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Jon Snow the 3headed dragon and mythology.

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I do not believe this to be the case.  My thoughts on the 3-headed dragon are as follows:

(This is part of my reply to LML's essays on the topic of Azor Ahai.  I am reposting it here, for you, consort)

1) Drogon is the Stallion Who Will Mount the World. Furthermore, he is also The Prince Who Was Promised. Let me repeat, Drogon is both the Stallion and the Prince. Because:

A. His mother, Daenerys, is a rightful queen.
B. His father, Drogo, is a rightful king of his people.
C. Stallion implies that he will father children, thus bringing about the return of the dragons.
D. Rhaegar was wrong when he tried to bring about the "the dragon must have three heads" thinking they are his future children. Wrong, blondie. Rhaegar assumed the "3-heads" are Targaryens rather than actual dragons because as far as he knew, the dragons were gone for good. The "3-heads of the dragon" are actually Drogon, Rhaegal, and Viserion. Rhaegal and Viserion will turn female and lay a bunch of eggs.
E. The allusion to horse means Drogon will be the vehicle that Daenerys will ride to conquer the world and remake it according to her vision, which she has a right to do given her role of Mother.
F. Drogon's role, as well as that of his sisters, are protagonists. They are the protagonists in the story and will help bring about a unified people in order to help homo sapiens survive the cataclysm known as the long night.

2) Daenerys Targaryen and Jon Snow. Yeah, I know, this is the topic that fans can get worked up about. Jon Snow's role in the story is to fight the Others directly and could even involve working out a compromise with them. Dany's role is that of the mother figure, the one to unite the world and force everyone to work towards a common goal rather than serving themselves. (This is the true role of Azor Ahai.  Dany is Azor Ahai).  For example: The Iron Bank wants to collect its loans and make a profit. It will take someone with the power of a dragon to force the bank to forgive the loans, forget about profit, and allow Westeros to continue to buy food to last the long night. That's like asking the banks of our time to forgive loans and nothing short of a nuclear bomb super glued to their asses with the remote control in your hand to make them agree. We see this happening in Mereen. Dany is forcing the slavers to give up something they really, really don't want to give up, slaving.

3) The North. Yeah, many of the important scenes in the story will happen at the north simply because George's world is just too big. But other equally important events that we will not witness and read about will take place elsewhere. For this reason, Jon Snow is a major character. However, his role is local. He's a local hero.

4) Daenerys, Tyrion, and Jorah. They've have the advantage of traveling the eastern continent, which is the majority of the world and having exposure to cultures, peoples, and traditions. Their role will have a bigger impact, as they affect everything outside of Westeros and eventually, even Westeros itself. Westeros will stand a poor chance of survival on its own. Dany's role is to pull all of the people together, and like a mother, discipline the children and make them work together for the common good. That might mean some people losing their wealth and status, like the slave masters and the bankers. It may mean forcing the Ironborn to forget this shitty mentality of pirating and looting. For sure it will mean breaking the Dothraki way of enslaving the helpless folks of Essos.  It may mean forcing the wildlings to accept the rule of law and bend knee. 

5) The three heads of the dragon are Drogon, Rhaegal, and Viserion.  The human dragon is Daenerys.  It matters not who Dany's wingmen are.  What matter most are the actual dragons themselves as they are the engines for change.  

It's not what you wanted to read, perhaps, (your post read like you're a supporter of Lord Snowflake, and I am most certainly not) but I like my ideas better.  :) 


I really like it, Drogon as the prince that was promised.  I saw this same post from you at the TOTH (tower of the hand).  Nicely done.

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I like your ideas better than The Doctor's Consort's ideas, quite FRANKLY, Mr. VI.  (high-five)


Thank you, Lothar of House Frey


Franklin 6, your ideas indirectly support my theory:  Rhaego and Drogon switched places right before Mirri delivered.  What Mirri delivered was a dead dragon embryo from the petrified egg.  This is supported by her own statement, "he had been dead for years."  I'm in complete agreement, and thank you for bringing a fresh theory to the table, one that is logical.

Please post.  I would be delighted to read it. 

Ok, yours is the best theory I have read regarding the stallion and the prince who was promised.  


I really like it, Drogon as the prince that was promised.  I saw this same post from you at the TOTH (tower of the hand).  Nicely done.

I am a visitor there also.  The membership of that site are very knowledgeable. 



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  • 1 month later...

I just noticed something which for me point to 3 headed dragon= 1 person. As we know per Dany's HotU visions Rhaegar said that the dragon has 3 heads. Yet Aemon who seems to be Rhaegar's pen pal and partner in crime when it comes to the prophecy mentions that there is only one saviour. If they worked together how Aemon thought that there is only one savior?

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first off where have u been JQC? i havent seen u on here for awhile. second that let this thread be known that this is the basis of the 3 headed dragon prophecy. and third im sorry but i havent read through this entire thread so im not sure if its in here but im going to link one of apples threads that relate to this.


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29 minutes ago, Nozlym said:

first off where have u been JQC? i havent seen u on here for awhile. second that let this thread be known that this is the basis of the 3 headed dragon prophecy. and third im sorry but i havent read through this entire thread so im not sure if its in here but im going to link one of apples threads that relate to this.


I am here, I just don't post as much as I used to. Oh yes. Apple Martini is great.

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  • 4 months later...
On 5/4/2013 at 1:18 PM, Jon's Queen Consort said:

I was reading a post from Apple Martini (Jon Snow at the Crossroads of Resurrection Mythology) and then I had an idea. In many mythologies around the world one deity has 3 separate *faces*. One deity can be three other deities at the same time. So I had the idea: How about Jon being the three headed dragon with different hypostasis?


Jon Targaryen, Jon Stark, Jon Snow

Jon the wolf, Jon the Dragon, Jon the crow

Jon the King in the North, Jon the Targ king, Jon LC of NW

Jon the Song of Ice and Fire, Jon the Prince that was Promised, Jon the Azor Ahai Reborn


What do you think?

Rhaegar was a fool.  Jon is the not the 3-headed dragon.  It is possible for Jon to be the last hero, however.  It is also possible for Jon to be the Prince that was Promised, although there is a better candidate. 

Daenerys is the the 3-headed dragon of House Targaryen, basically she is Aegon the Conqueror.  Dany fulfilled ALL of the requirements to be Azor Ahai.  She is Azor Ahai.  Aemon believes the Prince that was Promised is Dany.   She is, after all, the main character of ASOIAF.

Some fans believe Drogon is the Prince that was Promised.  I lean towards Dany as The Prince that was Promised.  Drogon is the Stallion in the prophecy.  Dany will ride the Stallion to conquer Essos and Westeros.

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Jon is technically the Prince that was Promised if Rhaegar really married Lyanna before the Old Gods by the First Men's tradition which would make him a legitimate prince (even if the Faith wouldn't allow polygamy, the Old Gods don't mind) and Eddard's promised to protect Jon.

3 heads? Jon the Prince. Jon the Wolf. Jon the Dragon.

BTW, Wolf-dragon is the title belongs to Vlad Tempest. It doesn't fit with Jon's personality though.

Literally, Jon is the Prince that was Promised. Metaphorically, Jon will probably wake the dragons (not literal dragons) from stone somehow. While Daenerys did hatch 3 dragons from fozzilized eggs literally, no one promised anything for her so I guess the prophecy of the Stallion that shall Mount the World that somehow included the word "promise" would be the only loose connection.

Daenerys being the 3-headed dragon would also fit. She (especially her temper and her "the dragon plants no tree" reminds me of "Azi Dahaka", the "Fire Dragon" that was the mad 3-headed dragon.

I think that Jon will find his true parentage and his real name in his own tomb in the collapsed level in the Crypt of Winterfell that was sneakily built when Ned built tombs for all his children and embrace his Targaryen ancestry thus wake dragons from stone.

PS. I just found this when I wanted to confirm about Vlad Tempest's titles. I believe "Azor Ahai" either means "Fiery Dragon" or "Fire Dragon", which would fit either Jon or Daenerys.

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14 hours ago, 300 H&H Mag said:

She is, after all, the main character of ASOIAF

Utter bs.In any case this has nothing to do with the op and is off topic. There are other threads about Dany when this is just for Jon.

13 hours ago, Schwarze Sonne said:

BTW, Wolf-dragon is the title belongs to Vlad Tempest. It doesn't fit with Jon's personality though.

Well by blood he is a wolf dragon and he had both his "walking the dragon" and "wolf blood" moments.

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7 hours ago, Jon's Queen Consort said:

Well by blood he is a wolf dragon and he had both his "walking the dragon" and "wolf blood" moments.

By what I meant as wolf-dragon title doesn't fit Jon because Vlad Tempest (Dracula) also had that title is because Dracula reminds me more of Roose and Ramsay Bolton. Well, Dracula means dragon and devil is associatd with dragon and serpent.

But then there was another historical person from Balkan who's even more fitting than Dracula. His name is "Vuk Branković" (Vuk means Wolf, Bran also similar to Bran the Blessed and Brandon) and whose nickname was "Zmaj Ognjeni" (meaning Fiery Dragon, might be the meaning of Azor Ahai) and he was called often for "Zmaj Ognjeni Vuk" (The Fiery Dragon Wolf). In folklore, he shared a lot in common with Jon Snow even how they were conceived. I found this information on reddit by accident.


There was also a Serbian movie about him that was released this year.


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23 hours ago, Schwarze Sonne said:

By what I meant as wolf-dragon title doesn't fit Jon because Vlad Tempest (Dracula) also had that title is because Dracula reminds me more of Roose and Ramsay Bolton. Well, Dracula means dragon and devil is associatd with dragon and serpent.

But then there was another historical person from Balkan who's even more fitting than Dracula. His name is "Vuk Branković" (Vuk means Wolf, Bran also similar to Bran the Blessed and Brandon) and whose nickname was "Zmaj Ognjeni" (meaning Fiery Dragon, might be the meaning of Azor Ahai) and he was called often for "Zmaj Ognjeni Vuk" (The Fiery Dragon Wolf). In folklore, he shared a lot in common with Jon Snow even how they were conceived. I found this information on reddit by accident.


There was also a Serbian movie about him that was released this year.


I see. I didn't knew about it. It seems interesting and I will most definitely read the post and see the movie. Thank you!

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  • 2 weeks later...

There is also a very interesting quote from Dance. 


Dead things in the wood. Dead things in the water. Six ships left, of the eleven that set sail. Jon Snow rolled up the parchment, frowning. Night falls, he thought, and now my war begins.

Why my war? Obviously because as AAR, the Son(g) of Ice and Fire and the Prince that was Promised it's his war.

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  • 2 months later...
On 5/4/2013 at 1:22 PM, Tumnas the Torpid said:

Jon of Winterfell, Jon of the Wall, Jon of the Wildlings?

I like this idea. :thumbsup:

While the concept of a character having three aspects in one can be attributed to many, Jon is clearly a central figure to the overall story and his three parts will have a huge, lasting impact now and in the long run... and George does love to play a long game! ;)

The wildlings, with the help of Val, Morna and Tormund, are now part of Jon's vision to repopulate the north (the gift specifically)

  • A Storm of Swords - Jon XI

    [Stannis] "Whilst your brothers have been struggling to decide who shall lead them, I have been speaking with this Mance Rayder." He ground his teeth. "A stubborn man, that one, and prideful. He will leave me no choice but to give him to the flames. But we took other captives as well, other leaders. The one who calls himself the Lord of Bones, some of their clan chiefs, the new Magnar of Thenn. Your brothers will not like it, no more than your father's lords, but I mean to allow the wildlings through the Wall . . . those who will swear me their fealty, pledge to keep the king's peace and the king's laws, and take the Lord of Light as their god. Even the giants, if those great knees of theirs can bend. I will settle them on the Gift, once I have wrested it away from your new Lord Commander. When the cold winds rise, we shall live or die together. It is time we made alliance against our common foe." He looked at Jon. "Would you agree?"
    [Jon] "My father dreamed of resettling the Gift," Jon admitted. "He and my uncle Benjen used to talk of it." He never thought of settling it with wildlings, though . . . but he never rode with wildlings, either. He did not fool himself; the free folk would make for unruly subjects and dangerous neighbors. Yet when he weighed Ygritte's red hair against the cold blue eyes of the wights, the choice was easy. "I agree."
On 5/4/2013 at 3:02 PM, Jon's Queen Consort said:

The only reason I think that is Jon is because that it was said that tPtWP and AAR is the same person and I believe that all the messiah figures (AAR, TPTWP, 3HD, LH) are the same person from different scopes. For me too it was the Targaryens’ sigil that made me thinking of the same person different *faces* one dragon three heads I don’t think that it could be more clear than that. I like the idea of a prophecy that predates the Targaryen conquest could you explain more about it?

I also feel this way. One story told in different dialects and then brought back together will have the same base information, just a few translation issues. Not to harp on about the Free Folk too much, but we see this already now with how the translations between the Free Folk and anyone south of the wall is different- stealing is on example. And that is from people in current time and within close geographical proximity to each other.

If you want to get real crazy-like with the comparison to three's, and including George's admitted connections to Christianity, you have the father- father of the new north, father of the "monster"(tribute to Ned), father of his own sons that he says Val could give him; son- son of prophecy, son of the north; and holy...ghost!- no explanation needed. Not saying this is true for sure, but your comment made me think of this now. I will have to think more on this later to see if it does hold any water.

The Targaryen sigil is a little too obvious to be the only three-headed figure in the series. One of George's editors mentioned how George makes his reveals in three's, so Dany can't be the only one.

On 5/4/2013 at 8:13 PM, J. Stargaryen said:

The continent of Westeros itself is comprised of three sections; the 'South', the North, and the Lands Beyond the Wall. But the Seven Kingdoms only extend as far as the Wall; i.e., the LBtW are not a part of the kingdom. Not yet, anyway.


I have often thought along these lines as well. There could be a split of Westeros three ways where Jon wields his new "Ice" (whichever it may be) and deals justice to north but cutting Wetseros off at the "neck" as his bonded father Ned taught him to do. Historically, there has been nothing but death and destruction done to northerners who go south past the neck. I am thinking that Dorne will be a kingdom, middle Westeros will be one, and then from the neck up will be another, new kingdom= three kingdoms in one and Jon rules his third. This, in my opinion, also associates Jon with being the Last Hero because of the connections Jon has made for himself as being a first man, of the old gods, etc.

Oh boy, when Jon wakes as that man, just think of all he will know :cheers:

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On 12/10/2016 at 11:10 PM, The Fattest Leech said:

I also feel this way. One story told in different dialects and then brought back together will have the same base information, just a few translation issues. Not to harp on about the Free Folk too much, but we see this already now with how the translations between the Free Folk and anyone south of the wall is different- stealing is on example. And that is from people in current time and within close geographical proximity to each other.

That is exactly what I meant. Even in real life we have stories about events which are common in some cultures even if they were not so close. For example an ancient Greek myth tell us about the time that Zeus decided to destroy humanity and Deucalion along with his wife Pyrrha  were the only survivors of a flood which looks the same with the story about Noah’s ark. My point was that important events and people exist in every culture with different cultural aspects. Jon fits that role because he has the aspects of all those cultures while Dany doesn’t fit the aspect because she has only very few of those aspects. 

On 12/10/2016 at 11:10 PM, The Fattest Leech said:

If you want to get real crazy-like with the comparison to three's, and including George's admitted connections to Christianity, you have the father- father of the new north, father of the "monster"(tribute to Ned), father of his own sons that he says Val could give him; son- son of prophecy, son of the north; and holy...ghost!- no explanation needed. Not saying this is true for sure, but your comment made me think of this now. I will have to think more on this later to see if it does hold any water.

Truth be told I had never thought about it.

On 12/10/2016 at 11:10 PM, The Fattest Leech said:

The Targaryen sigil is a little too obvious to be the only three-headed figure in the series. One of George's editors mentioned how George makes his reveals in three's, so Dany can't be the only one.

That is a thing that many people misunderstood way too much around here. The sigil is about one 3headed dragon and not about 3 dragons. Someone could say that it is about Aegon and his sisters but I believe that the sigil is older. The princess of Dorne quotes the Targ words to say GTFO to Rhaenys, hence the words were created before the conquest, that would imply that the sigil was also created before the conquest. That would mean that the sigil represents an older legend or even prophecy. My opinion was that the sigil was made for the 3headed dragon that will be the savior of humanity; Jon.


What is also overlooked about Jon is how he is literally the embodiment of the song of Ice and Fire. A song is the perfect balance between words and music, sound and silence. I don’t think that someone is so close minded, blind and willfully ignorant and cannot or doesn’t want to notice how peculiar and curious is the fact that GRRM had chosen for Jon to be literally 50% Stark and 50% Targaryen, the balance between Ice and Fire.

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23 minutes ago, Jon's Queen Consort said:

That is exactly what I meant. Even in real life we have stories about events which are common in some cultures even if they were not so close. For example an ancient Greek myth tell us about the time that Zeus decided to destroy humanity and Deucalion along with his wife Pyrrha  were the only survivors of a flood which looks the same with the story about Noah’s ark. My point was that important events and people exist in every culture with different cultural aspects. Jon fits that role because he has the aspects of all those cultures while Dany doesn’t fit the aspect because she has only very few of those aspects. 

Truth be told I had never thought about it.

That is a thing that many people misunderstood way too much around here. The sigil is about one 3headed dragon and not about 3 dragons. Someone could say that it is about Aegon and his sisters but I believe that the sigil is older. The princess of Dorne quotes the Targ words to say GTFO to Rhaenys, hence the words were created before the conquest, that would imply that the sigil was also created before the conquest. That would mean that the sigil represents an older legend or even prophecy. My opinion was that the sigil was made for the 3headed dragon that will be the savior of humanity; Jon.

I have seen this mentioned a lot more in recent weeks, the story of dragons or Targs coming before the conquest. I never gave it much thought, but I am coming around to how important it is to the story now. I am going through other parts of the book with a little more focus on the pre-Targ stuff as I can.

I have been doing a lot of re-listening to stories lately (I work with my hands and need something on in the background) and this struck out to me the other day in a way I never paid much attention to before:

From the World Book: Then there were three wild dragons that might be tamed if riders could be found: the Cannibal, said by the smallfolk to have lurked on Dragonstone even before the Targaryens came (though Munkun and Barth are dubious of this claim); Grey Ghost, shy of people, gorging on fish it plucked from the sea; and the Sheepstealer, brown and plain, preferring to feed on what sheep it could steal from the sheepfolds. Prince Jacaerys announced (with the prompting of Mushroom, if his Testimony is to be believed) that any man or woman who could ride one of these dragons would be ennobled.

And yes! Princess Meria is pretty awesome for her brush off of a Targ takeover in her homeland. She didn't let a dragon scare her.

23 minutes ago, Jon's Queen Consort said:


What is also overlooked about Jon is how he is literally the embodiment of the song of Ice and Fire. A song is the perfect balance between words and music, sound and silence. I don’t think that someone is so close minded, blind and willfully ignorant and cannot or doesn’t want to notice how peculiar and curious is the fact that GRRM had chosen for Jon to be literally 50% Stark and 50% Targaryen, the balance between Ice and Fire.

Jon mentions 7 times since he became Lord Commander that the wall is his, and we know that the wall protects itself (the wall killed Jarl because Jarl "assaulted" it). Hell, even Tyrion in AGOT tells Jon that he has more of the north in him than his brothers do, so yea, you can't undo the fact that Jon is ice as much as he is fire. The wall of ice is acting as Jon is/will. Plus the symbolism of Ice the sword and how it will come back in to play with the northern reformation. Ice preserves, Jon is ice, Jon will preserve the north. To think that George has spent all of this time and effort developing a character like Jon and not have him be important is silly.

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3 hours ago, The Fattest Leech said:

I have seen this mentioned a lot more in recent weeks, the story of dragons or Targs coming before the conquest. I never gave it much thought, but I am coming around to how important it is to the story now. I am going through other parts of the book with a little more focus on the pre-Targ stuff as I can.

I had a theory once about the Westerosi dragons. To quote myself;


We know that there was a star which felt thousands years ago near the castle we today know as Starfall in Dorne. This star was used as the material for the sword Dawn. Now, I was thinking that maybe what felt near Starfall wasn’t a star but it was an ancient Westerosi dragon and Dawn was created or forged in its dragon’s fire and maybe nails, bones body parts in general.

That maybe will have something to do with the theory that Dawn is the original LB which was forged in NN’s heart. Maybe NN was the wounded dragon or the dragon who had felt?

And after that I had the idea that the original Ice became the original Lightbringer and at the end Dawn was created, so I am not sure about the Dawn= a fallen dragon anymore. The only thing we know for sure is that the Valyrian dragons were not the first dragons in Westeros.

3 hours ago, The Fattest Leech said:

From the World Book: Then there were three wild dragons that might be tamed if riders could be found: the Cannibal, said by the smallfolk to have lurked on Dragonstone even before the Targaryens came (though Munkun and Barth are dubious of this claim); Grey Ghost, shy of people, gorging on fish it plucked from the sea; and the Sheepstealer, brown and plain, preferring to feed on what sheep it could steal from the sheepfolds. Prince Jacaerys announced (with the prompting of Mushroom, if his Testimony is to be believed) that any man or woman who could ride one of these dragons would be ennobled.

Now you mentioning them it’s there is quite interesting about them. Firstly it’s the fact that they most likely were not hatched from Targaryens’ eggs. I don’t see how the Targs would had allowed three eggs or hatchlings to be on their own and not bonded to one of them especially since we have seen what happened when Daemon gave an egg to his mistress. So, it would seem that the dragons were not a descendant of the Targaryens’ dragons.

What is also strange and curious is their name.

Cannibal; has connection with the Northmen, the Skagosi, reports had come from a place at the shores of the Shivering Sea, which is in the Northern part of GRRTH, called Cannibal Bay that there is an Ice dragon and of course the Rat Cook which was at the Wall.

Sheepstealer; Bael the Bard stole the Blue Winter Rose Stark like how Rhaegar stole Lyanna.

Grey Ghost; Do I really have to explain it? The Stark colors are grey and white. Also Jon’s dragon is a white one called Ghost.

I think that I just went full crackpot!

3 hours ago, The Fattest Leech said:

And yes! Princess Meria is pretty awesome for her brush off of a Targ takeover in her homeland. She didn't let a dragon scare her.

My point was that she did it using their words, which would mean that their words and sigil was made before the Conquest. Hence the sigil isn't about Aegon and his sisters.

3 hours ago, The Fattest Leech said:

Jon mentions 7 times since he became Lord Commander that the wall is his, and we know that the wall protects itself (the wall killed Jarl because Jarl "assaulted" it). Hell, even Tyrion in AGOT tells Jon that he has more of the north in him than his brothers do, so yea, you can't undo the fact that Jon is ice as much as he is fire. The wall of ice is acting as Jon is/will. Plus the symbolism of Ice the sword and how it will come back in to play with the northern reformation. Ice preserves, Jon is ice, Jon will preserve the north. To think that George has spent all of this time and effort developing a character like Jon and not have him be important is silly.

Some people here actually believe that this is a story about how the lost princess in the East frees some slaves, something that has no effect on the Westeros, and the Ice zombie apocalypse is just a red herring.

Anyway, I find it really important how GRRM chose to give Ned and Lyanna a Stark mother and a Stark father. I mean seriously how that isn’t an important clue? For me it is also important how when Jon, even if he was named after JA, has also have the name of a Stark King, just like Bran and Rickon, when even  the girls had Stark names but Robb wasn’t named after a Stark.

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