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Is Robert Jordan a Sell-out?


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But then again thats your opinion and your entitled to make it.

He may not be the best writer in the world, but he has created a series that many people want to read, so this in my bizarre twisted logic makes him a good writer.

:blink: and on a horrible person, I don't even know how we can comment that one, considering we don't even know the man.

:rolleyes: But this is my opinion

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Well, if he's a sell-out, then I should be able to buy myself into a chapter of his last book. I think I deserve to win Tarmon Gai'don, and I'll put down 100 USD dollars for the privelege. Where can I send the check?

Send it to me. I will um... contact RJ for you. Yes, yes I will.

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Maid Sansa 'it's practically a baptism of fire to participate in an abortion thread, an RJ thread and a "Let's bash Sansa and Catelyn" thread. Now that I've done the first two, I just need to wait for a bashing thread to complete my initiation. I know it won't be long.''

Well i started a let's bash Sansa and Catelyn thread just for you in the ASoIaF general forum :)

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Finally, this place is starting to feel like home


Maid Sansa 'it's practically a baptism of fire to participate in an abortion thread, an RJ thread and a "Let's bash Sansa and Catelyn" thread. Now that I've done the first two, I just need to wait for a bashing thread to complete my initiation. I know it won't be long.''

You forgot a Secession thread and a Yankees/Any New England team sucks thread... :P

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You forgot a Secession thread and a Yankees/Any New England team sucks thread... :P

Secession I know about, and have some opinion on, but as for the second, I have absolutely no idea what you're talking about.

*proudly hoists the Eurocommie flag*

Say, everyone, shouldn't we have an Eurocommie smiley or something?

And now, back to our regular programme: "Robert Jordan baselessly rumored to be a sellout!"

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I'm new to this board, wandering over from the Malazan Empire. I thought the Malazans hated Jordan with the heat of a thousand suns but you guys are worthy of the task.

I never have read his stuff. Just heard too many negatives about it and my reading time is far too precious. I stayed away from fantasy for years because I found it had become too derivative. Then I read Glen Cook's Black Company trilogy and my faith was restored. Then Martin and Erikson and Hobb. But in my brief perusal of Jordan books I found nothing but hack, hack, hack. I'll give him credit for selling enough books so publishers would sign fantasy authors to multiple volume works but that's the only credit he's due.

I will now go to jump on the I hate Sasha thread. Lord do I hate that simpering little princess.

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Don't take us too seriously, it is just that it is traditional for us to wind up OsRavan Of The Misspellimgs by bashing Jordan. I am sure that everyone who managed to read more than the first book or so of WoT really has the greatest respect for him. :wink:

However, be warned, bashing Sansa might get you flamed. :mad:

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I'm not sure I'd thank RJ for making longer series more acceptable. I mean, ASOIF needs seven volumes to be told and Malazan works because each volume is to some extent self-contained, but it also encouraged the likes of Goodkind and a renaissance in Brooks. In some countries that would get you the chair.

I wouldn't call RJ a bad person. Okay, it's a bit much when he starts talking about his new fast car that we've paid for and it's easy to be insulted to be repeatedly told (politely) that we're idiots for not working out who killed Asmodean and he does have an incredibly dull speaking voice but, when you get down to it, he's not exactly Hitler is he? Or Goodkind.

I did read a half-interesting theory that the series went downhill after 6 because the timelines for the characters got screwed up and RJ couldn't find a way to advance them all simultaneously (this is why it's a good idea not to be married to your editor). I also find it amusing that even his publishers seem to have gotten tired of the series (there's only so much money they can spend, after all) and are leaning on him to finish the next book in 18 months. A sell-out? No, just a victim of very, very bad writing choices. But given how much money those decisions have made him, I'm sure he'll sleep at night.

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Guest OsRavan

"So I must rescind my previous comment and say, for the record, that I no longer think RJ is a sellout, but know for a proven fact that he is a sellout. "

you have provided no proof for this statment. you simpyl declared it a fact iwthotu beign abel to share what yoru concrete evidence is. therefore im forced to conclude that what you clai mto be a fact is in fact a basless opinion

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Guest OsRavan

sil? dont follow. all i know is someone claimed it was a fact jrodan sold out when in fact all that is is a basless opinion. the person didnt even back it up with evidence

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sil? dont follow. all i know is someone claimed it was a fact jrodan sold out when in fact all that is is a basless opinion. the person didnt even back it up with evidence

Wow. I'm flashing back to 2003. Same exact conversation. Some things never change. ;)

Incidentally, I don't think he's a sellout.

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Os: lighten up man. I mean honestly, you should try practicing what the buddhist refer to as mindfulness. You know what you're like, and you're smart enough to be more self-aware.

Everybody else: is it really so much fun picking on Os? He's not defenseless exactly, but he's not what you'd call a hard target either.

Personally, I could care less whether Jordan is a sellout or not. I don't particularly care for his books, so I don't read them, and that's about all there is to say on that subject.

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ooohhh.. the :rofl: guy's back - cool!

Everybody else: is it really so much fun picking on Os? He's not defenseless exactly, but he's not what you'd call a hard target either.

I don't recall where I saw this, but somone was talking about a guy who used to steal small, inexpensive stuff (pencils and so on). When this person was asked, why did he keep stealing, he said, "because it's just so easy".

I also have a suspicion that this Os thing is all a very elaborate board hoax/joke (with the mods in on it). I have a very hard time believing Os is serious.

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