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TTNE 445: Mucho mucho ice cream in su trucky-trailer?

Grand Moff Mithrandir

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Being insane is the best thing to be :commie:

I have the day off today :D but have an eight hour shift tomorrow :bawl:


Ouch... you'll get through it! Best of luck :grouphug: and you have talent, that av is wonderful :D

KTI, that is wonderful about the love, I wish you the best of luck and loooooads of happiness :grouphug:

Aww bless you you're getting all blushy too :D that's adorable! And enjoy the dinner!

Potato wtf was that, my eyes are burning :bawl:

Eira, sounds like you had a great day!

Also Cora, Starky doesn't know who Big Guy is, I'm the one who mentioned him by suggesting Dj could be him.. under a different alt :leaving: Robert Stanek anyone?

I'm soooo tired after work.. but I'm free for the next 5 days pretty much except for studies...

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I think we are going to try and see it next Thursday, right after Alex & I get out of school. (doesn't start here until then...we might have to wait until Friday, with with the husband's work schedule, we can't do the weekends)

"I became insane with long intervals of horrible sanity" one of my all time favorite quotes :D

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Gang...quit complaining about the trollers. This is a SPAM thread. If they are offensive, just report the post and forget about it. It just gives the mods more to edit out.

Hello, my friends and spamily! =o)

I'm going out for a dinner tonight at one of my friends. He invited me (and a couple of others) because we helped him move back to his flat when that terrible rain/flood came down.

And... I think I'm in love. And am loved in return. :blush:

Hope you are all doing great?


Congrats Bro!

*curls up in corner of thread with blanket, tea and kleenex*

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I hate this shit so much!!!!! I hate it, I hate it, I hate it! It's the same old crap I've been bombarded with for three years now, just stop it already! It's not even legit science, it's all just stolen from law and psychology and classic economics and sociology! It's bloody copyright infringement! Why just why do I have to study it?!

Don't answer me, I know why. Because I'm a freaking coward who never dared to go for what she really wanted and thinks that studying shit people supposedly expect her to study is good or a duty or whatever else is why I'm unable to get my shit together and freaking QUIT this shit. Just how can somebody screw up their life so much? I so envy and respect people who just dumped the courses they didn't like and gave zero shits about what other people will say!

Damn I'm doing great at not swearing. That's kind of something I'm trying to do now, getting off of swearing.

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Greetings the spam. I am on a brief flyby as I do not wish to neglect my guest. We saw Hyde Park Winter Wonderland this morning/afternoon. Then we went to see a Pantomime (she has never seen one when she was younger, and she always talks about wishing she had. So I decided to surprise her with tickets :) ) We looked somewhat out of place among all of the families but I do not care, it made my friend so happy. And I loved it myself too. Who says the pantomime is only for children? I have to say this too...the sang "Time Warp". Which gave me a chuckle and made me think of the Spam.

Tomorrow will be a long and hectic day, so we are having a brew and then its an eay night for us.

Sleep well everyone (that means you, Cora...)

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I hate this shit so much!!!!! I hate it, I hate it, I hate it! It's the same old crap I've been bombarded with for three years now, just stop it already! It's not even legit science, it's all just stolen from law and psychology and classic economics and sociology! It's bloody copyright infringement! Why just why do I have to study it?!

Don't answer me, I know why. Because I'm a freaking coward who never dared to go for what she really wanted and thinks that studying shit people supposedly expect her to study is good or a duty or whatever else is why I'm unable to get my shit together and freaking QUIT this shit. Just how can somebody screw up their life so much? I so envy and respect people who just dumped the courses they didn't like and gave zero shits about what other people will say!

Damn I'm doing great at not swearing. That's kind of something I'm trying to do now, getting off of swearing.

Don't be too hard on yourself :grouphug:

It's not easy and no one makes the right decision all the time .

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