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TTTNE 362: Beware of DEATH CROW...


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There is no escape from Wii Fit Island...

You could do worse, I think. My best friend's roommate in college could not escape from Call of Duty. I would go to her house, he'd be playing when I got there, then we'd chat, leave, have lunch, study at the library, go to class, come back, he'd still be playing, study, watch a movie (on computer as TV was perpetually occupied with warfare), read, and go to sleep. She actually had to ask him to turn it down (implication: off) at 1 in the morning. I'm sure if we wanted to tell which game left you with more endurance we could have a race, of which I'm sure you would win, though a comparison of the thighs might suffice.

Unless of course you meant the layout in that it is an island which you can't escape from, in which case i have Wii Sports Resort; the answer is in the title :P Why would you even want to leave?

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Ah! Nothing like waking up at 5:30 in order to get a couple hours of hiking in before the day truly begins. So few people on the trail so early. Fog rolling all over the place in the mountains. An odd gap that allowed sight of the city, which was glowing from sunlight but lower than the fog, so it looked like it was in the clouds. I wish the city were more aesthetically pleasing, to take advantage of the circumstances.

And because you're all dying to know...highlight of the date last night was her response to me liking Emperor's New Groove, "You're lucky I don't think you're gay." Two issues there: 1) gay /= bad thing, using it in that construction is a big no-no for me; 2) Yes...I'm lucky you're not an totally ignorant hick that equates liking a funny kids' movie to being sexually attracted to men. That's definitely something to brag about "hi, i'm not a fucking troglodyte" *eyeroll

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Highlight #2, when we were chatting about our respective uni days, I mentioned a story about a party and drunkenly climbing things, then said I sort of missed those days. She responded with "I don't." Fair enough, why? "Well, I had to put myself through college, so I was working and didn't have time for that kind of thing." Hmm, I guess the 40-60 hour work weeks I did to put myself through college are now something I should haughtily throw at people when they mention liking their uni days?

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Ah! Nothing like waking up at 5:30 in order to get a couple hours of hiking in before the day truly begins. So few people on the trail so early. Fog rolling all over the place in the mountains. An odd gap that allowed sight of the city, which was glowing from sunlight but lower than the fog, so it looked like it was in the clouds. I wish the city were more aesthetically pleasing, to take advantage of the circumstances.

And because you're all dying to know...highlight of the date last night was her response to me liking Emperor's New Groove, "You're lucky I don't think you're gay." Two issues there: 1) gay /= bad thing, using it in that construction is a big no-no for me; 2) Yes...I'm lucky you're not an totally ignorant hick that equates liking a funny kids' movie to being sexually attracted to men. That's definitely something to brag about "hi, i'm not a fucking troglodyte" *eyeroll

Ugh. Your date sounds heinous. I hate it when people say crap like that.

At least you found out she's icky early on and can move on. Ugh.

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LL- sorry your date didn't work out. I think the Disney test is a good one. Who wouldn't want to be with a guy who liked The Emperor's New Groove. :(

not so much a disney test (i'm not a huge fan of their catalogue), but associating disney with homosexuality, which in turn is associated with lack of "manliness" was a definite turn off. sexual preference stereotyping is not okay with me.

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