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US Elections: Post-Mortem Blame Games


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I remember when Assange was the devil to right wingers.  I suspect that he soon will be again.  I think his M.O. is chaos and diminishing US influence.  Now that he's dinged the US by helping to elect a wholly unfit POTUS, he'll set his sights on a new target, and that very well may be Trump.

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Wikileaks want a formal confirmation that the US government won't prosecute Assange or Wikileaks, but since Assange is under extradition to Sweden it's unclear what the petition is calling for. I think it's for Donald Trump to do what he can to help Assange, Trump certainly talked a lot about Wikileaks at his rallies.  

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We could also drop the idiotic 20page rule and not have two locked elections thread on the front page of Misc because of it, especially since the shit quotations software makes it really hard to quote someone from the previous thread neatly.  That's an idea.  

And given that I'm finally not so hungover, its incredibly disappointing that my adopted home state of PA was essentially the nail in Clinton's coffin.  They voted to continue to chase the heights of steel and coal, despite the fact that there is absolutely no way to bring either of those industries back.  They're dead, and a lying shit of a man got their votes because he promised completely empty lies in contrast to actual proposals that emphasized job training and cheaper college so that people could try to build a new economy.  The Rust Belt just shot itself on the strength of meaningless lies and its incredibly upsetting that they took the rest of the country with them.  


e:  And at a national level, Dems can't obstruct shit.  The filibuster will be gone as soon as the new congress takes their seats.  There's no way the party that refused to even entertain a hearing for a SCOTUS nom doesn't immediately turn around and take away the tools that they used, especially since the GOP platform is FYGM personified.  

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Haha. Wolf Blitzer copping so much abuse for his shell shocked, panicked and clearly partisan response through the evening as the growing realization of Trumps pending victory dawned on him.

And that David Gergen character. Good heavens. Where the heck did they dredge him up from? He was almost crying in the lead up to Hillary's concession speech.

CNN has lost any claim to the moral high ground. They are every bit as partisan as Fox News.

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From the popular vote discussion in the other thread: it is difficult to determine how meaningful this parameter is. If it mattered, it would be completely dominated by large states such as California and Texas, but right now, everybody knows how those states will go so a disproportional number of people don't bother voting unless they have some stake in a competitive local race. Here are the numbers based on Google's info at the time of this post:

California: 55 electoral votes, 8930459 total votes

Texas: 38 electoral votes, 8903237 total votes

Based on the approximate population ratio, (55-2)/(38-2) = 1.47, if there are 8903237 votes in Texas, one would expect 13.1 million in California, but it's not anywhere near that (it may be that they're not quite done counting yet, but I doubt it will increase that much). Those 4 million missing votes are easily more than the total voting population of the 10 smallest states combined. It's not clear who would win if the popular vote mattered: the next biggest non-battleground states tend to be Democratic (New York, Illinois), but there seem to be more medium Republican states. Also, there would be a whole lot more campaigning in the large "safe" states if the popular vote mattered.

Basically, if the goal was to win the popular vote, the race would be completely different and it's not obvious who would be the winner.

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