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Your favorite Villain in the Series? SPOILERS


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For me personally the best villain has to be Tywin Lannister, hands down. He's incredibly intelligent, a ruthless, cunning mastermind, and (I think) the most powerful and rich Lord in Westeros. He just generally exudes an aura of invincibility. I even think that he never gets defeated once in any of the books.

And I really loved his death scene. I think GRRM tried to show that no matter how powerful you are, politically, socially, or intellectualy, a crossbow bolt in your happy place will kill you as easy as it kills a peasant. It's also ironic that someone who dressed up so elegenatly and ostentatiously in life dies in a pool of his own shit.

Roose Bolton is also a decent bad guy, what with his pale appearance, soft voice, the moniker "leech lord" and being lord of a place called "the Dreadfort" he just made me think of some undead lich king, or a necromancer.

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I love the villains in this series! I think I prefer reading about them over the heroes to be honest. Here's my top 10:

1. Littlefinger

2. Ramsay Bolton

3. King Joffrey the Valiant

4. Roose Bolton

5. Tywin Lannister

6. Euron Crow's Eye

7. Cersei Lannister

8. Lord Walder Frey

9. Ser Gregor Clegane

10. Viserys Targaryen

Notice how there's nobody from Essos on my list even though everyone there is a total dick.

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Varys and Littlefinger. Pretty much everything that happens in the series was caused by one of them, so they have my thanks for that. :)

I'm also partial to Euron, even though we don't know much about him yet. He combines the brutality of monsters like Gregor and Ramsay with the cunning, charisma, and foresight of a master manipulator. All in all, he's the exact kind of villain I love to hate.

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Have at me!


Well, I don't see her as the villain NOW, but I'm sure she will become one in the bext books. If she comes to Westeros to claim the throne, she will make the situation even worse, taking more focus away from the real enemy - the Others.

But for now, Littlefinger has to be the most cunning, evil, scheming thing walking on two legs, so he gets my vote.

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Ramsay Bolton gets my vote. He's really just twisted psychologically.

My LEAST favorite villain is Littlefinger. I hate his kind of sneaky, two-faced villainy. His power seems to derive just from his ability to scam people, and that's all. I mean, it's just so commonplace, lol.

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I love to hate Cersei Lannister. She is very cunning and manipulative, but she is totally clueless at the same time. She hates King Robert for how he treated her (drunkenly trying to claim his kingly rights) so I find it twistedly ironic when she started to possess some of the very traits that she hated Robert for. I would go as far as saying she is losing her mind. She is convinced Tyrion is behind Joffery's death and thinks he is lurking under every rock in King's Landing. Her total disregard for anyone other than herself or her children makes my skin crawl. I feel bad for Tommen and his whipping boy. She claims to love Jaime but clearly only uses him for her own ends. I am eager to see what her trial will bring (probably more death). I will be relieved when someone finally someone puts her down or better yet she is eaten by Drogon.

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