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Besides Sam, who is the future Mrs. Jon Snow?


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Is that set in stone? If Euron gets deposed (which he surely will by the end of the series) won't there have to be another Kingsmoot? I know she struck out at the last one, but would she be barred from running again?

BTW Asha is 6-7 years older than Jon, which isn't a dealbreaker but it would be kind of unusual.

Basically, me answering your questions would involve spoilers. So I'll just leave it at that.

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I think the whole "Will Jon marry" pretty much depends on if he will choose duty or honor. If he chooses Honor he will not leave the Wall. If he chooses Duty (like he should) and he is "needed" to get a stable realm he would get married.

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I'm amazed by the sheer amount of people who believes Jon'd be still alive at the end of the series.

At this point I'm only giving survival odds to Arya and Bran, and maybe Tyrion.

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Maybe I missed it, but I don't recall any instance of a marriage being annulled in the books. Was there a reference that I'm forgetting? If a marriage can be annulled by the High Septon, I'm not certain why anyone would believe Sansa over any of the other Lannisters (if they claim it was consummated).

(BTW, the original poster used "invalid", which is why I continued with that term).

Tyrion's marriage with Tysha was annuled despite the fact that he actually slept with her.

And if it weren't and I remember wrongly, then Sansa's marriage with Tyrion is invalid since he is already married.

On the who would be Mrs. Jon Snow: I am with the Jon/vow camp. Yet if he were to marry someone I hope it won't be Dany, Arya, Sansa.

I would prefer Asha, Vall, Mya Stone, Meera, or if Jeyne Westerling gets out alive and unmarried I could se him marrying her, in a similar way Ned married Cat after the death of Brandon.

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I had a thought: Jeyne Westerling is carrying Robb's heir. She ends up on the Wall (because she heard Jon is LC and persumably Robb told her about him). She presents Robb's heir to him, and - after learning that Robb wanted him as his heir - decides to accept Stannis' offer and raises Robb's child as his own, as a brother's duty.

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I had a thought: Jeyne Westerling is carrying Robb's heir. She ends up on the Wall (because she heard Jon is LC and persumably Robb told her about him). She presents Robb's heir to him, and - after learning that Robb wanted him as his heir - decides to accept Stannis' offer and raises Robb's child as his own, as a brother's duty.

Is that really a possibility? Wasn't Jeyne's evil mom giving her magic birth control pills or something?

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  • 4 months later...

If Jon ever get married, I only hope it won't be with Dany...

I like Val , Asha and the Mormont girls (the cousins of Jorah).

I don't really see Jon with Sansa (maybe because I hope she will end with Littlefinger!)

Blasphemy ! Sansa is Sandor's ^^

As for Jon, I like the idea of him being with Arianne Martell.

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If Jon marries anyone, it'll be Melisandre.

I know, I know, seems ridiculous. But she's the only one I would ever bet on (and I wouldn't really bet on her either). Then again my theories on where the story is going seem to be pretty different from every one else's, including that Jon is the next Night King.

On the other hand, I would bet real money that Jon isn't marrying Dany. I'd sooner bet on them killing each other.

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Jon marrying Sansa or Arya would be incredibly creepy. It doesn't matter if they're "only" cousins - they were still raised together as brother and sister. Daenerys and Jon is much less creepy.

But I don't think they'll get married, if they do fall in love; I think she'll become queen and he'll become the 1000th Lord Commander of the Night's Watch.

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Hey, How old are Wylla and Wynafryd Manderly? Cause they're all kinds of awesome and (correct me if I'm wrong) their dad doesn't have a male heir.

And I think if he ends up with a Sand Snake, it'll be Sarella. Mostly because she's actually got a link to him through Sam. I agree with whoever is shipping Willas/Arianne. It would be completely worth it just to see the Queen of Thorns' reaction.

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Hey, How old are Wylla and Wynafryd Manderly? Cause they're all kinds of awesome and (correct me if I'm wrong) their dad doesn't have a male heir.

He does; Gregor served said heir roast Goat in Harrenhal (for which Lord Manderly got revenge through Frey pie). His name is Ser Wylis. Ser Wendel, Manderly's younger son, died at the Red Wedding.
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Blaspheny Sansa is for Tyrion.

Jon should have Arianne or tyenne but not at all Daenary or maergery.

See, to me both of your statements are blasphemy. If Sansa ends up with Tyrion book burning will commence, and Jon ending up with Tyene would to me be as cringe-worthy as Sansa actually ending up with Harry. I'm pretty far from being a Jon/Melisandre or Jon/Dany fan but I'll take those before Jon/Tyene of all people.

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He does; Gregor served said heir roast Goat in Harrenhal (for which Lord Manderly got revenge through Frey pie). His name is Ser Wylis. Ser Wendel, Manderly's younger son, died at the Red Wedding.

Oh. I meant that Wylis doesn't have a male heir. Just his daughters, Wylla and Wynafryd. Sorry for the confusion.

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