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I think it's a pretty good fix all around.

The only issues I see are Holy Pallies have exclusive gear. Already a problem, but now it's gonna get really ridiculous. Healing priests will too I guess, but at least there's 2 specs of them. Enhancement Shammies I guess will end up like Ret Pallies. Though it would be better if they got some sort of Agility->Intellect talent so they could still toss some heals out and such.

The funny thing is reading people's reactions though. "OMG, but what about Glyph of Life Tap now!!!!". It's like "Dude, Blizzard isn't THAT dumb. They will change the shit for DPS casters that scales with spirit. Yeesh.".

My favorite so far was a Mage complaining that between the stat change and the cata release that his gear was going to be useless. Despite the post stating that it wouldn't be an issue because it was being dealt with at the same time.

Everyone really thinks blizzard is out to screw them over, or that they saw some major oversight that the giant team of developers missed.

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I know these changes are coming, but I HATE that they are completely changing how Enhancement works again.

We went from wanting Str in TBC and Int was useless. Now we want AP or haste after capping hit & exp, and Int is desireable. Next we dont want Int again! AP is going away...

I wouldn't mind so much if it didn't happen until the expansion comes out, but there going to be a 4.0 and likely for a month or more before the expansion comes, so we need to regem, enchant etc for a month of play

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I wouldn't mind so much if it didn't happen until the expansion comes out, but there going to be a 4.0 and likely for a month or more before the expansion comes, so we need to regem, enchant etc for a month of play
Doubtful. They'll probably do the same thing they did last time and make content really, really trivial, so you can play tourist and blow through everything super easy. No need to regem or reenchant much of anything.
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Gems & enchants may be hosed, but I'm assuming they'll add some way Enh shammies don't need Int on gear, whether a conversion talent or a mechanic similar to Judgments of the Wise, and then all the hunter/enh gear you're using will lose the Int and you'll be, for the most part, ok.

At least you won't need to replace all the gear. And here's hoping they do end holy-paladin-specific gear somehow.

DW Frost will presumably have to put up with less AP than other specs, and benefit from more crit, perhaps.

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DW Frost DKs will presumably have to put up with less AP than other specs, and benefit from more crit, perhaps. crawl into a corner and die like they should have back in WOTLK beta.

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So, it looks like wearing your top available armor gives you a passive mastery bonus. (ie - Warriors in Plate get the bonus, warriors in mail or leather do not)

It works I guess, although it's not the most elegant solution.

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would movies help?


Defile is by far the hardest thing on it. By a long, long margin. If you can reliably beat defile, and if you can keep your tanks up (we rotate CDs and tanks), it's probably a win. But Defile is like constructs on Gorefiend - if you have someone who sucks, it's better to just take them out of the raid now.

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would movies help?


Defile is by far the hardest thing on it. By a long, long margin. If you can reliably beat defile, and if you can keep your tanks up (we rotate CDs and tanks), it's probably a win. But Defile is like constructs on Gorefiend - if you have someone who sucks, it's better to just take them out of the raid now.

I just read up on what Defile does.


My god, that's gonna murder so many raids.

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would movies help?


Defile is by far the hardest thing on it. By a long, long margin. If you can reliably beat defile, and if you can keep your tanks up (we rotate CDs and tanks), it's probably a win. But Defile is like constructs on Gorefiend - if you have someone who sucks, it's better to just take them out of the raid now.

Yeah I definitely agree with Kal. Defile is by far the most difficult part of the fight. We needed a week on p2, and only a few hours on P3.

For soul reaper we have one tank taunt him from range and then the other tank taunts him back so by the time he's back the buff is gone. The only issuse we have is that people would forget that they were not supposed to move, follow the king and get picked up by the valks and dragged to the wrong side. In other news we ran a sort of clusterfuck 10 man last night, because we only had one well balanced group of 10 that had downed 10 man LK for heroic access. Aaand I ended up healing. Hoo-boy. I hadn't properly healed in a raid since... Karazhan. Fortunately with all the welfare epics floating around I was moderately geared-ish. And now I'm a pro healer who had healed on the Lich King. :P

Time to go post "world first 10 man LK down with slack offspec shammy healer" ;)

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Bad move. The usual 25-man fell through last night, and I was told we were trying an alt ICC10. Cool, I can do that, I'll even heal.

Cue massive wiping problems. We start with the two arms warriors intent on suiciding via bladestorm on trash. Then we sat around for half an hour waiting to see what was going on with one; he's a core guild member and we didn't want to kick him because he was feeling sick. Eventually we did, and wiped like 5 times on Marrowgar. Ugh. Wiped 3 more times on Deathwhisper and gave up for the night.

Then I get inside an Old Kingdom as my random. The group is at the first boss, and seem to be dying to something? And now 2 people are running back and the tank is sitting around too lazy to bother, I guess. I get there, rez him... he and one dps leave. We filled back up in good time, but ended up doing all the bosses, which I hate. But I never feel like it's worth arguing or refusing to run those bosses; even when I'm the tank and a friend tells me I have the right to control the group and the responsibility to retain that right, in my book, I just want to finish an instance fast. It's more time and effort to argue, leave, and start over (unless this is discussed immediately) than to just waste 5 minutes on another boss or two.

Looks like holy paladins will remain a special snowflake with gear nobody else wants. Here's to another expansion of getting free offspec gear!

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It's not just DW DKs though, it's anyone that uses two-handers. A good bit of them have agility on them even though only one melee class actively wants that (feral druids) and then hunters, for whom it's just a stat stick. With them having attack power, they become useful for everyone even if they aren't optimal.

Tier 9 didn't even have a strength-based two-hander in 10-man except via Tribute to Skill (and then later when Onyxia dropped as a bonus). Of the two weapons that did drop, one can't even be used by druids (it's a sword).

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We filled back up in good time, but ended up doing all the bosses, which I hate. But I never feel like it's worth arguing or refusing to run those bosses; even when I'm the tank and a friend tells me I have the right to control the group and the responsibility to retain that right, in my book, I just want to finish an instance fast.

While my goal is to usually just go get my two frosties, I don't mind doing all the bosses if someone wants the emblems, that's fine. What I don't need though is trying for some of the gimic chieves - Share the Love being a fan favorite. No, I don't want to wipe just because someone isn't getting impaled, just kill him and try tomorrow. try those with your guildies or friends who expect they may have to spend 20 minutes trying the same boss if RNG isn't your friend. i still need Watch Him Die or whatever it is in AN - not gonna ask a PUG to do that.

So yeah, the Lich King. Interesting fight, sucks as Ret as I can't use 1/2 my spells when the adds spawn to let them get grouped up and taunted to the OT. And only 998 more souls until I get quest 2 for Shadowmourne. Course, being main spec tank means that may not happen before Cata gets released.

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Made a last minute effort at the Professor last night. We had far too many melee so I had to switch to my shaman so the priest could go shadow.

Which means I've now healed a total of 3 fights in ICC, Lord M, DBS and PP. Fun stuff.

We did pretty well, but green slimes still tore our raid apart. Got to about 68% as the best. Which, I'm guilty of being glad about, because I know if we had killed him he would have dropped my dagger :P.

Actually making it to the run tonight, will hopefully be getting my T10 helm unless I need to switch to my shaman for some reasons.

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While my goal is to usually just go get my two frosties, I don't mind doing all the bosses if someone wants the emblems, that's fine. What I don't need though is trying for some of the gimic chieves - Share the Love being a fan favorite. No, I don't want to wipe just because someone isn't getting impaled, just kill him and try tomorrow. try those with your guildies or friends who expect they may have to spend 20 minutes trying the same boss if RNG isn't your friend. i still need Watch Him Die or whatever it is in AN - not gonna ask a PUG to do that.

I don't mind if people ask to do achievements. But if someone says no, that's the end of it.

Looks like the in-game buff has finally surfaced.

Don't want it? Tell your faction leader (Wrynn for Ally, Garrosh for Horde) to bugger off! I almost want to cancel the buff just to be able to tell Garrosh to go away :-).

Har! I hate that fucker too. Leave Thrall where he is, Blizz :(

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I was so tired, I was healing Strath with my eyes blurring. (And a cat who ran in front of the tank, and a warlock who must have thought the cat was tanking and loved hellfire.) Then I took a short break and came back to tank... Pit of Saron. Skipped the DK and went to bed after that.

13 frosties to upgrading my paladin to 2pcT10. Should have it on Friday.

We have Jaraxxus this week, not my favorite but shouldn't be too rough to get, especially since one of our core healers is out tomorrow, which might end up precluding the regular raid.

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