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Want to know how to get HBO to greenlight this show? READ THIS!


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You know how when Roswell was canceled and people mailed in Tobasco sauce or when Jericho was canceled and people mailed in canned nuts? We should all mail toilets to HBO! Thrones...get it?

Seriously though, those fan rallies worked to get a cancelled show to return at least for one more season, so how about doing it to get a pilot greenlighted? It could work. Maybe mail all four kings from a deck of playing cards to HBO?

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What would be wiser is just to send a polite letter expressing your intention to become an HBO subscriber if they greenlight Game of Thrones, or to explain that you're already a subscriber and are looking forward to it, or perhaps best of all, send a letter about how you've just become an HBO subscriber out of appreciation for their taking a chance on GoT, and that you're really looking forward to it.

Subscriptions matter. Decks of cards, not so much.

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It's the same thing as a letter, it just gets noticed. The reason fans of Roswell and Jericho sent in physical objects is because it was a unified symbol that simple letters failed to convey as effectively. Letters didn't work, people tried that prior to organizing and getting creative. Anyone willing to take the time to do that would be counted on to subscribe to watch the show because it's clearly something they want, not wait a year to casually rent it at Blockbuster.

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I actually like the idea of sending the 4 kings from a deck of cards (clever, visual, amusing and non-offensive), along with a letter that you will subscribe to HBO specifically because they're bringing us this series. Nice idea, but would only have an effect if many hundreds if not thousands of people actually sat down and did it.

ETA: Perhaps the 4 kings, plus one queen? Young Miss Targaryen is a pretty important player, after all!

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I'm not so sure a campaign like this would matter - I like the polite letter idea better, myself, though why not combine the two and have a letter and insert the cards in there with it, too.

Also, why not use a Thrones card from a Tarot deck, instead...seems more appropriate to me. People can get Tarot decks anywhere these days, and inexpensively too.

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Instead of cards, insert a copy of your cable company's billing statement showing your HBO subscription. If a bunch of people did that (either sending the statement of an existing subscription, or the statement for a new subscription), that'd by a "thing" they could send to unify their message and maybe get some media notice. It'd also have the benefit of being at least marginally more persuasive.

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I find this insistence that HBO will be more impressed by a lot of people demonstrating or promising that they will pay money to them over a lot of people sending gimmicky items offensive and laughable.

I think we should send HBO photo-shopped pictures of the selected actors in fantasy-ish outifts. Or send the Robert Frost poem to them (it's close enough, isn't it?).

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I find this insistence that HBO will be more impressed by a lot of people demonstrating or promising that they will pay money to them over a lot of people sending gimmicky items offensive and laughable.

I'm at a loss how anything in these ideas is personally offensive to you. :dunno:

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HBO airs more than just a single TV show, those that cancel subscriptions don't matter because enough people subscribe for what the channel offers overall to make that minority irrelevant.

The point of this is ONLY to prove this show has a higher interest level than other shows in contention for slots that need to be filled. It doesn't require subscription threats. I provide factual proof this method works and everyone just doesn't get it. Oh well, adios.

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Its cool that you people are so enthusiastic, but all this really isn't needed. I'm almost certain the show will be picked up. In the unlikely scenario that it doesn't, well then we can fall back on this sort of thing. ;)

Yeah, HBO is already aware how much buzz is being generated about the show. Let's not shoot our collective wad too early on this.

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Are you people telling me I shouldn't have mailed six dead wolf pups with a threatening letter in my own blood?

Um, yeah. We were saving that campaign for if the show gets canceled.

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You totally misread what I said. Sending a copy of your bill to prove you are a subscriber, or have just subscribed because of the show, isn't a threat of cancellation. It's a show of the fact you're willing to put your money where your mouth is. It's true that if everyone who sends a letter does the same "thing" with it, that it may get more attention -- probably right. But a copy of your bill is a thing everyone who's subscribing can send, and HBO will be way more impressed by that than a few playing cards. ;)

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The best way to get a greenlight? Hype it on the Internet. Write on this board and on others. Write on newspaper comment sections whenever there is news about the show. Make sure everyone knows how awesome this show will be and how much you look forward to it.

Then if it does get a first season, start a hype again but this time IRL as well. See to it that all your friends watch it. Buy the DVDs when they get out. Subscribe for HBO. Ask your local TV channel if they're going to send the show. The only way to get HBO to continue filming is to get enough viewers.

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Are you people telling me I shouldn't have mailed six dead wolf pups with a threatening letter in my own blood?

Better include a threatening video where you cut your arm for the blood and start uttering nonsensical ASOIAF babble while writing the letter. Also important: looking at the camera with strange and feverish eyes. The feverish eyes work 99% of the time when hardcore fans want a show to be greenlight. it is known.

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