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Worst Person in Westeros


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Let me reformulate your question and then answer it (y'know, like a politican :smoking: ):

"Who is responsible for the most harm in Westeros?"

1. Cersei

2. Tywin

3. Littlefinger

"Who would I like to get captured by the least?"

1. Ramsay Snow

2. Qyburn (comes second to Ramsey only because at least you will die in a few weeks...)

3. Vargo Hoat

4. Gregor Clegane

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Ok agreed with everyone on the post that Gregor is really evil, but even with all his horrible misdeeds I don't think he qualifies as the worst person in Westeros simply because a) I think he really is crazy - with evidence going all the way back to when he burned half his brother's face off, and we hear so much of his unimaginable perversions and sins that it almost became a bit commonplace - ok so we know he is a rapist, inhumane beast, but in my opinion the worst person in Westeros title deserves to go to someone with more power, more cunning, more resources, and a complete lack of sympathy or interest in the fate of others; indeed, blind to anything that does not promote their own selfish, depraved interests.

In terms of which character I hate the most in Westeros, however, that is a different matter. That special honor goes to Littlefinger - I can find nothing to admire nor can I find any redeeming qualities. His treatment of Sansa is actually child abuse, not to mention the case of Sweet Robin, and I have a feeling he hasnt even begun to show just how sinister he really is.

For the record, Craster is really a sick person too! Incest and filicide... Yup he makes the list too.

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im seeing all this hate for LF, but varys is just as much of a scheming bastard as LF

plus, LF could be planning for a peasant rebellion against the lords, not likely, but still a possibility since he seems to resent the nobility, technically hes also a lord, but as low as one can go, also, as for the ned betrayal(varys betrayed him to) it kinda went like this

LF"dont trust anyone, especially me"


LF"i think you should support joffrey"

ned"no, but based on the facts that youve told me not to trust you, you just said you wanted me to support joffrey, and this will cause you to lose your position, ive decide that youre the perfect person to trust completely to help overthrow joffrey and lose your position"

LF*facepalm*"all right, whatever"

as for the worst person in westeros, that would have to be ramsay, the guys just sick, he took pleasure in causing pain, thats just terrible

as for who i hate most, cersie

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I dont think I can actually name anyone as the worst person in Westeros. Cersei, Gregor Clegane, Qyburn and others do horrible things and enjoy them. Guys like Roose Bolton, Walder Frey, Tywin Lannister, and Littlefinger do horrible things to further their own ends. They're all equally shitty to me.

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It's Cersei, hands down. She is the so petty, self serving, arrogant, cruel and vicious.

I mean, yes the Mountian and Qybern and others are bad men, but they are only instruments, moved around like pawns in the game. Littlefinger said there are pawns and players in the game, and of all the players, Cersei is the worst.

There are other bad people all over westeros, but Cersei's villany touches the entire realm. It's good to see that she's her own worst enemy. Maybe she'll end up one of Qyberns experiments herself, fingers crossed.

I have not read ADwD yet, so this opinion might change.....

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Well it's all subjective really, but for me, the "worst" characters are Walder Frey, Gregor Clegane and Ransey Bolton. Frey for the Red Wedding and sitting there laughing while the North men were slaughtered; Clegane for, well, too many things to list; and Ransey Bolton for his love of horrible torture.

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  • 1 year later...

Tywin to me is the worst. He's a genocidal tyrant. Plus he's a jealous bitch, not to mention a massive hypocrite. Fuck him.

As for Ramsay, from whose perspective is he the worst? From the Stark loyalists', sure. But consider this.

House Bolton probably has its own deeply believed mythology, one in which the Starks have oppressed the Boltons for centuries, and the Boltons should have been the rightful rulers of the North, and blah blah blah. They probably have a list of grievances against the Starks longer than the Mad King's fingernails (combined).

So when Ramsay, using undeniably clever tactics, took Winterfell from that idiot Greyjoy, then later burned that great symbol of Stark oppression down, he would be seen in Bolton lands as a great liberator, a righter of historic wrongs, a freaking hero.

Sure, they'd say, he was sometimes excessively cruel, but he was surrounded by enemies and traitors, and hey, nobody's perfect; his great deeds trump his minor flaws!

All those historical figures with "the Great" after their name, how did they become great? Why, by killing, pillaging, raping, and conquering. Like Ramsay.

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3. Ramsay Bolton. He is quite the sick puppy.

2. Roose Bolton. Having been both aware of better role models than those he gave his son, and uncaring enough to not even try to present them, Roose is less unhinged than Ramsay but actually a far worse person, because does know better.

1. Is left as an exercise for the reader. But only because Tywin is dead and Littlefinger is fairly bidding his time at the moment.

Qyburn is a strong runner-up, though. But for all his abominations he offers little danger without an influential enabler of some sort.

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1. Ramsay Bolton - Hunting/brutaliy murdering women for sport, really enjoys torturing and dehumanizing others.

2. Joffrey Lannister - Complete sociopath, considered himself a demi-god

3. Gregor Clegane - Powerfully strong, cruel and had severe anger management problems

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I think Craster. He routinely rapes his own daughters and kills infants all the time. That's about as evil as it gets. His murder tally might be lower than someone in a position of higher power but he doesn't control that and no one else seems as evil.

It's sad the Night's Watch let him continue without arrest. Even if they need a place to rest; they could seize his house and leave it manned all the time with their own people. Craster is so evil I wish that long before his death someone had confiscated his gentleman vegetables and locked him in an ice cell under the Wall.

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