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character names in various translations


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Dreadfort = Fort-Terreur

King's Landing = Port-Réal

Dragonstone = Peyredragon

Riverrun= Vivesaigues

Storm's End = Accalmie

Qhorin Halfhand = Qhorin Mi-Main

Usually, it's the very evocative names.

Sometimes, names are also translated in french.

Gilly : Vère :ack:

Brienne of Tarth became Brienne de TOrth for no apparent reason. Same with Willas : Willos Tyrell.

Davos : Davos Mervault

But I don't like the french translation so I don't know if they are other...

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Sometimes, names are also translated in french.

Gilly : Vère :ack:

Brienne of Tarth became Brienne de TOrth for no apparent reason. Same with Willas : Willos Tyrell.

Davos : Davos Mervault

But I don't like the french translation so I don't know if they are other...

It's really odd. I read the books in english but I went to the french wiki (lagardedenuit) out of curiosity and I had a hard time recognizing the characters and places with the translation.

Edwyle Stark is translated as Redwyle Stark for no apparent reason. A typo like this shouldn't have made it to the final edition

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In the Chinese version, they just tried to get the character names to sound somewhat like the English names. For most of them anyways. I speak Chinese, and the names had no apparent meaning. When I tried putting the Chinese version of Eddard Stark through a translator, it came out with ai'de shi'ta'ke. Although jon snow had the character for snow in his last name.

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Croatian language

Winterfell - Oštrozimlje

King's Landing - Kraljev Grudobran

The Twins - Blizanci

Storm's End - Krajoluj

Highgarden - Visoki Vrt

Sunspear - Sunčevo koplje

Oldtown - Starigrad

Now i remeber why I read ASOIAF in English version :drunk:

Some stuff from the Serbian version:

Winterfell - Zimovrel

King's Landing - Kraljeva Luka

Storm's End - Krajoluj

Highgarden - Visoki Sad

Casterly Rock - Livacka stena

Dreadfort - Uzasnik

Sunspear - Suncevo koplje

Riverrun - Brzorecje

Blackwater - Crnobujica

I don't know how this happens, because Croatian were always better in translation than Serbs in former Yugoslavia, but as someone who has read both, I can tell that Serbian is far superior in any way than Croatian translation.

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I don't know how this happens, because Croatian were always better in translation than Serbs in former Yugoslavia, but as someone who has read both, I can tell that Serbian is far superior in any way than Croatian translation.

Aren't they basically the same spoken language, but use different alphabets?

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Aren't they basically the same spoken language, but use different alphabets?

No, they are not. They are quite similar and Serbs use both latin and cyrillic alphabets. The Croatian and Serbian language had parallel evolution in 19th century, but during the 20th century, with union and creation of Yugoslavia, they wanted to unite it in one language, and called it Serbo-Croatian or Croat-Serbian. For instance, Montenegrin and Bosnian languages are just consequence of nationalism and war. Bosnian is derived from Croatian(there's no difference), and Montenegrin from Serbian. There are too many controversies about this. So, we all understand each other, but we all speak 'different' languages. Idiocy, if you ask me.

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Riverrun - Rekotocí

Winterfell - Zimohrad

King's Landing - Královo Prístaviste

Dragonstone - Drací kámen

Jon Snow - Jon Sníh

etc... half of those are missing carons

Also some of the house names and other surnames suddenly began to being translated in the middle of the series, so half of my knowledge of Westerosi genealogy went away :D

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storm's end: bastion de tormentas

kings landing: desembarco del rey

riverrun: aguasdulces.

And others but i'm to lazy

Casaca de Matraca=Rattleshirt.......... I lmfao every time I read it, it just sounds awful. The worst name in spanish

In the spanish (latin american) version, castles, places and nicknames are translated, But not all the names, only those who are composed words, ex: Stark, Baratheon Targaryen stay the same, but Blackfire = Fuegoscuro, Snow = Nieve, Longwater = Mareslargos, etc

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No, they are not. They are quite similar and Serbs use both latin and cyrillic alphabets. The Croatian and Serbian language had parallel evolution in 19th century, but during the 20th century, with union and creation of Yugoslavia, they wanted to unite it in one language, and called it Serbo-Croatian or Croat-Serbian. For instance, Montenegrin and Bosnian languages are just consequence of nationalism and war. Bosnian is derived from Croatian(there's no difference), and Montenegrin from Serbian. There are too many controversies about this. So, we all understand each other, but we all speak 'different' languages. Idiocy, if you ask me.

Yeah, total non-sense.

I'd prefer if there was non-adjusted version of relevant names in the books, but that seems like asking too much, but translation isn't terrible, its actually spot on.

btw guess:

Ne znas ti nista Dzone Snezni. (edited without punctions)

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Yeah, total non-sense.

I'd prefer if there was non-adjusted version of relevant names in the books, but that seems like asking too much, but translation isn't terrible, its actually spot on.

btw guess:

Ne znas ti nista Dzone Snezni. (edited without punctions)

I have no problem with translation of the names used as characterization. They are meant to be translated. So, while they can't translate Stark, Lannister, Eddard or Jon, the names that are derived from nouns and are used as characterization, are needed to be translated.

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I don't normally hate translating of translatable names, but when it is Kettleblack in ACOK and ASOS and someone suddenly decides that it needs to be translated and it becomes Cernokotlý in AFFC, it certainly confuses one, especially with a large amounts of translatable names.

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This is part of the prologue of AGOT in spanish where Ser Waymar Royce begins the fight with the Other (Otro), begins with Waymar saying "dance with me then" and finishes with "Will closed his eyes. Far beneath him, he heard their voices and laughter sharp as icicles"

—Adelante si quieres, bailemos. —Ser Waymar le hizo frente con valentía.

Alzó la espada por encima de la cabeza, desafiante. Le temblaban las manos a causa del peso,

o tal vez fuera por el frío. Pero Will pensó que en aquel momento ya no era un crío, sino un hombre de la Guardia de la Noche.

El Otro se detuvo. Will le vio los ojos; azules, más oscuros y más azules que ningún ojo humano, de un azul que ardía como el hielo. Miró la espada temblorosa sobre la cabeza de Ser Waymar y vio cómo la luz de la luna fluía por el metal. Durante un instante, se atrevió a albergar esperanzas.

Salieron de entre las sombras en silencio, todos idénticos al primero. Eran tres... cuatro... cinco... Quizá Ser Waymar llegó a sentir el frío que emanaba de ellos, pero no los vio, no oyó cómo se aproximaban. Will tenía que lanzar un grito de aviso. Era su deber. Y su muerte, si osaba hacerlo. Se estremeció, se aferró al árbol con más fuerza y guardó silencio.

La espada transparente hendió el aire.

Ser Waymar la detuvo con acero. Cuando las hojas chocaron, no se oyó el ruido de metal contra metal; tan sólo un sonido agudo, silbante, casi por encima del umbral de audición, como el grito de dolor de un animal. Royce paró el segundo golpe, y el tercero, y luego retrocedió un paso. Otro intercambio de golpes, y volvió a retroceder.

Tras él, a derecha e izquierda, los observadores aguardaban pacientes, silenciosos, sin rostro, el dibujo cambiante de sus delicadas armaduras los hacía casi invisibles en el bosque. Pero no hicieron ademán alguno de intervenir.

Las espadas chocaron una y otra vez, hasta que Will sintió deseos de taparse los oídos para protegerse del lamento angustioso que emitían. Ser Waymar jadeaba ya por el esfuerzo, el aliento le surgía en nubecillas blancas a la luz de la luna. La hoja de su espada estaba cubierta de escarcha; la del Otro brillaba con luz azul.

Entonces, el quite de Royce llegó un instante demasiado tarde. La hoja transparente le cortó la cota de malla bajo el brazo. El joven señor lanzó un grito de dolor. La sangre manó entre las anillas. Despedía vapor en medio de aquel frío, y las gotas eran rojas como llamas al llegar a la nieve. Ser Waymar se llevó la mano al costado. El guante de piel de topo quedó teñido de rojo.

El Otro dijo algo en un idioma que Will no conocía; la voz era como el crujido del hielo en un lago invernal, y las palabras sonaban burlonas.

—¡Por Robert! —gritó Ser Waymar Royce haciendo acopio de toda su furia.

Y se lanzó hacia delante con un rugido, blandiendo la espada escarchada con ambas manos y descargando todo su peso en un ataque en arco paralelo al suelo. El Otro paró el golpe con un movimiento casi casual.

Cuando las hojas se encontraron, el acero saltó en mil pedazos.

Un grito despertó ecos en el bosque nocturno, y los restos de la espada salieron disparados como una lluvia de agujas. Royce cayó de rodillas entre gritos, y se tapó los ojos. La sangre manó entre sus dedos.

Los observadores se adelantaron al unísono, como si les hubieran dado alguna señal. Las espadas se alzaron y descendieron en un silencio sepulcral. Fue una carnicería sin ira. Las hojas translúcidas hendían la cota de malla como si fuera seda. Will cerró los ojos. Bajo él, sonaban voces y risas agudas como carámbanos.

I hope you guys like it

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