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New South Wales BwB


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Yeah hes down for Friday the 17th, should we start another thread? Morningsword will be back too. And whaddya reckon we go visit the place of good food (newtown) this time instead?

do you remember our walking convo re-the origin of the name Horza? can i steal the name of that series again from you?

Yeah, that gets my vote - that or doing the Mexican Double on Glebe Point (not as good for pubbling tho).

Horza appears in Consider Phlebas, a novel of Iain M. Bank's Culture series.

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Just got home and I'm shattered. Had a brilliant time and was great seeing everyone (special thanks to Pax and Stormy for the organising)

I believe I volunteered ThatGuy's place :)

Neal you bastard!

You own a house!

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Bleh. I’m back in Perth as of yesterday morning but I’ve only just got around to uploading all of the photos tonight due to exam marking. Have to admit that I was a bit shattered when I got back to WA because I know I won’t be catching up with you guys for quite some time. But, really, what a weekend :thumbsup:. I think we all had a pretty great time and from my point of view it was a great way to celebrate the end of semester and graduation. I kind of wish that I had been more sober so that I could remember the laughs and the convos in a little bit more detail (did I try and give a speech at some point?), but the pics have jogged my memory a bit so here goes a bit of a report:

Aus/NZ Meet-up (Friday night)

I headed down to Newtown at around 7:30 and met-up up with The Winged Shadow outside Tamana's. Since the evening was held in honour of our kiwi mate, we went straight to the bottle-o and bought some NZ wine before walking back to meet the mighty ithanos. Over a pretty decent dinner we talked movies, Aussiecon, books, cricket, work, travel, growing up and a whole heap of other crap that now escapes me. Eventually the new-look Horza turned up and the shit got real. We moved on to Kelly's for beers and spent a fair few hours drinking, discussing the legalisation of drugs with random people and paying out on kiwi accents over the din of blaring karaoke. At around 3:00 am Winged Shadow started ranting crazily about going to the beach the next morning, but of course that never happened since he was hungover beyond belief on Saturday (there was a reason he was late to bowling). Ithanos seemed to handle the booze pretty damn well, although I later heard that he fell asleep in the taxi on the way back to Parramatta. It was great to catch up with him as he unfortunately couldn’t make it on Saturday night. Before we parted ways I gave him fairly strict instructions to see if he could manufacture a NZ BwB before the next big Aussie meet…

Pics: Slideshow or album if the slideshow isn't working.


NSW Meet-up (Saturday night)

I made my way into town in the early afternoon and had a late lunch with those two n00bs from Queensland. The Sydneysiders and Novocastrian bogans showed up later on in the afternoon and we headed to bowling for a couple of games. It was great to meet brook, Screaming Turkey and a few of the partners/mates of the bros from Aussiecon. We then headed off to another pub to meet Jeor and che loba! and, damn, you guys rock. I’m pretty sure che loba! nearly brought me to tears in that emotional discussion about Viv Richards and the rise and fall of West Indies cricket. And Jeor, you are a deadset legend mate and I fully expect you to attend all BwB events from now on. Dinner was pretty eventful, especially with Ski's maggot-infested pizza and James' massive bowl of chicken wings (also I might have broken a plate or something...). A while later we ended up at Three Wise Monkeys for drinks, laughs and stormy’s quiz until quite late. It was a memorable night and hopefully the first of many big get-togethers for the NSW BwB. Who knows, maybe in the fullness of time you will come to rival the Perth BwB in terms of regularity of meets and sheer awesomeness of members? Doubtful, but you can dare to dream. Sadly karaoke never happened, but as stormy says there’s always next time. We just need to make sure it’s at a meet I can attend so that I can make up for my woeful bowling (though I apparently sounded like shit in an impromptu performance on Saturday so I may have to practice a bit or at least sober up). Big thanks once again to stormy for all of her efforts behind the scenes. :bowdown:

Pics: Slideshow or album. I put a few captions in again so that people who couldn't make it knows who's who.


There's a couple of other clips which I can't seem to upload properly, but I'll try again over the next couple of days.

@Christine, that is probably the best first post I have ever seen on this board. You need to post more.

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glad you got back ok paxy - i was starting to worry about your board absence and thought you may have got lost on the way home on sat. Ta a zillion for being the glue that got us all together on Sat night X hope youre feeling less :crying: now and more :thumbsup: for your upcoming trip...see, theres another in the pipeline already, and stumbling distance for you guys :) oh and if you are looking for that thing, I have it.

ohhh dear those vids :smileysex: good times, good times.

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God damn, I must have been massively drunk. So much singing and generally making a fool of myself. :blushing: I can't believe there is actually footage of me on the internet singing the Pokemon theme song. But Ski's right, it was awesome.

And sorry I didn't respond to your text, Pax. My phone is out of credit at the moment.

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God damn, I must have been massively drunk. So much singing and generally making a fool of myself. :blushing: I can't believe there is actually footage of me on the internet singing the Pokemon theme song. But Ski's right, it was awesome.

We are Pokemon masters!!! And we have feelings!

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Got a couple more movies up that weren't working in my last post:

. Sorry about bad camera angle in that one...

glad you got back ok paxy - i was starting to worry about your board absence and thought you may have got lost on the way home on sat. Ta a zillion for being the glue that got us all together on Sat night X hope youre feeling less :crying: now and more :thumbsup: for your upcoming trip...see, theres another in the pipeline already, and stumbling distance for you guys :) oh and if you are looking for that thing, I have it.

ohhh dear those vids :smileysex: good times, good times.

Yup, good times stormy :thumbsup:.

TBH I have no idea how I made it back home on Saturday night without losing at least one of my wallet, phone, key or camera. It wasn't all plain sailing though, because I remember trying desperately to fit my key into the door of 12 Nicholson Street only to eventually realise that my aunty's place was number 14...

And sorry I didn't respond to your text, Pax. My phone is out of credit at the moment.

Nah don't worry about it mate. I sent hungover txts to quite a few of my Perth mates and didn't get any response from them either :ohwell:.

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