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Saddest Moment to You in ASOIAF ?

Jose Stark

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Catelyn's death

Cersei's atonement

Jaime losing his hand

Daenerys killing Drogo

Jeyne Poole - that was just devastating what happened to that poor girl... it was worse than anything

Sam finding out about the baby-switch

Mormont's death

Sansa building snow Winterfell

Doran Martell

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  • 2 weeks later...

Robb's death was terrible of course, I still cannot believe it happened, and when Jaime lost his hand I could almost feel the pain, but nothing hurt me like Maester Aemon, for whatever reason. I guess it's because I thought he was the last of the Targaryens (I didn't know Young Griff was really Aegon)...

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  • 3 weeks later...

The current "best quote" thread reminded me of this (I cannot remember the actual lines:

Arya thinks to herself, something along the lines of "will Mother still want me back after she learns of the things I've done?"

She's referring to the one or two people she's personally killed. That's heavy stuff for a child to carry with them. And I've worked with plenty of kids who have been or fear to be rejected by their parents. The moment above rang so true about our thoughts and fears when we are children...makes me sad.

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I feel like RW and Ned's death are obvious candidates for saddest moment and those are probably two of the saddest moments in the series. However, the sad moment that always stuck with me that didn't involve a major character being slaughtered has to be when Sansa builds Winterfell in the snow at the end of ASoS.

After three books of cruel treatment to the Starks that moment feels like an epitaph for the closness their whole family represents, what could have been and what should have been, but never will be again - a happy and completely reunited Stark family

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A tie for Ned Stark and Oberyn Martell's death. This is heavily weighed on two factors for me:

1) I didn't see their deaths coming.

2) The amount they loved their family members. Ned sacrificing his honor, calling himself a traitor in attempt that his girls would live, when his honor was more important to him than his own life. Oberyn Martell who took on fighting one of the most deadly men in Westeros and repeatedly reiterated his crimes against Elia, all out of love for his dead sister that he has waited over ten years to avenge- he is like the Inigo Montoya of Westeros.

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The current "best quote" thread reminded me of this (I cannot remember the actual lines:

Arya thinks to herself, something along the lines of "will Mother still want after the learns of the things I've done?"

She's referring to the one or two people she's personally killed. That's heavy stuff for a child to carry with them. And I've worked with plenty of kids who have been or fear to be rejected by their parents. The moment above rang so true about our thoughts and fears when we are children...makes me sad.

That's a fabulous heartbreaking line. It is like the thoughts of soldiers but to the devastating level of a child believing she is sullied by the traumas of war and what she had to do to survive. I felt like it got to Beric Dondarion, who then makes his promise that Arya will be taken care of and reunited with her family later even if they don't pay for her.

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The saddest for me is the fact that Cat died believing that four of her five children were dead.

Ned's death is also up there, but I was nearly as upset over the deaths of Luwin, Aemon, Drogo, and Yoren, among others.

Sam discovering the baby switch. It really gets to me.

I haven't seen this yet on this thread. Penny's pig and dog being presumably killed. After all she went through... damn.

And, while this isn't one event, everything that has happened to Theon while in the hands of Ramsay has been brutal.

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Simple..... What moment broke you down te most?

Arya and The Hound's goodbye, while Jaqen's goodbye had the underlying hope she would remove his name once he helped her free the northerns, Gendry's was caught up in the rush of her escape and Ned's wasn't really a goodbye as much as a "to be continue", The Hound tried so hard to get that mercy kill, and Arya fought so much to find a reason not to, it was excruciating.

Brienne talking about being her father's only surviving child, not fit to be a son or a daughter.

Her confession was the second most excruciating moment of the books for me, followed closely by Jaime's confession of what really happened to the pyromancers (and the fact nobody cared about the pyromancers in the first place).

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I think Sansas snow Winterfell was the saddest thing so far. Even though I despise that flitting idiot character and her inability to adapt to obviously dangerous situations; that was still pretty somber. To me, it better represented all the Starks had lost when compared to the statement by Cat. I mean, dumb shit Sansa hasn't had one second of control of her existence since the family left for King's Landing. Shocking buffoon. So, it's a melancholy moment for this decimated, sad character.

Caveat: I'd still like to see Sansa fired from a catapult though the fire of all three dragons and finally landing upon the steps of The Great Sept of Baelor just as the executioners sword is falling. She's such a simpleton.

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Ned admitting to lies in front of everyone to save his daughters then being killed, in front of Arya, was a gut punch. It was sad as hell and the first time I realized these books aren't fucking around.

Also, when Bran is learning to slip into the weirwood for the first time and sees Ned and thinks he's alive. Leaf telling him that his heart yearns for home and Ned and that's why he saw him. Poor little guy.

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