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What are you dreading most about the conclusion?


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I am dreading that all my crackpot theories will come true, especially the one where Jon Snow is his own father :drunk: :stillsick:

Seriously now, what I am dreading the most is that more characters will be added in the following books, more storylines and that the story arcs of major characters, Dany, Jon, Sansa, Tyrion, Theon, Davos, will never be concluded.

Yep, me too!! Those are the characters I am truly invested in and it worries me that all these POVs and plotlines will take away from them.

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After reading 'The Diamond Age' that the ending will be too abrupt. After seven books I'd like a sufficient wind-down period.

If it's the novel I'm thinking of, I hated the ending. Characters that had been out of the storyline for a long time suddenly re-emerge and while they are the driving force of the action, are seen second-person by characters who had up until then had been the driving force of the action. It's been awhile since I read it, so my thoughts on it are kind of muddled. I hope that made sense.

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What I dread;

1) None of the Starks getting a happy or acceptable ending. I would like at least one of them to end content at least and with a future ahead although something tells me Arya just isn't gonna make it, Bran neither.

2) Dany surviving as Queen of Westeros. Although I have friends who love her I have some strange hatred for her I can't even understand. It's not that I hate her though its just the fact I think the Targs should become stories of old. I can accept Dany living but not in Westeros.

3) Jamie dying. When I first met his character I hated him. After a Sword of Storms I adored him. I've come to really like Jamie and I like him because his character is really well developed over a period of time. I don't want him to die. :(

4) The Iron Throne will continue to entitle ruler ship of all seven kingdoms of Westeros. This is what I really don't want to happen. I think that the titles linked to the Iron Throne will have to be reduced from King/Queen of the Seven Kingdoms to King/Queen of *however many* Kingdoms. I think the Iron Throne tries to command just too much power. It worked with the Targs due to their dragons before and it worked with Robert because he was the hero Westeros wanted at the time. But it won't work now. Not with Dany because it just seems too perfect, not with Stannis because even if he does make it there's going to be some heads that roll by his command and probably revolts sprouting from that, and right now the Seven Kingdoms are splitting apart. I really think that the titles the Iron Throne entails will have to be cut down and I REALLY want to see it happen.

5) The White Walkers. I really don't want the entire story to suddenly be like 'Oh here come the White Walkers. End.' that would be a real bummer especially after all the development and connections we've formed with the characters in this book. Nor do I want it to suddenly stop on a cliffhanger but knowing Martin I don't think it'll happen.

6) Another book. Now here's the thing I dread and yet in my mind can't help but deem necessary. I want to have the full drawn out detailed conclusion of A Song of Ice and Fire as soon as is possible but I want the quality that Martin has been producing to stay and for the detail not to be lost. I cannot see how in two books with so many threads left how Martin can wrap the whole thing up without loosing that detail he's been supplying us. Perhaps I'm just wrong and Martin has a story that ends well with all the detail I require and it is definitive but there's just so much to write about surely? I think another book may have to be the solution in my eyes, not that I'd complain. :)

7) The television series catching up. I don't mind it so much but I hate the idea of the TV series ending before the books. I find it more engrossing to read books and find it far more dramatic. I always like to read the books before watching the series with any series.

Wow, quite the essay I have here, sorry. Anyhow those are my dreads for the series, my real dreads. Especially that Iron Throne one and that Stark one.

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4) The Iron Throne will continue to entitle ruler ship of all seven kingdoms of Westeros. This is what I really don't want to happen. I think that the titles linked to the Iron Throne will have to be reduced from King/Queen of the Seven Kingdoms to King/Queen of *however many* Kingdoms. I think the Iron Throne tries to command just too much power. It worked with the Targs due to their dragons before and it worked with Robert because he was the hero Westeros wanted at the time. But it won't work now. Not with Dany because it just seems too perfect, not with Stannis because even if he does make it there's going to be some heads that roll by his command and probably revolts sprouting from that, and right now the Seven Kingdoms are splitting apart. I really think that the titles the Iron Throne entails will have to be cut down and I REALLY want to see it happen.

:agree: 100%

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I dread the deaths. The unavoidable, endless deaths. TWOW and ADOS will be a bloodbath and I feel like at least half the POV characters won't see the end. I'm preparing for a mindfuck to end all mindfucks.. (though the novel will be better with all those deaths, or it wouldn't be ASOIAF, I would hate it even more if they weren't there)

I dread a rainbows unicorns happy happy ending. (Especcially for Ramsay and Walder, death to the both of them)

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Through the 5 books my feelings have rollercoastered. Characters I've hated I now like and those I have loved I mostley still love. One thing for sure no character is 100% perfect, they have all done unaceptable things for one reason or another. I dread the death of Arya yet feel she will not live at stroy end. No matter how I would like the story to end it's Martin's story and I will have to live with his conclusion so I hope I finish satisfied.

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I dread the idea that Bran will go 'darkside'. I refuse to believe it, but that fact that so many people believe it may happen worries the crap out of me. :unsure:

All the Starks including Jon are close to heading towards the dark side of the Force. Sansa is taking classes in Machiavellism from one of the most evil men in the lands, Rickon went to summer camp on cannibal island and has a natural tendency for anger it seems, Arya is quickly becoming la femme nikita, and who knows how Jon will 'return' to us. Perhaps this is the bittersweet part Martin is talking about, Starks surviving but having become dark brooding characters.

@ thread

I dread that my boy Jon will be perma dead. That only leaves Arya for me to root for, and Tormund and mr. Blackfish of course. Martin already killed off the Lightning Lord, Eddard and Old Bear, and he wrote GREATJON Umber out of the story. Stop killing my favourite characters Martin! But anyway I do think Jon won't make it till the end.

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I dread a Tyrion/Tysha meeting, something some people here seem to be wishing for. I believe that if she's alive, which I hope she is, she should not have to go back to this horrible thing that has happened to her ever again. Also, any kind of conversation between the two would have to be either unrealistic or painfull.

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