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Disney's Frozen

Jaxom 1974

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I absolutely loved that cartoon. Elsa is my favourite character probably.

Hans was a really good twist too, and the way how they turned the "true love" into "you really want to marry somebody you only met today".

My only criticism is that the opening scene feels disconnected to everything else - after seeing that, I expected to see more of those ice-cutting men, and yet in the end there was just Christoph.

I did not like this film very much. I felt like it was a bunch of disconnected scenes/songs that in the end didn't really form a coherent story.

The pacing is off and the lack of clear conflict really brought the film down. It seems like from the scene where Elsa runs away, it's non stop action-action-action and no character development scenes.

While Anna is an interesting character enough, Elsa cruelly lacks any sort of development and only steals the show because Idina fucking Menzel.

While the plot twist and the ending were interesting and original for a Disney, it was still an extremely easy way to resolve everything.

Elsa stopped winter how exactly? "Oh it's love! Here you go!". That was all kinds of stupid

Visually, there are some truly beautiful things but some things felt odd and out of place:

-Elsa's Ice queen outfit was weirdly contemporary and over the top. I understand the whole point of Let it go is that she finally becomes her true self, but her design suddenly became unecessarily sexualized.

-The trolls were a bit unecessary in the end.

-the Ice Golem's design was terrible

-the castle of Arrendell and the town design was really bland. While the mountain scenes were really beautiful, all the scenes in the castle felt really..bland. Compared to, say, the castle in Beauty and the Beast.

It's also weird that the film starts on -what I assume is- a traditional Saami song but that aspect is never really explored and it ends up feeling like exploitation. Contrast it, for instance with Lilo and Stitch, where Hawaiian culture -albeit severely disneyfied- was front and center.

I personally thought the songs were hit or miss:

Let it go is amazing. The whole sequence is great, the song is a show-stopper, technically it's extremely impressive and I couldn't help but think of it as a coming-out (as in, coming out of the closet) song. (speaking of which, am I the only one who read Elsa as queer?)

The First time in Forever reprise is really great.

The rest of the songs were a little weak:

Olaf's song is cute but not unforgettable.

For the first time in Forever is good but not as great a "the leading lady's heart desire-song" as "Belle" or "Part of your World" or any number of other disney songs.

The troll song was ... weird? What was the point of it all. Felt like it was supposed to be the "Friend like me" or "Under the sea" or "Be our Guest" of this movie but fell completely flat and was a little out of place.

Lack of a good villain song.

Overall, while Let it go is a great song, none of the other songs come close to the renaissance era songs.

That and the lack of actual plot prevent it from being a true classic.

In the end, I didn't dislike it but when it was all over, all I could think was "This was like Wicked but without an actual plot". Oh, and even as someone who likes a good amount of camp, this was just way too camp, in a bad way.

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The kids love it though...

Yeah...the kids...of course... :leaving:

I loved it. Watched it...sang all the songs for days...made my hubby crazy...and after singing "would you like to build a snow man" for gazillioned time I watched it again....

Love how they smashed all Disney cliches...and what's not to love about big summer blowout :D

Let it go gave me goose bumps.

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Recently saw this. It hit on a lot of personal notes for me. I was taken a little by surprise by my emotions. I perhaps should have expected it after watching the trailers. But nope It's Disney so what's the harm....

I was super close to my sisters when we were little. I haven't seen either of them in 17 years. So the sister bond and separation thing stabbed me in the feels.

I found myself identifying with Elsa. So I'm glad they didn't make her evil. And the song Let it go. Shredded me down to a puddle of tears.

Let it go was definitely about taking something that has forcefully identified you and defined you. Despite it not being who you really are. But what others have made of you. Putting that away and being free to be yourself regardless the consequences and loss.

I'm just going to go out on a limb and say. Having only seen it once. For this moment in time. I loved it. But it hurt my feelings.

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I really enjoyed it. It was not perfect, there were some things about it that seemed to need more exploration or explanation and some of the songs were meh. But overall, it was really good and Let it Go and that scene in particular was spectacular. I do like the direction that Disney is taking with so-called Princess movies in this movie and with the last few (Princess and the Frog, Tangled and Brave). Obviously, there are still some stories about females that need to be told and told better, but these are all a small step forward in the right direction.

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I really enjoyed it. It was not perfect, there were some things about it that seemed to need more exploration or explanation and some of the songs were meh. But overall, it was really good and Let it Go and that scene in particular was spectacular. I do like the direction that Disney is taking with so-called Princess movies in this movie and with the last few (Princess and the Frog, Tangled and Brave). Obviously, there are still some stories about females that need to be told and told better, but these are all a small step forward in the right direction.

I agree on all of it. I liked the movie a lot, and I think most of my complaints were due to the fact that the movie was not targeted at me, a 26 year old male. Still a great movie and another in a line of pretty good Disney movies.

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I agree on all of it. I liked the movie a lot, and I think most of my complaints were due to the fact that the movie was not targeted at me, a 26 year old male. Still a great movie and another in a line of pretty good Disney movies.

It wasn't targeted at males? TWO hot princesses instead of the usual one... :p

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I took my best friends little girl. I liked it. About, half-way through she turns to me and says I could do without the singing wich I agree with. But, it wasnt to long of a movie and the snow man olaf was funny. Now layla and I are constantly saying watch out for my butt. Our inside joke.

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I've forgotten. Was it ever addressed how Olaf was brought to life? Both Anna and Elsa seemed surprised by this.

From what I remember he was made by the girls when they were little. Then the accident happened we don't see what happens to the snow room. Much latter, Olaf wanders in to Anna in the snowy mountain area. But not really that close by the ice castle.

I have a friend here telling me that Olaf was made with Elsa magic and brought to life by their combined sister love magic accidentally. (lol)

Or Anna had her own magic that wasn't really discovered because of the accident and the trolls taking it away in order to save her life. But before they did that she accidentally brought Olaf to life.

I think Elsa did it. (After building her ice castle.) She brought her snow golem thing to life. Why not Olaf too? You know, because she really did want to build a snow man all that time.

I guess I want you to tell me I'm right. Aaaand now I have been punched in the arm.

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Elsa does it during the let it go sequence, just before creating the staircase that goes to the ice castle then immediately walks off singing and I guess assuming Olaf would disappear in time.

You can see it in the clip on YouTube.

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Thank you for the answer and a way to prove it. Looking it up now.

They don't call you the best for nothing I see.

ETA: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=moSFlvxnbgk @1:09

It's blink and you'll miss it but when I saw that the first time I was like awwwwwwwww, she finally wants to build a snowman but her sister isn't there, awwwwwwwwwwwwww

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Hmm, this one didn't really grab me. The story was ok, but nothing special and the music wasn't to my taste. Perhaps it was because it was like a broadway musical? I really miss the tunes of Little Mermaid and Beauty and the Beast. The snowman really grated on me too. Whatever it was, I came out of this one pretty disappointed. If I'm comparing it to Tangled, Tangled was tons better.

I'm with Gertrude in this one. The little Lannister nephews didn't like this one. I should say I wasn't entirely disappointed in the flick (top notch animation), but I think Disney has done better? (Tangled was better IMO). And I did get too much of a Broadway vibe out of it... we'll see it made a stage musical soon.

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I agree on all of it. I liked the movie a lot, and I think most of my complaints were due to the fact that the movie was not targeted at me, a 26 year old male. Still a great movie and another in a line of pretty good Disney movies.

I don't know - there was much less mushy romance in this story.

A good bit of the film is comedy, action sequences, and powerful displays of magic. My D&D self was pretty much all in, minus some of the weaker songs aka songs that are not Let It Go.

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A good bit of the film is comedy, action sequences, and powerful displays of magic. My D&D self was pretty much all in, minus some of the weaker songs aka songs that are not Let It Go.

Vuelie, Frozen Heart, and Do You Want to Build a Snowman are all awesome songs. In Summer was funny, but not what I'd call great. Fixer-Upper, in my opinion, was the only song that was really lacking.

As for less romance, well, there might be less of it but Anna/Hans was seriously damn mushy. :p

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Vuelie, Frozen Heart, and Do You Want to Build a Snowman are all awesome songs. In Summer was funny, but not what I'd call great. Fixer-Upper, in my opinion, was the only song that was really lacking.

As for less romance, well, there might be less of it but Anna/Hans was seriously damn mushy. :p

I think the Anna/Hans "romance" was deliberately over the top to help set up the end...

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