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What do you want out of the ending?


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Stannis as King of the South.

Rickon as King of the North.

Jon having statues carved out of him. One in the North in their Throne room and One in the South in their Throne room; For his sacrifice to defeat the others and save Westeros from the threat.

The Wall being destroyed and instead having Dragons replace the Nights Watch, the principles being the same that the Dragons don't get involved in the affairs of the Realm and serve to protect the Realm.

Tyrion being Warden of the West, Lord of Casterly Rock and Hand to King Rickon.

The whole of Westeros knowing the secrets of Rhaegar and Jon's mother and the Tower of Joy and whatever else went behind it.

Gendry being Stannis's heir as he can't birth a son.

The Wildings becoming another Kingdom of Westeros and being accepted into their society, 8 Kingdoms of Westeros.

Essos and the Free Cities becoming entirely SLAVE-FREE.

King's Landing being destroyed; A fresh start against all the evil that has happened because of it.

The Iron Throne destroyed.

Bolton's house destroyed, flaying banned in Westeros.

Frey house abolished, all Frey's(Except the participants of the Red Wedding who will die) sent to live as Smallfolk.

House Stark becoming more than just a house, know known as a Stark Dynasty.

The Iron Islands civilisation destroyed, the Greyjoy line abolished. The Iron Islands know serves as a training ground for a central army for Westeros who listen to both Kings but ultimately listens to the High Council when they disagree with each other and want to fight. They will serve almost like police.

A High Council formed in case both Kings disagree with each other, comprising of; Theon Greyjoy(Leader of the council), Tyrion, Greatjon Umber, Sansa Stark, Blackfish, Barristan Selmy, one smallfolk man and one smallfolk woman.

Theon Greyjoy know being known as Theon GreyStark.

More women rights; Women can now learn to fight instead of being ladies.

Raping banned in Westeros, punishment of death.

I'll edit more into it when I have the time, what do you want?

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The remaining Starks, back in Winterfell again. That's all I want.

As for the rest though, if I can make a wish list:

Stannis as King on the Iron Throne.

Daenerys living happily on Dragonstone.

Most of the Tyrells, Freys and Lannisters dead.

Jon Snow still Lord Commander of the Night's Watch, being a hero of course.

And that's pretty much it I guess.

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I certainly don't want a complete checklist of my preferred outcomes to be filled out. How boring would that be? There have to be some that make you cheer, some that make you weep, some that make you gnash your teeth, some that catch you completely off guard, and some that tantalize by being soooo close to what you want before being pulled away.

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Tommen and Myrcella live. To Cersei's astonishment Myrcella's wedding shroud is gold, and as is Tommen's bride's.

Cercei and Jaime go down in flames, together. Jaime is Valonqar. Sorry Jaime, I like your style except for chucking kids out of tower windows. You've got to go.

An Ice dragon.

Jon learns the truth of his heritage.

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Two iterations

Dany is Queen of Westeros and takes a suitable noble as a consort so that she keeps the Targ dynasty alive. She has her moment of glory and achieves what shes been trying to do for so long after helping save the realm.

the other...

She accepts Jon Snow or Aegon Targ as the legitimate monarch but refuses to marry either as she feels nothing for either of them but fulfilled her destiny so no longer needs the throne and decides its best if she takes her dragons away. Instead she goes with Jorah and lives in quiet comfort on Bear (Dragon?) Island.

Beyond that I would want it to be suitably climactic and apocalyptic so that you get a real sense of triumph. If it has to be bittersweet it can be I guess; though it often feels like a cheap shot TBH.

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Stannis as King on the Iron Throne. with Shireen (his heir) married to Bran or Edric Storm (in 10 years at least, in the future).

Jon as King of the First men. (With Val as his Queen, having a Ned and a Robb)

Dany dead or at Essos.

Arya Dayne.

Myrcella Stark.

Tommen Lannister.

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I want a bunch of nebulous and contradictory things.

I want Dany to get it together and be the right thing for Westeros. I want her to learn how to leave things better than she found them. I know she wants to learn how to do that, too. I am happy for any and all good faith help she gets in this. The Targaryens made a decision to make it as unlikely as possible for their women to rule, and I'd like it to be a woman who ends up saving and restoring them. I don't want a man to come along to show the ladies how it's supposed to be done.

Partly for that reason, I'm not cheering for Jon to be legitimate, or to be heir to the throne. I'd find "yay polygamy!" to be an emotionally dissatisfying resolution. I think Jon belongs to the North. I don't think he'd like ruling over all of Westeros. I don't want him to trade Snow for any other name but Stark. And I don't really want him to trade Snow at all. If there's a message about the importance of birth to be had from these stories, I want it to be that you are what you make of yourself, not that we should be nice to bastards only because they might be secret kings.

If the Watch continues, I want Jon to stay there. If it doesn't, I want him in some sort of protective ranger/guardian/King Beyond the Wall role in the North.

I'd like Sansa to be safe and happy and Lady of Winterfell. I'd like Arya to keep believing that you need a good reason to kill. I'd like Bran to learn to fly, and to find it's way better than walking. I'd like Rickon to get some counselling and some steady parental figures. I'd like Lady Stoneheart to know her children are going to be fine, and then finally get some rest.

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As far as ruling goes...

I want Rickon as King in the North.

I want a legitimized Tommen Lannister as King of the Rock and Reach

I want Edric or Shireen as King of the Stormlands (which will include the Crownlands as well)

I want a Trystane/Myrcella union to rule Dorne

I want Edmure to be Lord Protector of the Riverlands, and the Riverlands being a protectorate of the North. Autonomous yet defended.

Not sure for King of the Vale. Maybe Sansa/Harry the Heir..... I haven't decided yet

Asha as Queen of the Iron Islands. They stop their pirating ways

Sigh.... I guess this is all wishful thinking...

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Euron getting a dragon and ruling the Iron Islands, the Reach, and the Riverlands, and extinguishing the Tyrells.

Ramsay, and Roose surviving, and going to Essos and doing whatever they want.

Stannis ruling the Stormlands. Storm's End was all he ever wanted.

Dany either recreating the Valyrian freehold, or ruling over the Crownlands, Dorne, the Vale, the Stormlands and the Westerlands.

Jon Snow ruling the North (it's cut off from the Iron Thone, what are they gonna do about it, write a letter?) and Beyond the Wall (if the Wall comes down).

Jaime either sacrificing himself for his king, dying while killing Cersei (Jaime is the valonqar), or him reconciling with Tyrion and hanging out in the Westerlands with him, while Tyrion rules (Jaime doesn't want to rule).

Cersei trying to destroy King's Landing with wildfire for some reason.

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People i want to see die:

Most of the schemers. varys, LF, Illyrio, Cersei, Mel, Euron, ALL of the KG(besides Loras and Jaime), ALL the boltons and freys.

People i hope end up alive and satisfied:

Dany, Tyrion, Jon, Bran, Brienne, Jaime, Selmy, Sandor, Arya, Victarion, the martells

People im Passive in regards to:

Stannis, Sansa, Griff, marg tyrell, Loras, Sam

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I want Jon's heritage to be revealed to both himself and everyone else, and I want him to at least ride a dragon and lead the War for Dawn, if he can't become king

I also want Val to be his wife, because Jon of all people deserves a happy ending

I want Tyrion and Jaime to have one last moment together as brothers before one or both of them die

I want to see Cersei completely lose her shit before Jaime offs her

I want all the Starks together again in Winterfell

I want Sansa and Arya to at least start over their relationship as sisters, because otherwise Sansa may feel guilty about the last words she had with her sister.

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Jon to learn his parentage. I do not exactly see him being king of the Seven Kingdoms or anything, because knowing Jon, his learning the truth wont change much. But i want him to have a role in restoring the North.

Arya to come back to Westeros and reunite with Nymeria and hopefully her family.

Bran to get out of that cave and aid the others the best he can. I want him to follow the Reeds home.

Rickon to return and become a player in his own right.

Davos to return to his wife.

UnCat to finally have peace.

Sansa to ruin Littlefinger and come home to Winterfell.

The end of Cersei. Any end but preferably one by Jaime's golden hand.

Jaime to meet his end gallantly.

Tyrion to find some solace.

Dany to come to Westeros and do her best to sit the Iron Throne.

Aegon to be real.

Team Stannis to take part in the restoration of the North.

A unification between the North and the wildlings. And the Night's Watch to regain its former glory.

I think i want too much....

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Stannis Baratheon First of his Name, King of the Andals and Rhoynar, Lord of the Southern Kingdoms(the Crownlands, the Stormlands, the Westerlands, the Reach, Dorne, and the southern half of the Riverlands), Protector of the Realm

Rickon Stark First of his Name(?), King of the First Men and Free Folk, Lord of the Northern Kingdoms(the North, the Vale of Arryn, the northern half of the Riverlands, the Iron Islands, the Wildlands), Protector of the Realm, the Shield against Winter

Lord Commander Jon Snow "the Ice Dragon", Savior of the Realm of Men fought the White Walkers and their horde of Wights, slaying the Great Other in battle,

A new Wall has been built farther north where the Fist of the First Men using pieces of the original Wall, it stands only 200 feet tall.

The Night's Watch has rewritten their vows and now allows their members to marry, Jon takes the Wilding Princess Val as his Wife

Hardhome has become a lively port and life line to the Night's Watch

Mance Rayder is alive and has been given land and Lordship along with Tormund Giantsbane and Sigorn Thenn

Ser Jaime Lannister has redeemed himself having saved thousands, stopping his sister Cersei and his corrupt KG Brothers from burning King's Landing. He has since stepped down as LC of the Kingsguard and taken over Casterly Rock

Stannis takes Ser Gendry Waters as his own and named his his heir, Gendry is betrothed to Arya Stark and Edric to Shireen

Sansa marries Harry the Heir, becoming Lady of the Vale. Both Luthor Brune and Sandor Clegane become members of her household guard and Harry is too afraid of either of them to ever cause her harm or to cheat on her.lol

Moat Cailin is rebuilt

Roose Bolton and Ramsay Snow are destroyed along with most of the Frey

The Iron Throne is melted down and the steel put to use else where

Theon Greyjoy is named Lord of the Iron Islands after taking the name Theon Greystark, erasing the male side of the Greyjoys

Tyrion is reunited with Tysha

Daenerys arrives in Westeros,\ and helps battle The Others. After finding out Jon is the Son of Rhaegar and Lyanna who eloped, she decides it is not hers to rule there and returns to Essos to build a new Valyrian/Dothraki Freehold which covers pretty much all of Essos minus the Free Cities. stretching from Valyrian Peninsula through the Slaver's Bay to Qarth and up to Vaes Dothrak

Aegon fought valiantly, Aegon fought nobly, Aegon fought honorably. And Aegon died in the Battle against the Others.

more to come...

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