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[ADwD Spoilers] The Biggest Badass in the Series?


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Barristan taunting a dragon FTW.

Also Manderly, what a hard nut.

And the hill men.

As I read so quickly I didn't realise who or what Barristan was saying 'Me! Over here! Me!' to. Then I saw a thread where Ran had quoted that part, so I went back and reread it as I didn't understand why it was so badass. Then it dawned on me, 'Fuck, he's shouting it to DROGON!' :o

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I still think it's Strong Belwas. Aside from his badassery in A Storm of Swords, the guy eats a shit-ton of poison and still survives. All he needs to do is successfully wrestle a dragon, and he's set for the series.

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"The North remembers" cue goosebumps. Frey pie cue evil triumphant grin. Also i thought Jon Snow's speech where he rallies the wildings to storm Winterfell, something like "i will go alone...unless there is a man bold enough to go with me!" and then the ensuing tumult was pretty damn badass...of course the the whole "e tu Bowan" that followed it was a downer. Nevertheless, it was badass up to that point.

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Amen to all that has been said about Wyman Manderly. :bowdown:

Come to think of it, basically everything that happened in the North was spectacular. Mance Rayder gets props from this one. Him beating seven kinds of crap out of Jon was as unexpected as it was awesome. And Roose Bolton turned into even more of a supervillain; that guy has some wicked-bad karma headed his way and I for one can't wait.

Asha's standoff in the forest was also deeply cool.

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Wyman Manderly: Frey pies, The North Remembers and the whole taunting Hosteen Frey after Little Walder was found dead.

Strong Belwas: Dude eats a plateful of poison and survives.

Ser Barristan Selmy: Casually tells how he killed bunch of gold cloaks and his duel with the pit fighter. Not bad for one old man :)

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The joy of Wyman Manderly is that absolutely nobody thinks he's capable of such badassery. Not the southerners, not his fellow northerners, nobody.

I agree that the Northerners seem to have far more than their fair share of badasses. The hill tribes, the Manderlys, the Mormonts, the Umbers, now the free folk. I cannot wait for Aegon to declare himself king and try and get these people to bow to him.

And let's recap the Stark children: they were in danger for their lives, so what did they do? (Not counting Sansa): Rickon headed to the cannibals of Skagos. Bran headed into a frozen forest infested with ice zombies to hang with a 140+ year old sorcerer and a mythical race of cave dwellers. Arya went off to become an assassin. Remember, none of these three have yet hit puberty. Kind of the definition of badass.

Every time someone called Arya "the Ned's little girl", or when Jon was planning how best to protect her "since she's only a child," I could not stop giggling.

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Hmm if I had to say the first one that came to my mind it'd be either Victarion Greyjoy or Mance Rayder.

Victartion's Iron Fleet is the biggest collection of badasses in the seas. They captured every ship, lost barely any men to enemy blades and he breaks chains just like Daenerys. His human sacrifice was harsh but necessary, R'hllor is helping them across the sea and he must be paid. Plus I loved that small scene when the Maester says some of the ironborn used him as a woman, and Victarion just slammed a knife on the table and said "There's how you make it stop."

Mance Rayder is definitely a contendor though, if not first than definitely second. He survived the Battle of the Wall, stole into Winterfell and played for Roose and Ramsay Bolton. Plus I like his confidence and easy attitude, he isn't afraid to stand up to kings and lords and he can fight with the best of them.

Lord of the Night

I just really hope that ramsay doesn't really have him

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His human sacrifice was harsh but necessary, R'hllor is helping them across the sea and he must be paid.

Are you freaking serious? I am not arguing that Victarion isn't a baddass, but that was horrific, one of the most horific things I've read, and the casualness of it, of how it is described is what makes it even more terrible. Seven innocent girls were sacrificed to appease God that might not even care, if exists. My thought was, "OMG, Dany is never going to agree for that, Vic. You better start changing all this chucking people behind boards if you want to marry her" . And killing all this people was in no way necessary but if you believe otherwise ... shudders (I don't want to say anything offensive so I'm just implying ... :P).

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Victarion He was badass before this book, but now he has a smoldering black arm and the dragon-binding horn that Euron used to win the Kingsmoot.

Homeboy is going to smash the blockade around Meereen with ease then bind the dragons to his will, hop up on Rhaegal (just see him riding Rhaegal for some reason), and burn the fleet from Voltanis to cinders.

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Victarion is never going to ride a dragon. Seems pretty clear to me that Moqorro is playing him. His "glory" will almost certainly involve being a sacrifice to the dragons to bind them to someone else.

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The northerners are just awesome in this book. Glad to see they've got a ferocious set of claws to them - all of them ;) Eat that pie, Lord Manderly. Eat your heart out.

Victarion is just... yeah. Crazy as hell. He's like a walking meme.

Ser Barristan is of course amazing. And I was loving the hell out of cold-as-ice Jon. He may know nothing, but he knows the way to my heart ;)

A huge massive kudos, though, for Tyrion for snarking his way into becoming ludicrously expensive as a slave... in an auction! Brass balls, holy crap. And then saving Jorah as well by pretending he's part of the mummer's act ;) All with just a quick mind and a quicker tongue. Just awesome.

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