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UK Politics XII: famous fictional coppers


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Samuel Vimes.

Very good! He got at least one vote in the recent police commissioner elections. I wonder how much money they're going to spend on the inquiry into why so few people voted?

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Indeed, a policeman's lot is


According to Tyler Brûlé and Monocle magazine (as quoted in the Independent), Britain is now the #1 global soft power.

"We're in a time, right now, where, more than ever, it's not particularly fashionable to go out and write massive cheques to get your way in the world. Armed conflict has never been less fashionable, and if you're able to effect change because you present yourself as an attractive nation to befriend and engage with, that can only be positive. It's about the rules of attraction and what makes a nation the most attractive in the room."

...belied rather by the Independent's cover story being all about Gaza, but that's for another thread.

eta: Tyler B speaks with Tom Ford junior-ish pomposity, but he does at least use "effect" correctly in this context.

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