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why all the littlefinger hate?


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Personally, I think he's great. Aside from the betrayal of ned, the guy is pretty much an amazing individual in the sense that, yes he started out with basically nothing but a title and now is one of the most powerful men in the 7 kingdoms. The guy is extremely politically savy and Extremely intelligent. He's basically one hellova chess player who doesn't hold to any one piece in particular so loosing a piece either through sacrifice or unintentional doesn't really hamper him. he uses everything in conjunction in order to accomplish his objectives. Basically he's kinda like the American dream rising from nothing to sitting at the top, in a scarface kinda way without the cocaine addiction.

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He claims to have paid a man "in boys". He supplies a paedophile with children. He has absolutely no morals whatsoever. He isn't actively evil like Ramsey or Gregor, but he's the next worst thing.

He's a great character, but it's obvious why people hate him.

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Personally, I think he's great. Aside from the betrayal of ned, the guy is pretty much an amazing individual in the sense that, yes he started out with basically nothing but a title and now is one of the most powerful men in the 7 kingdoms. The guy is extremely politically savy and Extremely intelligent. He's basically one hellova chess player who doesn't hold to any one piece in particular so loosing a piece either through sacrifice or unintentional doesn't really hamper him. he uses everything in conjunction in order to accomplish his objectives. Basically he's kinda like the American dream rising from nothing to sitting at the top, in a scarface kinda way without the cocaine addiction.

You're not exactly wrong, I just suppose that "the American dream in a Scarface kinda way" doesn't appeal to me in the slightest. Also, starting out with "nothing but a title" isn't true, he also had a wardship at one of Westeros' Great Houses, with all that entails in the form of education and connections - the basis of everything he's done since came from there.

ETA: You shouldn't downplay the difference having a title is in a feudal society. It's unlikely he'd ever have made anything of himself if he'd been born a peasant. Now Varys, there's someone who came from nothing...

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-he betrayed Ned

-he smashed one chance of happiness to sansa(the Tyrell wedding)

-he used Sansa to bring venom to the PW

-he manipulated Sansa to fall into his power

-he is using the daughter of the love of his life as substitute to the mother

-he is creepy

Why do i hate him?

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I don't hate LF, but I also think he is overrated as a player. He doesn't have any allies that I can see, only henchmen and people he hasn't screwed over yet. In order to obtain and hold on to real power a player needs to have allies, as Cersei's story points out so well.

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and why is LF viewed as being a great character? I dont really like him.

I suspect it's because most people care about what happens to him - now generally, most of us want bad things to happen to him, but we all care - ie, he inspires feelings and emotions in us, ergo he's a great character

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Well in a way, he's more dangerous than most bc everyone with the exceptions of tyrion and varys kinda laugh off how dangerous he really is bc he doesn't come from a major house. Also even though he has no allies, who openly opposes him? outside the little grouping of lords from the vale which he even turned that to an advantage. Look to think he's not that good of a player is kinda ridiculous. Is he the best, well I'll reserve judgement to the end, but unlike ned, robb, tywin, ect, he's still alive.

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he is the best player, but this do not mean that dead characters were bad ones(some were0, but even the best player will have troubles when factors he couldn't control happen(R+L=J or the Others).

O I didn't mean to say they were bad players, only that they're dead and he's not. And well in a game where you win or you die, he's alive where they're not.

Like I said other ppl have done worst but have their supporters, I just don't get all the hate for this particular one.

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Littlefinger is one of the greatest characters. I have trouble caring about boring characters like Sansa (who seems to have a large following here and a lot of people dislike him because of her) while the smart, political, quick thinking, interesting Petyr dominates every scene he is in - every page with him is memorable and in the end he will be a great ruler - one who understands finances in a way westerosy can't imagine, supports the merchants and values skill and merit - the only one who can bring Reneissance.

Edit: Also i fail to understands the pedophile accusations - he is not atracted to children, he is interested in Sansa because she reminds him of Cat - it does not matter if she is 14 or 30 it will be the same to him, pedophiles and intrested in the childish appearence.

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Littlefinger is one of the greatest characters. I have trouble caring about boring characters like Sansa (who seems to have a large following here and a lot of people dislike him because of her) while the smart, political, quick thinking, interesting Petyr dominates every scene he is in - every page with him is memorable and in the end he will be a great ruler - one who understands finances in a way westerosy can't imagine, supports the merchants and values skill and merit - the only one who can bring Reneissance.

Thank you. Love him or hate him the man has skills.

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