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Who do you WANT to win the Iron Throne?


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Stannis Baratheon, without a doubt. Besides the fact that he's the rightful regent, I also think he'd make the best leader/ruler. ESPECIALLY with Lord Davos Seaworth at his side. Yeh ok, burning folk isn't cool, but maybe Melisandre will let up once he sits the iron throne (all hypothetically speaking, of course). I like Melisandre as a character...but as a councilor? Still, I admire Stannis' ability to discern the truth from bullshit, as seen with his conversations with Davos and Jon Snow, in particular. His iron clad sense of justice is something else I like (and something King's Landing and the rest of Westeros are in dire need of).

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I want Targaryen restoration. It was Aegon the conqueror who saw the potential of the seven kingdoms. He unified a bunch of petty kingdoms and nation states into a dynasty that lasted nearly 300 years. In that time the Targaryens instituted many customs and traditions that last even now.

I would prefer the rightful heir of Rhaegar to take the throne (Jon, whom I see remaining Lord Commander) but Dany and/or false Aegon will do.

Long live the Targaryens!!!!!!

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I can't believe so many readers are ok with the Westeros maintaining a Monarchy.

am I the only one that wants a Senate?

I can see the political posters already.

Judging the politics of the series by modern standards is a bit pointless - none of the claimants would deserve power if that was the case and most of them would actually deserve life in prison instead. The series won't end with the establishment of a democratic republic as it took centuries for our real-world societies to evolve from absolute monarchy to representative parliamentary democracy. ASOIAF isn't on that kind of timeline. What we can hope for is the series to end with wise rulers who will keep moving Westeros in the right direction, possibly into a Renaissance/Enlightenment of sorts.

I think the best candidate would still be Dany. Granted, she still has a lot to learn but she'd be a popular and compassionate ruler. If Stannis could somehow be persuaded to serve as her Hand (and ditch the human sacrifices), then you'd have a winning combo. He'd take zero crap from anyone but he'd also apply the law equally and fairly.

Jon would also make a great ruler but I think he'll refuse the offer of power. I also think the North will be independent at the end of the series and Sansa would make a great Queen in the North, if the uber-traditional Northeners could be persuaded to have a female ruler. If not, Sansa might end up as queen of Westeros if Dany doesn't want it. Sansa's arc seems to involve her learning the dos and don'ts of leadership, so she'll make a good queen someday.

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I honestly think Jaime would make the best king, just as Arya thought when she first laid eyes on him at Winterfell, though for different reasons. Firstly, he doesn't want power, much like Ned Stark. Secondly, he truly does defend the weak (even though that largely gets overlooked because of what he did to Bran). He always stuck up for Tyrion, attempted to save Queen Rhaella from Aerys, did save the smallfolk and citizens of King's Landing from Aerys's pyromancers, rescued and protected Pia, and saved Brienne from Vargo Hoat. We know he's clever, and in all honesty, I'm convinced he's a secret Targaryen. He and Brienne are analogous for Dunk & Egg in my opinion. Jaime will become king, just as his great-grandfather, Aegon the Unlikely did, and Brienne will command his Kingsguard, just as Dunk did for Egg.

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I can't believe so many readers are ok with the Westeros maintaining a Monarchy.

am I the only one that wants a Senate?

I can see the political posters already.

I actually have a theory that Jaime will abolish the Kingship and institute a representative government, hence the name "Kingslayer".

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I actually have a theory that Jaime will abolish the Kingship and institute a representative government, hence the name "Kingslayer".

I like this, although he is a bit impetuous.

Ultimately I see Jon as king with Dany as hand. The dragons MUST be part of it. HOWEVER, the "small" counselor would play a large governing role... Senate if you will.

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Like I said... A plague on all their houses

Ya, I can't see why a group of self-important nobles would be any better than a single self-important noble. See the Senate of Rome as an example. An oligarchy isn't really a vast improvement over a monarchy for anyone not in the 1% and despite having a few more people at the top, it isn't really any closer to a democracy. Westeros needs less of the Game of Thrones and more of the Game of Guillotines.

That aside, I'd prefer to see Tyrion on the throne. He's smarter than everyone else and is, at heart, a decent person but one who's willing to make the nasty decisions necessary in the position.

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Ultimately I see Jon as king with Dany as hand. The dragons MUST be part of it.

I disagree as to Jon's ultimate role in all of this, but whether he sits on the Iron Throne or no throne at all, Dany is the last possible candidate for Hand. Reverse the roles with Jon stepping into Baristan's boots if you like, but no way is Dany fit to advise or deputise for anybody. Nice girl, don't dislike her, but a total traincrash when it comes to statecraft.

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Stannis: He is the only guy around that is competent enough to run a kingdom, all the other half competent blokes are dead and I don't rate Dany as a ruler. Plus Stannis has an innate talent to survive against all odds, a good character trait in a King. Mind you I've always liked underdog characters.......and Stannis is the epitome of an underdog.......

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I would say Stannis is the best one to be King followed by Aegon.

Dany, Tyrion, Tommen, Jon Snow are completely unsuitable nor have what it takes to be a monarch.

Dany tried to be a Queen and failed miserably. She is now the "Princess who is too late" in my book. Why would the majority of Westeros want the wench who chose staying in Meereen, over ending the abuses and carnage caused by the Lannisters, Ser Gregor, the Ironborn, and Ramsey Bolton? Sure she didn't know about it, but nor did she seem to care either and ask Barristan a few questions. Being bent over by Daario and Hizawhasihisname was more important.

How is she going to convince he people? She was already a Queen. Like being Queen of Meereen is anything to brag about. She should be hit by rocks for even mentioning that place.

The people of Westeros don't give a damn about her quest to end slavery in Essos, they care more about starving, being abused by so-called Knights, winter, and surviving the coming horde of undead.

What is Dany going to offer Westeros, other than some dragons who will munch their children? Oh, she has an army of foreigners who will rape, pillage, and plunder them. Like they need foreigners to do that? If anything the pitchforks and torches should come out, as well assassins and poisoners when she takes the throne. Thanks for nothing Dany, now the people have to pay more taxes to hire Dragonslayers.

Tommen is a boy. Enough said. the only way he should be King is if Ser Pounce is the Great Other and the brains behind him.

Jon, well if he thought he had it rough, imagine him getting the Caesar treatment in King's Landing. Jon should be a hero, stay up north, and not follow in Ned's footsteps. Besides, the Small Council will just ignore him and tell him "you know nothing Jon Snow."

No way for Tyrion. I like his character, but he is a dwarf, and it would make the Seven Kingdoms look like a joke. Might as well make Penny the Queen and Theon can be the drooling jester of the court with a red honking nose. Jaime can put UnCat in a cage and charge admission. They can erect a giant tent over the palace and rename it Barnum and Bailey's. Tyrion should be the Lord of Casterly Rock, and that would be the final insult to Tywin, Tyrion can have his fondest wish and gloat on his father's grave.

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Glad to see Stannis finally getting his due. He's my first choice, but I can't make that final til I see what George has made of Rickon...

But please, please, dear Lord...NOT DAENAERYS.

Well, Rickon's five years old, so unless GRRM gives us a huge time jump, we'll never see what kind of ruler Rickon would be.

I heart Stannis. I truly do. But the people around him, with very few exceptions, are giant assholes. And if Stannis takes the Iron Throne, people like Ser Godry Giantslayer, Ser Clayton, Axell Florent, and all the rest of them are going to get rewarded big time. And that just sounds too terrible to contemplate. I want Stannis as Jon's Hand. That would fulfill Mel's vision of seeing Stannis sitting on the Iron Throne.

Totally agree on Dany: please dear god, not her.

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Well, Rickon's five years old, so unless GRRM gives us a huge time jump, we'll never see what kind of ruler Rickon would be.

I heart Stannis. I truly do. But the people around him, with very few exceptions, are giant assholes. And if Stannis takes the Iron Throne, people like Ser Godry Giantslayer, Ser Clayton, Axell Florent, and all the rest of them are going to get rewarded big time. And that just sounds too terrible to contemplate. I want Stannis as Jon's Hand. That would fulfill Mel's vision of seeing Stannis sitting on the Iron Throne.

Totally agree on Dany: please dear god, not her.

Re: the time jump, there's a minor bit of a theory going around about this possiblility somewhere, but idk... the age thing is a difficulty but like I've said somewhere before, this is fantasy, and if GRRM wants to make it possible for that to be a non-issue by writing through some sort of supernatural loophole than he can and will.

Like the idea of Stannis as Jon's hand, good point about the overall inadequacy of his "court."

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