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How does Tommen die?

Lord Ben

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I really like the idea of it being the Throne killing somebody but I don't think it is likely. I feel like Cersei will have to hold herself more accountable for this one, especially as Myrcella would likely meet her end away from Cersei. As she usually wants Tommen to be more like Joffrey, I wonder if she would push him into doing something reckless that could endanger his life. I want Cersei to not have anyone to blame for the death of one of her children other than herself.

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Why is everyone so sure he will die?

I know about the prophecy but this is GRRM, everything can happen!

While I like Tommen and Myrcella and would be happy to see them live, I don't think it is likely. The prophecy is working against them and now without papa bear Tywin, everything will hit the fan. Even Kevan is gone and will be of no help, Jamie is headed to see LS which I don't will turn out well and Tyrion is on a completely different continent. Does Cersei really have the ability to protect her children now that she doesn't have people backing her up. No.

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While I like Tommen and Myrcella and would be happy to see them live, I don't think it is likely. The prophecy is working against them and now without papa bear Tywin, everything will hit the fan. Even Kevan is gone and will be of no help, Jamie is headed to see LS which I don't will turn out well and Tyrion is on a completely different continent. Does Cersei really have the ability to protect her children now that she doesn't have people backing her up. No.

I agree but ASOIAF is full of unexpected events, while everyone is convinced that Tommen and Myrcella are gonna die, they may find a way to escape it. At least it is a possibility.

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I agree but ASOIAF is full of unexpected events, while everyone is convinced that Tommen and Myrcella are gonna die, they may find a way to escape it. At least it is a possibility.

Well, I did here one person on here once say their ideal ending for Cersei wouldn't be her being killed, but rather exiled or imprisoned somewhere (like being forced to join the Silent Sisters or something like that) and then years and years later being finally killed by one of her brothers for whatever reason (like a family reunion gone horribly wrong. That scenario would probably still entail Tommen and Myrcella dying before then, but it would at least award them a couple extra years of life and then rather than being killed gruesomely as children we could just blissfully convince ourselves they grew up and died under slightly less tragic circumstances like child birth in Myrcella's case or hunting accident or whatever in Tommen's.

It's kind of a messy scenario to follow the way I'm putting it, I guess, but it's something I suppose...

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  • 3 months later...

I agree but ASOIAF is full of unexpected events, while everyone is convinced that Tommen and Myrcella are gonna die, they may find a way to escape it. At least it is a possibility.

The problem is that prophecies like these always come true in ASOIAF. That's just how it happens. Seriously, think of any prophecy you know from the books: either it has come true or its time hasn't come yet.

The poor little lion cubs are going to die ):

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Olenna will poison him and herself with sweetsleep after Margaery loses her trail and is executed.

There will be no pain, and she'll make sure it's known that it was her (might even confess to having offed Joffrey, while she's at it). This way she has revenge against Cersei and in a way that the rest of her house can't be blamed, because she acted alone, and if the killer is dead there's nothing anyone can do about it.

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Gold will be their shrouds. Hence, they all die as reigning monarchs. I didn't note a reference to dead before their mamasan. It makes it seem as if tommen has to die before Myrcella unless they crown her separately.

It's pretty much accepted that Maggy gives the fortune in chronological order.

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i) Tyene poisons him, in revenge for Elia and Rhanys,

ii) Nymeria and Obara smash his head in, in revenge for Elia and Rhaenys,

iii) Dany feeds him to Drogon, in revenge for Elia and Rhaenys.

His prospects aren't good.

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