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Exercise and Fitness (the 48kg remix)


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I had a great massage today, and my poor shredded lats are feeling improved. I get to go back to light exercise tomorrow (Pilates mat) and by Monday I should be able to do some resistance work.

I always stretch, even before a kettlebell session (that's the only weightlifting I do). I stretch afterwards, too, though that is not recommended by my teacher.

I blame my shredded lats on insufficient stretching before and during trapeze. My new program will include more.

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Thanks for the kind words and encouragement everyone.

Question for the panel: What do you do for warm ups before getting to the heavy stuff? Like what for a legs day, what for an upper body day? And just to confirm, stretching, that is regular static stretching is not preferred before resistance training, correct?

Back when I was trying to lift heavy my standard warm-up was 5 - 10 minutes on the rower before moving on to warm - up sets. I found the rower great for lightly working those important posterior chain muscles and getting the blood flowing.

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Just came back from the barre 3 class and I'm glad to report that I managed to do the exercises with weights. The last time, I put them down after 16 counts. So yay! I still can't touch my toes, though.

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Just signed up for the Chicago Marathon today. Did it in 2005 and am looking forward to being in ridiculously good shape again.

Did it in 4:15 last time, but I went too fast for the first half and crashed.

Hoping to break four hours this time. :thumbsup:

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Today I had this jackhole come over and start removing plates from my bar as if it was a weight tree.

In my gym they need to rename Monday 'Doucheday.'

Were you in the vicinity at the time? Or had you left to get water or something?

At many gyms people are incredibly poor at replacing plates (and often don't have enough of them) so that if someone sees an unattended bar with weights on it, its not that surprising that they might attempt to take weights from them.

At my gym people are so poor at replacing plates that if you didn't get them from unattended bars you simply wouldn't be able to workout.

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Were you in the vicinity at the time? Or had you left to get water or something?

I had just placed a plate on the other side of the bar and was walking around the bench. I could have reached out and touched him.

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For the runners: Kudos.

After quitting all forms of smoking I've worked my way up to barely being able to do a 5K. I can't say how much respect I have for long-distance runners.

Nadie, congrats! That's really cool! I hope you can break the four-hour mark...

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3 mile run today for the first time in ~6 months. The second half of the run was straight uphill. The fatigue really wasn't too bad, but my knees were killing me by the end. Time for a protein shake, some rest, then a leg workout and another protein shake.

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For the runners: Kudos.

After quitting all forms of smoking I've worked my way up to barely being able to do a 5K. I can't say how much respect I have for long-distance runners.

Nadie, congrats! That's really cool! I hope you can break the four-hour mark...

Thank you!

My official training doesn't start til mid-June, but I've already been out on the lake getting some mileage in. I use Hal Higdon's program, which is nice since you don't have runs on Monday or Friday.

I did a 3 miles yesterday in 26:36, so about 8:52 per mile. Felt a bit tired at the end, but that was in part because I worked out pretty hard the day before and felt sore.

(ah, to be back in high school, when I could do a 5k in under 17:30 and a mile in 4:40)

ETA: and can I just say how much I love the Nike + iPod Nano program...?

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I *hate* my current gym. People never put the stuff back where it belongs, so there are weights plates everywhere, it's dirty and run down and they always seem to come in packs as if they're afraid to work out on their own. This then means they spend double the amount of time on the equipment and generally get in the way more.

And then there's the music.

Yes, I am bitter.

I have seen "gym guys" but tbh I probably find them slightly more amusing than irritating. It's a close thing though.

I do bear crawls in the middle of the gym... I think this is hilarious for all the baffled looks I get.

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My spring break sloth has finally ended and I am back to working out. What motivated me to get back into it was that I had a headache and realized I was becoming a mess. Now after 100 narrow (knees together) squats my headache is gone and I feel more awake than I have in days. Booyah.

Does anyone ever do squats with their knees together? They pwn me.

Edit (After seeing Ztem's post): what is it that actually causes that whole-body shakiness? I get that without fail whenever I do frog jumps.

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