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"Everywhere the dragons danced, people died" Daenerys trace of death

Señor de la Tormenta

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Guys, it's simple. Robb/Ned/Robert/Stannis (I deliberately do not include the Lannisters here) fight for a cause. They are completely right within their own morals.
Dany: Always has been thinking it her right to rule, even when he had no idea about ruling. That's already not a positive threat, even though understandable/excusable.
But it gets, worse. Because of her sense of entitlement, she thinks that her sympathy with the slaves justifies her overthrowing the structure of a clearly functioning and old society. It doesn't matter, that from our pov it is worse for a civilization to be based on slavery than tenure. Most of us are probably not qualified to discuss this question, and neither is Daenerys.
We must judge her for her motivation. She isn't some noble marxist who thinks that the time has come for another revolution, who has a theory that would prove that this would improve the society. She is merely feeling entitled and therefore presumes to change an ancient world based on her emotions. That's bad.

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Funny how Dany never gets credit for any of this on threads about who is the best at military and war.

It's always, well everybody else did everything for her.

Just word the question in a negative manner and people are more than willing to lay every bit of it on Dany.

Crediting her for military prowess is different that saying "her death toll is close to 100k. Nealry 99% civilians" is proof of said prowess. A large part of said death toll is due to her lacking military prowess.

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Funny how Dany never gets credit for any of this on threads about who is the best at military and war.
It's always, well everybody else did everything for her.
Just word the question in a negative manner and people are more than willing to lay every bit of it on Dany.

Most of the deaths caused by her come from massacress of civilians and incompetence at securing basic human needs for her own people. Not from being skilled in the art of war.

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I really dont get why people jump with the hate topic etiquete, evrytime one points Daenerys flaws and the danger it represents for westeros. I mean, Dragons dance and people die is Martins, not mine.

So "Ides of Marsh" is a Bowen Marsh hate thread? Or "Did Stannis wanted Robert to die" a Stannis hate thread??? So we cannot disscus characters actions whatsoever? Great...

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Funny how Dany never gets credit for any of this on threads about who is the best at military and war.

It's always, well everybody else did everything for her.

Just word the question in a negative manner and people are more than willing to lay every bit of it on Dany.

Are saying she's a good military leader/ruler? Or am i misunderstanding you?

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Guys, it's simple. Robb/Ned/Robert/Stannis (I deliberately do not include the Lannisters here) fight for a cause. They are completely right within their own morals.

Dany: Always has been thinking it her right to rule, even when he had no idea about ruling. That's already not a positive threat, even though understandable/excusable.

But it gets, worse. Because of her sense of entitlement, she thinks that her sympathy with the slaves justifies her overthrowing the structure of a clearly functioning and old society. It doesn't matter, that from our pov it is worse for a civilization to be based on slavery than tenure. Most of us are probably not qualified to discuss this question, and neither is Daenerys.

We must judge her for her motivation. She isn't some noble marxist who thinks that the time has come for another revolution, and has a theory that would prove that this would improve the society. She is merely feeling entitled and therefore presumes to change an ancient world based on her emotions. That's bad.

and this is a great post.
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99% civilians???? Where are you getting these numbers???

If Astapor had a small garrison of free soldiers,

If Yonkai fell without a fight,

If Meereen had a garrison similar to Astapor (they counted on thier walls),

If Drogo lost few soldier when attacking unarmed lamb men,

Then the population of Astapor, the people who died of the Pale Mare and starvation in the siege,make the overwhelming majority.

Danny lost few troops. If we count the Unsullied killed doing poilice work as still soldiers, than sure. It can go to like 95-98%. I'll give you that much.

He pulls them from his ass of course :P

I prefer the trerm "guestimating", since it is part a guess of the size of Astapor, and the casualties of the siege of Meereen, and part estimation of the rough size of a garrison of a city with ~8,000 Unsullied, and Meereen with it's slave rebellion that took the city almost without a real fight.

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I really dont get why people jump with the hate topic etiquete, evrytime one points Daenerys flaws and the danger it represents for westeros. I mean, Dragons dance and people die is Martins, not mine.

So "Ides of Marsh" is a Bowen Marsh hate thread? Or "Did Stannis wanted Robert to die" a Stannis hate thread??? So we cannot disscus characters actions whatsoever? Great...

I agree with you. However, there's no discussion of the Daenerys threat, it's basically "So, Daenerys's a liar and a killer and she's the worst thing since ever, the worst person in the world, she thinks of herself as a god, she's only freeing slaves because she wants to be worshiped and she actually likes slavery, but she's using this as a cause to get a free army". That's not criticism. That's unjustified hate with no reason and not based at least on GRRM's books.

Crediting her for military prowess is different that saying "her death toll is close to 100k. Nealry 99% civilians" is proof of said prowess. A large part of said death toll is due to her lacking military prowess.

Where are those numbers from?

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I really dont get why people jump with the hate topic etiquete, evrytime one points Daenerys flaws and the danger it represents for westeros. I mean, Dragons dance and people die is Martins, not mine.

So "Ides of Marsh" is a Bowen Marsh hate thread? Or "Did Stannis wanted Robert to die" a Stannis hate thread??? So we cannot disscus characters actions whatsoever? Great...

Dragons kill fewer men than men. Three dragons on the Field of Fire killed four thousand men-while the Battle of Redgrass field killed 10,000.

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