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Is there any chapter-- or POV-- you would do away with

Queen Cersei I

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The only PoV I found completly useless was the Arys one. He gave us a detailed description of Arianne´s breasts and well, not much else. I see virtually no reason why this chapter could not have been told from Arianne´s PoV. Having her as PoV would even have the advantage that we get to know her better and start sympatizing with her which is very neccesary for a character that has been introduced so late.

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I wouldn't do away with a chapter or POV but I could really do without the wealth of detail/descriptions that we see in many chapters of AFfC and ADwD. The previous three books were a goldmine of clues on re-read but I just don't get the same feeling with 4 and 5. I'd love to be proven wrong in TWoW, and find out that at least half of it had a point. In George, I still trust :)

P.S. In the defense of Arys' chapter, it is one of my favorite in AFfC. I find his character's actions incredibly stupid, of course, but in the most noble and romantic way. Things we do for love, etc. Then, it is a great little piece on what it is sometimes to be a foreigner in a land that will never not be foreign to you. This chapter is also deftly sets up certain things to come.

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Raping defenseless bedslaves did get a bit...erm... tedious as well.

Was anyone else disturbed by how we never, ever learned the fate of that first one that Tyrion declared he was going to return to and rape? After reflecting on how she is stupid and has nothing of value to him save what's between her legs, he gets morally offended when she appears mildly relieved that she does not have to sleep with him. He then says he wants to sleep with her, (knowing that she's horrified by the prospect, and really does not want to), and then has to threaten to murder her to get "the fear that he needed." He promises her that he will force himself upon her when he returns, and possibly strangle her as well, since "that's the way I served my last whore."

Then he tells Illaryio he didn't want the girl, and says something like, "If I'd wanted a girl, I'd have told you." Then its on to the next chapter, and we never, ever learned whether or not Tyrion raped the girl.

Was anyone else confused by this, or am I missing something major?

Well if molestation and threats of rape are just "messing" then everything is completly fine of course....

Sometimes things said in this forum make me really sick.

well by "messing" I simply mean, trying to provoke a reaction. Which is why Martin doesn't feel the need to tell us what happened. Which I was responding in regard to, why we don't find out anymore about her, not whether or not it was fine for Tyrion to threaten her.

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I liked her at first, but for the past 3000 pages, all she has done... is basically nothing.

Who cares about the Slaver series? I could care less if every damn one of them died from the Pale Mare, at least maybe then she would go to Westeros.

Plus, I cant pronounce their damn names, and it is easy to get them confused.

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Aerys - I mean seriosly...

Areo - does the job but doesn't have any personality. Could do away with just Arianne for Dorne POV

Quentyn - ah... the prince that was too late. I'm a little confused with this one. I know it was kinda needed to get to know him better to build up his death, but if he's was introduced a little to early, we'll be bored to tears with his journey, but if we do away with just 2 chapters of him he'll just be another Oakheart :dunno: just a little better since he danced with dragons.

Damphair - like what the others said. Though I generally hated all the Ironborn's POV, yes including you Theon (pre-DWD), ... maybe it's just their personalities... but then again I hated Catelyn and Sansa at the beginning but started warming up to them because of their importance in the overall story.

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I think that GRRM should cut the following PoV´s:














Jon Connington




leaving only Jaime and Davos thus resulting in A Song of Lions and Onions

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The only PoV I found completly useless was the Arys one. He gave us a detailed description of Arianne´s breasts and well, not much else. I see virtually no reason why this chapter could not have been told from Arianne´s PoV.

Because Arianne knows too much, at this point ... things the reader is not supposed to know.

Arys is not in the know. His role is to tell the reader what is going on in Dorne without REALLY telling the reader what is going on in Dorne.

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Dany has had the best kick-ass chapters in the series, but overall most of her chapters just feel like your car is stuck on the beach spinning its wheels.

But the Theon/Reek thread was pure genius. I haven't read anything like him. I hope Reek comes back to be Theon, who will be far wiser and mentally stronger than the original Theon.

I really love the Brienne character, but her thread was mostly boring. Sansa, too, but she seems to getting some grit to her. I suspect she will transform into someone different, like Dany did in the first book.

I'd like to see Melisandre's thread grow into a major one. What are her real motives? Surely, she doesn't really believe Stannis is Azor Ahai, or even worth following as any kind of king.

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I know I'm in a very minute minority here, but I actually liked Aero Hotah as a POV. For me he does two things:

1) Introduces us to Dorne from a foreign perspective, since it is much more exotic from the rest of Westeros. He also provides hints and information without giving too much away. Like in ADwD, Arianne knows the plan, so having her as a POV would give the game away sooner.

2) Shows us what it's like to be a member of the guard. Yes, he does not have the best personality, but he is not supposed to; he only cares about his duty to serve and protect, and not concern himself with the politics. Isn't that what any ideal member of any guard should be like?

As for Quentyn, I'm torn. I grew fond of the character, just before the barbequing and I felt so sorry for him, but he got introduced in one book and died in the same book, without any real purpose, unless it was to give Dorne a reason to turn against Dany, but even so, we could have had it from the POV of one of his surviving companions, so we could follow through on the arc, when they get back to Dorne.

I actually liked the Iron born, even Damphair and I really think he will become important in the next book, since the parallels between the Drowned God, Red God and the Old Gods are there in my opinion.

I agree about Aerys Oakheart though; I never got the point of his chapter.

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I've commented on this before but I've never been fond of the Bran POV, mostly because of Bran himself. The whole thing is doubly odd because he is the only one of his kind. I like every other POV, albeit, to different degrees, and I like all the other chapters save those involving Bran.

I don't know what to say; I'm not overly fond of being in an 8, 9, 10 years old's head I guess.

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