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Character Progression: Who was your favourite character at the start, middle and now?

King of Winters

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1. Jon

2. Jon

3. Jon

I come from a divorced household and always had sympathy for Jon. Watching him grow , make good decisions, bad decisions but the right decisions. I have no doubt in my mind that he is "the song of ice and fire". Like Ned taught him, he is honorable and does things the right way. Like his mother lyanna, he has a wild side to him. Like his father Rhaegar, he's intelligent and people respect him.

I'm not sure what happens from here on out, but I can't wait to find out!!

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Beginning: Ned / Jaime (two bad asses at odds with each other)

Post-Baelor: Robb (king in the north, enough said), with honorable mention to Renly

Post-RW to Current: Jon Snow, with honorable mention to Stannis

Basically, the series starts off with Stark vs. Lannister and both Ned and Jaime are compelling, complex characters who drive the action. Frankly, the story needed this conflict to get me hooked and paying attention to the other plot lines.

Then, with Robert and Ned's death I looked to who would make the best king and Robb was a great KITN and Renly would have been the best king of Westeros so I liked those two the most and paid close attention to their storylines.

Post-RW, Jon Snow suddenly became a very likable character, or rather he was placed into the most conflicted, drama filled situation and I wanted an heir to house stark to root for. Also, Stannis became more likable when he put the realm first and when he began siding with the North against the others and the Boltons (and when he became a true plot driver with his out of left field assault on the wildlings). Also, Stannis benefits from the great dramatic tension in the north.

Tyrion has always been a very interesting character, but I've never viewed him as a true contender in the game of thrones (ie, he wasnt the most consequential to the storyline) so I never liked him as much as the others mentioned. But, he is a great character.

Eta: I have never been a big fan of Dany. She seems to just want Westeros for an arbitrary reason and her misadventures in Essos are well written but I want her to fail.

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There have been lots and lots of characters now in ASOIAF since the start, so which character was your favourite at the start of AGOT, the middle of the series (so about ASOS) and which is your favourite character now, after ADWD?

Ned was my favourite character at the start, then obviously he got his head chopped off (:crying:), then from ACOK to about the end of ASOS or start of ADWD Tyrion was my favourite, then by the end of Dance my overall character is Jon.

This sums up my thoughts perfectly.

Never 5get Ned#

Edit: Davos gave Jon a run for his money in ADwD though. There just wasn't enough of him.

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Hello all, first post here... Thanks for the members (huge and short alike) for creating a fascinating forum.

I know that "perfect" human beings are not very fascinating as characters and I understand that it's easier to identify with more realistic, "flesh-and-blood" persons. Still I can't help wondering how people can name the likes of Jamie or even Tyrion (or Roose...) as their favorites..? Persons who push innocent young kids through the window or use violence and threat as a means of acquiring something (even if we live in the middle ages). Sorry...


At the beginning: Ned (until beheadening - of Lady...)

Then: Daenaerys (until Meereen)

Now: Jon Snow

But who is the finest person?

The most important qualities for me are wisdom, bravery, honour, goodness. Who is more wise than the one who knows who he is and follows that path even though the wise maesters are not able to understand and do not give any courage on doing that? And who has more courage than a little boy who goes beyond-the-wall when he feels he must while even the grown-up men of Night's Watch are afraid of that?

And besides, Bran also has more abilities than any other living being (propably in the history of 7 Kingdoms). Only Dany can be counted coming close to him in her historic significance.

And, by the way, the story began with Bran. It should end too.

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