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I Found a Secret Stark!

Florina Laufeyson

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The real clue is if she has an affinity for the canine species. Anyone who likes canines or who the canines like is definitely a Stark. It's the Stark paternity test.

Does that mean Mel is a Secret Stark?

At one time Ghost was all chill with her.

And he was with Val an other time. Though we know that the freefolk and the Starks do share some similar blood from long ago. Can it be possible that all of them are Starks?

And I guess that prooves my heritage as well, I like dogs, and winter. I think I have the looks too.

By the way, what is the proof that you are a Tully? Affinity with trouts? I realy want to see diretrouts now, attacking the krakens. That would be a magnificient battle.

Meanwhile, the Tyrells' paternity test is if somebody really likes flowers...Then that must show if he's a real Tyrell, and not those fakes!

Do you think the thorne of a rose can hurt a real Tyrell? This is a realy important question. Because if they can pierce through the skin of a real Tyrell, I am not one.

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The real clue is if she has an affinity for the canine species. Anyone who likes canines or who the canines like is definitely a Stark. It's the Stark paternity test.

I suppose there is no use in continuing my denials....I'm a Stark. :wideeyed:

At this point I think everybody is a secret Targaryen, Stark, or Lannister.

That's hysterical! Pick a team any team, Don't forget team Baratheon...They're pretty well represented on these boards.

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i have seen wolves and lions...i might be a stark/lannister hybrid

Ramsay's dogs like Reek too...Theon is a stark..his wish is fulfilled

On man this one had me bending over from laughter. The last time I read something this funny on the boards was in a post about what kick-ass name would you name your son. To which the poster replied.....Balerion the Dread.

Ok, I know it doesn't sound funny at the time, but you would have had to been there!!!

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Warning: The following OP contains crackpottery, hilarious notions of grandeur, too many lulz, irish cheese, and lots of green hair.

Side effects of the OP may include frantic giggling, eye rolling, Targ rage, and bad Darkstar theories.

I think Wylla Manderly could be a Secret Stark!!

Why is her hair green? Possibly to hide the fact that she has Stark dark hair and to pass it off as her being rebellious.

She could very well be a bastard of Brandon Stark's by a Manderly lady. But in order to hide this shame, Wyman took her in and raised her as Manderly. But her lineage is not unknown to Wylla, however. For why else would she so declare for the Starks?

They claim that shes blond but who knows.....


A little attached to the Starks, there, eh sweetie?

Shit, there goes my theory of shipping Wylla & Darkstar (DarkWylla).

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This is really crackpot, but I think the Knight of the Laughing Tree might be a secret Stark. First, the KotLT heard the prayers of the crannogmen. There's another Stark who can hear prayers. Second, the KotLT's shield was painted with a laughing tree. Melisandre has a vision where she's trolled by Bloodraven and Bran sitting besides him...laughing. Third, the KotLT doesn't participate in tournies for the glory. Ned didn't care to participate in the tourney held in his honor.

It's a bit crackpot, but all of this evidence definitely seems to point to the mystery Knight of the Laughing Tree as a secret Stark. Now, tear this crackpot apart!

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Indications: Pale eyes, likes to wear pink and keeps knives sharp.

Thoros might be a secret Bolton candidate. His robes are pink and his knives are 'sharp' via wildfire. Not sure about his eye color. They might have been off and thus he was one of the children Bolton sacrificed.

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Good question. I have been wondering for a long time about how Benjen ended up at the Wall. It's been noted elsewhere that the Starks are pretty scarce. Other than the NED he was the only male heir still alive when he went. (I think) Either way it's a pretty risky move when the whole society is based on family bloodlines.

Benjen doesn't seem like the rapist killer kind of guy. I think he chose to go the wall.

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Wun Weg Wun Dar Wun is a Stark bastard

1. Brandon loved horses, he could have gone north

2. He was ever looking for some action...if Tormund can go for a bear, Brandon could go for a giant

3. Brandon was strong, and of old gods. Wun Wun is the same.

4. Both Brandon and Wun Wun lack tyrionsque wits

5. Brandon stopped at riverrun while marching south...Wun Wun stopped frequently to knocking snow of low hanging limbs

6. Both have names ending with N. Maybe Wun Wun is how giants prononuce brandon

PS: I am not discrediting the theory...just that i want to have some fun and am a little tired of everyone is of some great house..depending on hair colour

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