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What are you dreading most about the conclusion?


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as for the end of the series, at this point it would be predictable for george to kill off a bunch of people. the true surprise ending would be a happily ever after ending but we all know that would never happen. i foresee quite a few twists and turns that we cannot even imagine yet occurring before the end so it is really hard to say. but i am dreading ramsey snow or roose bolton or walder frey die boring deaths such as choking to death... if walder frey dies of old age i will burn all my asoiaf books

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Not this again...

Ahahahaha I read the previous posts.

I don't hate Sansa. She's not my favourite character, but she's ok Imo.

Anyway, I would never like to see her in power of something.I think that she would be happier married to someone who truly loves her and could protect her. And she'd make an awful Queen, even for Westeros's girlsruling standards.

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if walder frey dies of old age i will burn all my asoiaf books

I would laugh my ass of. :)

Also adding to what I dread:

Dany ignoring Westeros. There is a slight tendency in ADWD already, but I mean WHAT. In the first books it's her only motivation...

Tyrion dying a useless death. I think he is propably going to die (maybe a few chapters before the finale), but he may as well do it happily.

Sansa remaining in this state where there are so many Sansa-lovers or Sansa-haters. She should become a clearly sympathetic or everyone should hate her. :D

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I would rather neither Jon or Dany be sitted in the Iron Throne at the end, as it has been clear since their first chapters that would be their final destiny.

I also hope that GRRM doesn't squander Theon's magnicant character arc by just allowing him to be executed early on in TWOW nor justed unceremoniously as a prop/puppet that is used to make Asha queen then only to have him be discarded. Instead, I really hope he is able show off the whole "What is dead can never die..." spew of the Ironborn and thus regain enough strength that he plays an active role in defeating Ramsay or Euron even if he has to have a redemptive death following his victory.

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I would rather neither Jon or Dany be sitted in the Iron Throne at the end, as it has been clear since their first chapters that would be their final destiny.

God I hope not. In fact I would rather dany sat the throne then jon. He is in the nw, he swore a vow, let him stay at the wall.

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God I hope not. In fact I would rather dany sat the throne then jon. He is in the nw, he swore a vow, let him stay at the wall.

Neither of them are appealling to me, but if I had to choose one I rather it be Jon because of his connection with the Starks and other major POVs and secondary characters.

As while it might be illogical,one of my main reasoning on not wanting Dany is how despite there being five out of seven books out she is still not in Westeros. Nor has she had to really fight any of the major forces thus I would find aggravating if she was able to sweep in the last two books and easily knock out all the other characters and their forces.

But, really it be neither as it would to much of a duh moment.

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I read only few pages of responses, but when I started to think my own, even though I tend to have strong opinions, I have to dig pretty deep to find something to dread. I'm ok with Starks house dwindling out, even though I admired Ned a lot. Even though I despised Tywin to no end, I´m ok with house Lannister going up again. I mean, why not. As long as it makes a good story and it makes sansa, do it. At the same time, the only Lannister I root for is Tyrion, but if you need to kill him, just go for it GRRM.

The only things I would really hate are

- Targayren restoration, anything like that, but most likely it would come in the form of Dany claiming the kingdom.

- Jon being revealed as Messiah. I dont hate Jon,hes all right, but simply I´m expecting better from GRRM.

I would also be disappointed if things that have been developed in the background, either during the whole book - like "the Others" entity - or lately - the religions rising up, the Iron Bank and other economical stuff, etc. - would come to nothing. I mean I like these things to leave their impression to the story. But thats just saying like, I would like to read good story and would be disappointed if it turns out weak. I dont dread it.

Obv I like Stannis to win, just look at my nickname, but not because I´m head over heels for him like the fanboys.

EDIT: "The Reaver" reminded me straight away something to dread. Half-wit Ironborn to rise, Euron to win, Victarion to make a difference, that would suck.

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.......or when Dany finally reaches Westeros, it turns out that her story takes place thousands of years after the events on Westeros and it was completely razed by a previous race of men with dragons and Viserys comes back as the Final Cylon to lead the way to a new Westeros where she and her dragons mate with the primitive people and it all becomes present day Earth as we hear Jimi Hendrix play "All Along the Watchtower" in the background.

All this has happened before, and it will happen again.

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.......or when Dany finally reaches Westeros, it turns out that her story takes place thousands of years after the events on Westeros and it was completely razed by a previous race of men with dragons and Viserys comes back as the Final Cylon to lead the way to a new Westeros where she and her dragons mate with the primitive people and it all becomes present day Earth as we hear Jimi Hendrix play "All Along the Watchtower" in the background.

All this has happened before, and it will happen again.

If this happens, Geroge will get the previous High Septon treatment...

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I am dreading that all my crackpot theories will come true, especially the one where Jon Snow is his own father :drunk: :stillsick:

Seriously now, what I am dreading the most is that more characters will be added in the following books, more storylines and that the story arcs of major characters, Dany, Jon, Sansa, Tyrion, Theon, Davos, will never be concluded.

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