he'd be the man she wanted. That's just not the role he's been playing in her life.

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That is exactly what I think will happen. I mean, I'd like Dany to end up with someone, but I think a married Dany will actually seem like a less mythic figure to her potential subjects. Also, from the standing of Westerosi politics, I think it's useful if she doesn't ally herself too closely with any one house. She needs to seem to be above politics, I think, if she wants to rule.

I agree and disagree with this at the same time. I imagine Dany on her Dragon, with one on each side mounted by a warrior husband. Men that will fight with her, who marry her for no gain of their own, but because they want to. Whether they love her or not, they believe in her cause, and most importantly, they obey. I imagine her husbands as her most loyal subject. So they wouldnt be from powerful houses. But if she is indeed barren, at least one of them would have to have some trusted family who could carry on after her death.

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I'll like a jon and dany hook-up only if r+l=j isn't true. Sorry the whole theme of incest still doesn't sit well with me. Love the idea of sandor and brianne getting together. Plus I'm probably reading to much into this but the fact that sansa loves lemon cakes and blood oranges from Dorne so much, I always had a feeling that she would end up with a dornish man/boy. I'm thinking its either going to be quinton martell or edric(ned)dayne.

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I don't think we can assume that Dany's lack of interest in Jorah is due purely to his appearance. I mean, he positioned himself as a father figure when their relationship began. Even if he was a handsome dude, I don't think he'd be the man she wanted. That's just not the role he's been playing in her life.

It seems like whenever she is horny, Daenerys compares Jorah to whatever other man is on her mind, and usually favors the other one for physical reasons. Maybe I am misinterpreting these things though.

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Not enough suitable young warrior-men left running around. Hard to make a pairing. It's like 'Jon and...hmm?' Dany seems the best fit, but it's mostly down to lack of better options. Poor girl.

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Jon + Mya Stone

Gendry + Meera Reed

Edric Dayne + Jorelle Mormont

Maege Mormont + Greatjon Umber

Alysane Mormont + Quentyn Martell

Margaery + Tommen

Deanerys + Victorion

Mycella + Rickon Tarly

Jaime + Brienne

Willas + Arianne Martell

Bran + Shireen

Jojen + Lyanna Mormont

Tyrion + Tysha

Cercei + Roose Bolton

Asha + Stannis

Samwell + Gilly

Arya + Jaqen H'ghar

Melisandre + Qyburn

Sensa = becomes a Septa

Sandor = remains a monk

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Given the way the series has been written, I find it very much doubtful that either Arya or Tyrion will end up with anybody.

Funny you should mention that. I had an odd thought during a ACOK reread. Right before the Blackwater, Tyrion is praying in a sept and lights a candle to the warrior (Brienne) for Jaime and to the Stranger (Arya?) for himself.

Arya and Tyrion are both the metaphorical (and to an extent literal) ugly ducklings of their families. They start out as decent, nice, cool people who get seriously screwed over by fate and the war and are generally implied to turn villainous. From what I know of romance (namely, nothing :tantrum: ) empathy is crucial to long term happiness, and the two have a LOT to relate to...

Arya never seemed to care much about looks; being blind should make that utterly irrelevant for her. Then there are the parallels with Jaime; handsome dude and ugly warrior chick, versus ugly dwarf and (as adult) pretty assassin chick. And of course there are a few quotes from Tyrion's chapters- "I mean to have Arya as well" referring to finding her as a hostage, in conversation with littlefinger; "when the FM come to kill me" to Jaime upon his release etc...

At this point, I don't think tyrion could be happy with anyone else. Arya \has a few more options, given how young she is and how chaotic everything was- I suspect that if she'd spent more time in the "tranquility" of the BqB, she might have had a stronger relationship with Gendry.

Intriguingly, the Pilot has Arya jumping around to get a look at the Imp. Makes me wonder....

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You know, I think I had a problem with Dany/Jon because I felt people were already proclaiming it the perfect couple when the two haven't even interacted together. Sure it might be nice, but hey, it could turn out that there's less chemistry than Tyrion and Sansa.

But then I realize, I've got no room to talk. I had an odd affection for Dany/Robb before he went to the big godswood in the sky.

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I don't know why but I think this hook-up is going to happen- Ser Jaime and Pia from Harrenhal. First off, I really want Jaime to have sex with someone other than his sister, Cersei. It's just a feeling/big guess on my part about Jaime and Pia.

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Assuming Jon ends up as Lord in the North (and I think he will), I'd love for him to be the one husband who actually manages to successfully consummate a marriage with Margaery Tyrell.

I'd also love Jaime to have some revenge-sex with Brienne. I suspect that won't happen, though, since Brienne is likely going to stay as the Maid of Tarth.

I'd like Jon to hook up with Dany (but not marry her), Asha (the same), and Melisandre (after a scene dripping with sexual tension).

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Sansa/Willas (He seems like the perfect person for her. The fact that he's crippled just makes it better because it continues the theme of reality vs. illusion sorta in the story.)

Jaime/Brienne- The bantering, though mostly Jaime's, between the two is quite amusing. And it would just be ideal for the themes of ASoIaF.

I would prefer it if Jon and Dany didn't get together. Not only am I rather sick of incest, but I don't like the idea of a return to the old regime is "good".

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I cannot *believe* anyone would rather have Sansa with Tyrion than Sansa with Sandor. :shocked:

Sansa + Sandor is literally the ONLY pairing I care about whatsover in this series. I am not normally a "shipper", either. I just love them both so much, and Beauty and the Beast has always been my all-time favourite type of folktale. I could take or leave anything else in the entire series. Oh, GRRM....what do I have to do to get you to agree to this??? :dunno: :whip: :agree:

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