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Is Robert Jordan a Sell-out?


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Guest OsRavan

no i was stating a fact. considering robert jrodan is married to my aunt, it takes only a short phone call to prove that this was nto him. once again you have been proven wrong

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Os, I greatly appreciate you trying to fight the good fight. However, I think it is time for you to stop. I have a major confession to make...

I am a hack and a sellout.

Discussion is over...


Nice one, Robert. First thing you've ever written that cuts to the heart of the matter.

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considering robert jrodan is married to my aunt

Ah, a few things have finally begun to make sense. After a year of wondering why Os rises to the bait every single time on this one, I understand

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Guest OsRavan

see heres hte problem here. besides from a few faro tu wackos imo all of oyu actually know im right. its not a fact hes selling out. its a baselss opinion. yet you continue to carry on the debate

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Guest OsRavan

all opinions are cliuded by personal bias. indeed the fact that you cant find any proof to back up your opiniosn would signify its vastly colroed by personal bias

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The ever-increasing percentage of "padding" in each book since the 1st three is all the proof I need. In most fantasy works of more than 1 book you cannot afford to skip a chapter and not miss key points. In Jordan's case you can skip entire books.

When you provide less plot for the same cost, you are selling out.

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Guest OsRavan

what is padding? the books have taken logner to come out not shorter whcih woudl indicate selling out.

what padding is htis? the existance of padding is a subejctive opinion. i thin kthere has been less padding as thigns go on thats oen. secodn assumign there was 'padding' it woudlnt idnciate selling out. it could jsut as easly and mroe liekyl be 1)( loss of cotnrol of the story 2) artistic choice

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So he's padding the books for the artistry huh? That's a new one on me.

How do I know he's padding the books? Simple. It takes far more words to write a synopsis that accurately captures the plots in books 1-4 than it would in books 7-9. He has less and less to say. Rather than include it in one book, which would limit the money making potential, he whacks in a load of padding and includes it in 3.

Three times the moolah.

And that's before you even take into account the type face issues which make the later books appear longer than they are.

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Os, until you make that phone call, you have no proof that it wasn't Robert Jordan. And until we see that proof, we have no reason to believe otherwise.

It's just your baseless opinion.

That was god damn priceless btw.

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Why the hell are you people still bothering to argue with Os? He's baiting you, or haven't you seen that? He repeats the same thing, over and over again, you lay out a 20 page thesis explaining your opinion, and he'll only respond with 'tahts juts yuor opinoni!'

This is pointless, and frankly, how you don't have a headache from trying to understand what he says amazes me.

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Guest OsRavan

nonsense eur. it takes *me* the same amount of words. the problem may be you no longer care about his books, you no logner pay attention, your writign skills, what oyu tihnk si important, i dont know.l

but you are makign comemtns about what *You* think. you *think* its padded. *you* cant write a concise sumamry. well ok. good for you. this proves? absuloutly ntohign other then that oyu shoudlnt be readign the books cause they arent to your taste

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I don't think they are padded. I know they are.

If you believe there is any doubt then I can only assume you failed to read my post properly. There is none.

And I have the majority of opinion in agreement with me.

nonsense eur. it takes *me* the same amount of words.

Perhaps you should try not padding your synopsis.

Unless by padding the synopsis of a padded novel you were attempting to be ironic.

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Seriously, why do you guys continue to argue this? You'll get more progress banging your head against a brick wall and you know it. In any RJ or Yankees thread, just let Os be Os...and continue your conversations as if his repetitive statements were never posted. (nothing personal Os, but ya need some new material :) )

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