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Egypt and the Middle East Thread 5


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I don't know if this is wholly relevant to this thread, but apparently Swedish newspapers are reporting the protests have spread to Iran and that there have been violent clashes there between pro-democract supporters and government friendly groups. :o

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The Turkish president have taken the opportunity to use his press conference while visiting Teheran to encourage leaders in the region to "listen to the demands of their people".

I haven't heard of any clashes in Iran, apart from the police firing off the occasional rubber bullet or tear gas canister, but not enough to disperse the crowds.

In Yemen, OTOH, protesters and foreign journalists have been attacked by the police and pro-government groups.

Here's a video of, according the Bahraini Ministry of Information,

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Looks like the opposite to me, heh.

Funny, in the comments of the video, people are more or less (my arabic isn't what it used to be) arguing over whether Bahrain is a client of the yehuda (jews) or kalaab al irani (iranian dogs) hahah

Getting paid by both is optimal.

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Not wanting to be a joykill but here is an interesting article about the "revolution", and how what has happened in Egypt might not be as big or changing like media and people in general like to believe:


...In a genuine revolution, the police and military cannot contain the crowds. In Egypt, the military chose not to confront the demonstrators, not because the military itself was split, but because it agreed with the demonstrators’ core demand: getting rid of Mubarak. And since the military was the essence of the Egyptian regime, it is odd to consider this a revolution...

...The crowd in Cairo, as telegenic as it was, was the backdrop to the drama, not the main feature. The main drama began months ago when it became apparent that Mubarak intended to make his reform-minded 47-year-old son, Gamal, lacking in military service, president of Egypt. This represented a direct challenge to the regime. In a way, Mubarak was the one trying to overthrow the regime....

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I had to take cipro once because my stomach was so bad I shit my pants. True story. Nile water is the worst.

Try indian.

I was on Cipro twice in a two month span in South America. Bolivian tap water is basically ass juice.

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Not wanting to be a joykill but here is an interesting article about the "revolution", and how what has happened in Egypt might not be as big or changing like media and people in general like to believe:

That was a very interesting article. From the comments about the number of protestors to its point about revolutions. I can't say I agree with everything. It contradicted itself when it says that the protestors didn't call for the downfall of the regime (when it says later that they did) but still, it raises intelligent questions.

There is a lot of stuff on that site actually. Gives a lot of details on Iran also, which I wouldn't have known about.

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I got some kind of thing in the Philippines that had me on an IV for 4 days. Either it was the water, or maybe you just don't eat a bunch of street side tacos in Olongapo City at 3:00 a.m.

I did manage to puke on the Navy Lt.(jg). in the bunk below me when I got back to the ship, though. While we were on water hours so he couldn't take a shower....

Semper Fi, Mac.

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This is why God invented tea. Or fermenting.

For South America at least I tend to rely on bottles of Coca-Cola; as an added bonus it still has real sugar when you buy it down there. Of course one time I was stupid and poured it into a glass with ice cubs; that did not end well.

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