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If you were LS, what would you do with Jaime?


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Probably hang him.

I mean, if I'm hanging people whose only job was to get the Greatjon drunk at the Red Wedding, I cannot fathom how I wouldn't hang the man who paralysed my young son and attacked my husband.

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I guess it depends on which question you are really asking. What WOULD I do, or what SHOULD I do? And are we talking about UnCat (meaning a being still capable of any rational thought), or Stoneheart who apparently wants nothing but to kill anyone and everyone outside of her little band of followers?

If I were UnCat, a mother somehow brought back in the manner of Beric, with some level of humanity / memory / purpose intact, what I *should* do is hear them all out and then send Brienne, Hyle and Pod on to continue their quest, while keeping Jaime as a hostage to their intentions.

I can't blame her for having doubts about Brienne, but if I thought Brienne was wavering in her oath due to feelings for Jaime, then that would be the surest way to keep Brienne focused on fulfilling her oath as fast and effectively as possible. There's also the added benefit of having Jaime a captive again. Cersei may not feel what she once did for him, but he is still a leash on the Lannisters and the IT.

If I were Stoneheart however, I probably *would* hang them all together from the nearest tree. There does not appear to be any reason or goals left in her but the killing of everyone she believes to have had any hand in any way in the deaths of her children.

Frankly the idea of Stoneheart as mindless walking vengeance scares me less than the idea of Stoneheart with memory, plans and cunning. If she retains any of that I cannot imagine what kind of slaughter she may bring about, even to many who never really contributed to her children's deaths.

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Ransom him to the Twins, execute everyone that comes to save him. Ransom him to Kings Landing, execute everyone that comes to save him. Ransom him to Casterly Rock, execute everyone that comes to save him. Finally execute him, send his head to Cersei in a box with the Stark direwolf on it. Trebuchet his body gold armor and all into Riverrun.

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Take his thumb and little finger from his remaining hand, and his pinky toes and big toe from both feet.

Then i'd blind and geld him and send him to the capital, after Brienne and company return my daughter, and our family swords.

A shambling, stumbling mockery of a man.

Take his digits because he crippled my son.

His dick because it was a major factor in the destruction of my family.

His eyes so he's at the mercy of others, as he saw the world at his.

Harsh justice, but just all the same.

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I'm pretty sure anyone with the last names Frey, Lannister, or Bolton are on the swinging-from-a-tree list if UnCat gets her waterlogged hands on them. And good riddance to most of the lot!

But...Jamie would have to talk his way out, and my guess is he'll do exactly that.

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I'm so intrigued w this storyline the most out of everyone in TWOW. I would hope Brienne informs him what they're walking into so they can formulate a plan but sadly I don't think it will be enough and he will be hanged to free Pod/the other dude.

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Depends on if I can trust him to help me get rid of all the Freys/Lannisters that are currently occupying my ancestral home (including most definitely Jaime's aunt). Or find a way that he can help free Edmure (and his Frey wife for me to deal with later depending on if I like her answers)

But realistically if I'm inserting myself into the shoes of LS without all the knowledge that I, as a reader, contains - I'm breaking his back first. Then he's being hanged, drawn, and quartered in the slowest possible way where I can achieve the maximum of his suffering.

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