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Exercise and Fitness (the 48kg remix)


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I had an amazing back workout yesterday. I've actually maxed out on my gyms dumbbells for a number of exercises (One arm rows and shrugs yesterday, for instance.) and I'm looking at changing gyms to one that offers heavier dumbbells. (My gyms largest are 125lbs)

Now I realize these are not huge by any means, but shedding a gym because you've outgrown their equipment is fucking motivating. I suppose I should just ask my gym to get new dumbbells. I may do that today.

Dude. That-is-awesome. You are, quite literally, too strong for that gym. That's probably one of the best feelings you can get in a gym. Nice man, nice.

On another note, I've been working out consistently for a little over 2 months now (not counting the end of last week and this week, but I finally got my chat server and my Digital-Audio-Digital recording device done, w00t!) and I've noticed recently that some of my shirts are tighter now. Actually several of them are, all around the armpit and elbow areas. Awesome. Now I just need to dedicate as much time to my core and legs as I do to my upper body.

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Stego, Pilates was invented by a man (Joseph PIlates) and when he was working, teaching, and developing his method he worked with many men. So I wouldn't worry too much about your man card. My partner and teacher is a man, he has taught Pilates for nearly 20 years. At least fifty percent of my clients are men, who come to Pilates to learn how to move better, use their center more effectively and efficiently, and gain flexibility. There's nothing particularly girly about it, really, except they way it is sometimes marketed.

That said, there is really terrible "pilates" out there, and I can count the teachers I would actually allow to teach me on one hand. So research up before you spend your money. There's also controversy in the field about different "styles" of Pilates. There's quite a bit of "pilates" out there that has nothing to do with the man and his vision and his method.

I applaud your intention to build up your layers of muscle around your spine--I'd say that's one of the best things anyone can do to improve their performance in any physical activity and prevent back pain. Keep it supple and strong!

I am so sore from my trapeze lesson today. My elbows and feet are bruised, my callouses tore out on both hands, my lats are screaming. I LOVE IT!

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I've been running/jogging about 5 miles per day for a while now. My new preferred route is in the foothills, about 5 miles with 1000 feet gain. There are some parts of the trail that I haven't been on yet that would push the loop to around 10 miles with maybe 2000 feet gain. I probably will give the 10+ mile loop a try soon to see what effect it has on my dog. The 5 mile loop doesn't seem to tire him out anymore...

With all the running/jogging/walking, I'm probably hitting around 50 miles/week. I feel a lot fitter than I did 6 months ago, but I haven't timed myself in a while, so I have no idea what improvements I've made, if any.

Planning on hiking Mt. Baldy in the next several days if the weather holds. So much rain this winter. I have to wait at least a couple days for the snow to consolidate before going, otherwise my dog would end up sinking into the snow and getting wet and miserable. Or maybe he would still like it, but I'm not sure.

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I had an amazing back workout yesterday. I've actually maxed out on my gyms dumbbells for a number of exercises (One arm rows and shrugs yesterday, for instance.) and I'm looking at changing gyms to one that offers heavier dumbbells. (My gyms largest are 125lbs)

Now I realize these are not huge by any means, but shedding a gym because you've outgrown their equipment is fucking motivating. I suppose I should just ask my gym to get new dumbbells. I may do that today.

That is incredible, congratulations! That must be an amazing feeling! And give the pilates a shot. It's way more fun to try a new way to exercise and get stronger in a whole new way than it is to be told you'll probably never walk again because you didn't listen to the doctor.

Now that it's staying light later and the snow's melting, I'm trying to learn to run again. It's going better this time than it has most times in the past, which is motivating. It helps that I'm sun-starved after this winter and any chance to get outside feels like heaven.

Gymnastics tonight. I'm going to try to take my front tucks to floor and keep working on that kip.

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I do occasionally take days off, like when it rains, but otherwise, I have to get out every day to keep my dog manageable. He can get a bit stir-crazy if cooped up for a couple days. He's also still a puppy/teenager, so he's very energetic. I'm hoping he'll mellow out in a year or so. I think I can survive till then.

When I'm tired, I'll do a flatter, much easier run, still about 5 miles but with about 300' gain instead of 1000', and then head to the dog park to burn up the rest of his energy.

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I'm thinking about getting back into doing squats.

Ther latest addition to my workouts are plyometric box jumps. I fucking love these things. I can literally feel my athleticism improving. I have serious ups for a big fat guy, too. :D

If the stress of impact on the spine when doing plyometrics doesn't cause you any discomfort or pain then squats shouldn't be too bad either. I would recommend doing front squats though, to minimize the moment of force to the spine caused by greater forward lean as opposed to regular squats. In front squat the angle between the force vector and the spine remains a lot closer to parallel throughout the movement. Biomechanically the movement thus emphasizes quads to lift the weight and abs to keep the torso upright and rigid while the spine maintains a vertical position. I imagine this is all old news to you but in my mind, if you can put lots of vertical pressure on the spine in exercises like military press and you can even do box jumps and run 5 miles without any discomfort then you could (and I'm not saying you should :P) try squatting again. But to be on the safe side, I'd do front squats.

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Someone talk me off the ledge?

OK, asshole (who I love dearly), think of it this way: if you fuck up your back because you can't stay the fuck away from the squats, you'll get to spend the rest of your con-going life crotch-height with people who bathe infrequently---and Yagathai. But if the thought of being up-close and personal with the origins of Con Smell (or the Mighty Mini Yags) does not faze you, go right ahead and do those squats. I am sure the BwB can scrape together sufficient funds to get Bob Eggleton to airbrush a really bitchin' piece of artwork onto your custom mobi.

(and if that doesn't talk you off the ledge, nothing will.)

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Someone talk me off the ledge?

Do you not like walking? If you don't, go ahead with those squats.

Even though I haven't been in the thread, I've been working with weights regularly. I love it, I would much rather lift weights than run. Even so, I'm trying to start running again. I would like to build up endurance but not sure if my body can take it. My shins especially seem to take a beating. What is the best way to avoid shin splints?

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What is the best way to avoid shin splints?

For me, I always alternate running days with a low impact cardio workout. It's a matter of getting your body used to the impact, IMO.

And folks, I talked squats over with my wife. I'm not going to try them. I will continue to listen to my surgeon. Thanks for the beating.... I needed it.

The other day I tried on some older shirts that were 'too small' for me for years. A few months back they started to fit. Just recently, a few of them were too tight again... but instead of in the gut, it was in the chest and arms. I'll admit it made me very happy. I'll also admit that I tore one of my dress shirts flexing in it. (Hence the avatar)


You're probably right. I'm still going to be careful.


I know that pilates was invented by a guy. I was genuinely joking before. I'm very interested in it, and I started doing my homework.


You're right in that learning something new is more fun than an injury. I'm looking forward to it.


The soreness will go away. I freaking promise. Keep chugging.

(It was the Yags crotch thing that sold me on not doing squats, btw.)


Are you doing squats? That could explain the glutes. :D


Thanks, man!

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Even though I haven't been in the thread, I've been working with weights regularly. I love it, I would much rather lift weights than run. Even so, I'm trying to start running again. I would like to build up endurance but not sure if my body can take it. My shins especially seem to take a beating. What is the best way to avoid shin splints?

Walk on your inside arches, outside arches, toes, and heels (in your running shoes) 50 meters each before each run.

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I'm considering switching back to the high rep, low rest period weight training program I was on six months ago.

I don't blame the 10 pounds I've gained on using the big boy weights, though burning 200 fewer calories per day certainly doesn't help. Maybe I'll do that for a couple months, cut some fat, and then get back on the pure-strength program. I shall consider...

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The other day I tried on some older shirts that were 'too small' for me for years. A few months back they started to fit. Just recently, a few of them were too tight again... but instead of in the gut, it was in the chest and arms. I'll admit it made me very happy. I'll also admit that I tore one of my dress shirts flexing in it. (Hence the avatar)

(It was the Yags crotch thing that sold me on not doing squats, btw.)

That's awesome about your shirts! I hope Lady Stego was duly impressed.

Actually, I am surprised about Yags' crotch (considering how often you guys share a room) -- I thought for sure you would have been swayed by the Eggleton custom mobi.

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Even though I haven't been in the thread, I've been working with weights regularly. I love it, I would much rather lift weights than run. Even so, I'm trying to start running again. I would like to build up endurance but not sure if my body can take it. My shins especially seem to take a beating. What is the best way to avoid shin splints?

A lot of people get shin splints because their shin muscles aren't strong enough. If you want to strengthen your shin muscles do bodyweight squats at varying widths (knees together, shoulder width apart, and wider than shoulder width: the farther your knees are the easier it is on your shins and vice versa) and bring your ass all the way down to the ground. You'll probably fall over when your knees are together if you go all the way down to the bottom. However you should feel it in your shins almost immediately. Doing high reps of this will condition your legs.

A more popular technique for strengthening those muscles, which I am personally not a fan of is to lay on your back in your bed and hang the handle of a bucket off of your feet and slowly flex your feet up. Then when this gets easy to do a lot you add water to the bucket to make it heavier.

If you want to soothe the pain for this elevate your feet after a run and put a warm wet towel on your shins.

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Ok - if anyone can provide suggestions for this, it would be greatly appreciated:

Upon starting a workout with weights (not cardio), I get foot cramps. It's weird - the muscle cramps in my foot - either one, randomly - and it's like a Charley Horse in that I have to step it out.

Any ideas on what might be causing this? Vitamin deficiency, wrong footwear, anything?

Doing your lifting routine barefoot one time would be enlightening. You could check out what your feet are doing when you are lifting--are you tensing them up or crunching your toes to help you balance? If you try to connect consciously with your feet you may be able to get them to relax and spread out into the floor.It would also tell you if the shoes were the problem if it doesn't happen when you don't have shoes.

Everyone's always saying that getting extra minerals (calcium, potassium, magnesium) helps cramping, but I am a little skeptical about these claims unless the cramps happen very often for you and not just in specific exercises. My experience has been that cramps often happen when a muscle is trying to engage but it's opposing muscle is tight and resistant to lengthening, or, when muscles that are too small are being recruited for jobs too big for them.

If I were having this problem, I'd try to do some calf, shin, ankle, and foot stretches prior to the routine.

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Any ideas on what might be causing this? Vitamin deficiency, wrong footwear, anything?

Make sure you're hydrated, and chances are you need to bend your knees a bit more.

Seastarr is right about the barefoot thing, but something tells me you're not going to try it. :P

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You could check out what your feet are doing when you are lifting--are you tensing them up or crunching your toes to help you balance? If you try to connect consciously with your feet you may be able to get them to relax and spread out into the floor.


I get a similar problem in my feet when doing balancing drills, due to my feet trying to 'claw' into the ground to hold on.

Might be worth looking at how stable your shoes are, if that makes sense?

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When squatting heavy (for me) the lower part of my right bicep hurts. I'm doing low bar back squats so I'm wondering if it's a flexibility thing or if I need to do some exercises to strengthen my arms like curls or incorporating more palms in pull ups. Anyone seen this before?

EDIT: Maybe I'm holding the bar lower on my right side. Might film myself from behind or have someone watch next time.

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