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That feeling when you see other ASOIAF fans...

Pinkie Baelish

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what's funny about it is there was absolutely every need for it.

it is what caused the whole mess :)

He gets that, I think he just doesn't want to read about such things. It is a shame really because there are many things he would probably like IMO.

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He gets that, I think he just doesn't want to read about such things. It is a shame really because there are many things he would probably like IMO.

tell him to stay away from whole fuckloads of history then because incest happened all the bloody time
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tell him to stay away from whole fuckloads of history then because incest happened all the bloody time


Dragons, shadowbabies etc aside, the people and world of asoiaf are not that different from ours. One of the reasons i love the books really.

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I point and mock them just like I did in high school for being into such geekery. Course, those people are still my friends and we still point at and mock each other for such geekery.

I don't really do anything...I'm glad they enjoy the books or show or try to find out, if they don't like it, what about it. But it's not like I get super amped up because they have read a book series I have read.

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The only non-boarder I've conversed with about the books/show was my boyfriend before he was my boyfriend. He had started sitting next to me in class but we didn't know each other all that well, and he was reading AFFC before class started. The funny thing is that I said maybe one calm thing to him about the book (oh, you're reading ASOIAF? Those are good; I like them too.) But then for no possible reason that I can figure, I started telling him about the board, which IMO sounds so so so much nerdier (because you're all a bunch of nerds).

OTOH, I have a friend who I know is a huge fan of both books and show. A mutual friend told me that if you asked him about it, he would spend the next hour or so talking about it. And I've avoided having that conversation.

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Smug contempt.

Every now and then I'll spot someone on the train reading one of the books. I know they only just picked it up through the TV series. And I look down on them.

A co-worker started watching the show a few weeks ago and tried to talk about it. "Hey, have you seen this show, it seems like something you might like." So I curtly informed him that I read the books, corrected his assertions that it wasn't "like a real fantasy" story, and closed the subject.

The gf started the books recently as well. Again, due to the show. But I cut her a little slack since I've been telling her for years that she probably wouldn't like them. She'd like it as a show, but not as a book. So she watched the show and is now reading the books. She doesn't understand why I like Littlefinger and Jaime so much, and dislike Tyrion.

Lastly, there's my brother-in-law, the person who introduced me to the series in the first place. I don't even know if he's still reading them. We've never discussed it beyond, "hey, this new book just came out and it's really good, you should check it out."

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Lol I'm with Muttering Bill. I read the first three books in high school, though I have only been actively involved here since 2009 (fuck me, that's four years!). 95% of the people I see reading the books or discussing them did so only because of the show and have no appreciation for the depth of crackpot theories that exist :)

That said, a good friend of mine from college read the books after seeing the show (I think she may have done AGOT simultaneously) and has subsequently become a "real" fan. So her i support :P

I think in a way we are all ASOIAF hipsters and resent all these people who read the books because it's become fashionable to be a nerd and the show made this particular series quite accessible.

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Most ASOIAF fans I know are only casual, and their knowledge of the series is restricted to the HBO show. I once asked a friend who follows the show "Did you know that Jon Snow is Rhaegar Targaryen son?" and his reply was "Who's Rhaegar Targaryen?"

Not confirmed. ;)

I do not think I have really "converted" anybody into the books, a friend that started reading them on my suggestion has not finished them, as far as I know ...

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i have been reading fantasy novels all my life but the show got me into these particular books, christ. feel free to 'look down on me'' :lol:

haha, what a load of old wankery shit.

OK. ^_^

But at least you read fantasy. So I'll cut you a little slack as well. :kiss:

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OK. ^_^

But at least you read fantasy. So I'll cut you a little slack as well. :kiss:

i tend to say ''what a load of old wankery shit'' quite often i might have to mention that in the ''your by words'' thread

my comment was more intended to be tongue-in-cheek than genuinely out-raged though :lol:

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I admittedly found the books because of the show but perhaps I can get a pass for being 6 years old in 1996? :D

Anyway, I at least am the first among my peers to learn of the show and subsequently read the books and they are not into it as much as I am. I'm the geekiest of the bunch and sad to say, they watch it because it's cool to do so, but they're not invested in it and I got an eyeroll for even saying that I participate in this site. I just shrugged it off because I really love the intellectual discussions taking place here which have made me appreciate the books more. I could talk about ASOIAF for hours but I've got no one to talk to outside the internets.

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I admittedly found the books because of the show but perhaps I can get a pass for being 6 years old in 1996? :D

Anyway, I at least am the first among my peers to learn of the show and subsequently read the books and they are not into it as much as I am. I'm the geekiest of the bunch and sad to say, they watch it because it's cool to do so, but they're not invested in it and I got an eyeroll for even saying that I participate in this site. I just shrugged it off because I really love the intellectual discussions taking place here which have made me appreciate the books more. I could talk about ASOIAF for hours but I've got no one to talk to outside the internets.

I would have been two in 1996, so I'm feeling we should get some sort of pass for this. :lol:

and yeh, the bolded part, that's my problem too - which is why i like this site so much

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Depends on the person I'm talking to.

I have a couple of friends who are not on this board, and who are into ASoIaF. We meet and play rpg, maybe talk about it too. The last discussion we had was "show vs. books".

But, of course, most of them are geeks and nerds - like me. I don't feel bad about that. And I don't feel bad when I'm wearing my Lannister t-shirt in public. Most people I meet don't simply recognize the sigil, some do.

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i've converted 2 people to the books

i really didn't mean to sound like a snob then either because as i mentioned, i really fucking love the TV show, some of the best Television i have seen in awhile

but i do get really excited when someone mentions the books

Eh, I'm definitely a book purist, so no worries on that one :laugh:

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I never mentioned Bran falling of a tower being the cause of the mess. His climbing the tower helped a great deal tho.

If the incest never occured in the tower, but Bran climbed towers, he could've fallen. That triggers Joffrey sending the assassin. Added to Lisa's accusations, it causes Ned and Catelyn to investigate and start a war.

If Bran doesn't climb towers in the first place, none of this happens (as you mentioned yourself, Lisa's evidence could've been dismissed), no war. So if any of you gets a chance to travel back in time and sideways in space and visit pre-GoT Westeros - kill Bran! :)


Does this test involve the recital of the names of the three ships Stannis took from Lord Sunglass? :P

Something like that. Seeing as how I don't know the answer without looking at a wiki i'll just have to talk shit behind your back and maintain solid eye contact with you should we ever meet.

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