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UK Politics II


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Great. Terrific. Wonderful. Our esteemed MPs, at least the Labour ones, care so little about the disrepute the House of Commons has fallen into that they would elect that clown just to embarrass Cameron. What about next time, will the Tories elect Galloway just to get their own back?


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A wee poem that just came my way:

I want a floating duck house

I want to clear my moat

I need to mend my tennis court

That's why I need your vote.

I have to build a portico

My swimming pool needs mending

My lovely plants need horse manure

And the Aga needs much tending

A chandelier is vital

Mock Tudor boards are great

My hanging baskets won awards

And I've earned a tax rebate.

I need a glitter toilet seat.

My piano so needs tuning

Maltesers help me stay awake

And my orchard must need pruning

I could have said the rules were wrong

And often thought I should,

But somehow it was easier

To profit all I could

The public really have to see

That the rules are there to test

And by defrauding taxpayers

We were just doing our best

The Speaker of the House has gone,

Our sacrificial beast,

But the public are still braying

For our corpses at the feast

What do the public want from us,

Those vote-wielding ingrates?

They really should be grateful

To be financing our estates.

The message is so very clear,

(we're merely learning late)

That the British way of living well

Is to screw the bl**dy state.

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An amusing if unsurprising story from Tom Harris' blog

A LABOUR colleague was in the toilet next to the chamber just before the first ballot, when he was joined by David Cameron in the adjacent urinal.

“David, I’m about to vote Tory for the very first time in my life,†said my friend jovially.

“John Bercow doesn’t count!†replied Cameron.

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Great. Terrific. Wonderful. Our esteemed MPs, at least the Labour ones, care so little about the disrepute the House of Commons has fallen into that they would elect that clown just to embarrass Cameron. What about next time, will the Tories elect Galloway just to get their own back?


Think of it this way. Bercow has plenty of experience in moving on from an embarrassing past. ;)

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LOL @ the poem.

I still can't decice whether to be relieved or sad we didn't get to experience Anne Widdecombe's "vulgar attributes".

I don't know anything about Bercow apart from that he was an old Thatcherite who's got married and turned social liberal or something. What made him change his mind? It seems like a pretty huge change of heart.

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Bercow was no mere Thatcherite. He was chairman of the Young Conservatives, an organisation with the unique distinction of having been banned by Norman Tebbit for being beyond the pale: and a member of the Monday Club, Secretary of its Immigration and Repatriation Commitee (yes, that is just as bad as it sounds).

Why he began moving to the left, nobody really knows. He did marry a Labour activist but she also had been a right-winger in her youth and this seems to have been after Bercow started moving to the left, rather than the reason for it. In any case he is now about as far from his youthful views as it is possible to get. He started on the extreme right of the Tory party and is now on its extreme left.

ETA: incidentally, I see that despite this being a secret ballot, Nadine Dorries somehow knows for a fact that only three Tories voted for Bercow.

This woman is a strong contender for 'biggest cretin in the Parliament', and that's saying something. (Not basing this on merely the above, of course, but her long record of saying stupid things.)

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Wouldn't it be nice?

BNP could face court injunction

The British National Party could face legal action over its membership policies, the Equality and Human Rights Commission has said.

The commission said it had written to the party over possible breaches of the law in the BNP's constitution, membership rules and recruitment.

It asked the BNP to pledge to comply with the Race Relations Act by 20 July or face a potential legal injunction.

The BNP accused the commission of "politically-motivated" bullying.

Asking for a membership number on job applications is a pretty open-and-shut breach of employment law. But the best bit is the quote from the scum's constitution:

In its constitution, the BNP says it exists to represent the "collective National, Environmental, Political, Racial, Folkish, Social, Cultural, Religious and Economic interests of the indigenous Anglo-Saxon, Celtic and Norse folk communities of Britain and those we regard as closely related and ethnically assimilated or assimilable aboriginal members of the European race also resident in Britain".

'Assimilable'? Is that a word? Or is it a pseudo-word made up by some halfway-educated racist who thinks it sounds clever?

Also, Anglo-Saxons are indigenous?

Norse people are indigenous?

I do like the idea of the BNP defending our folkish traditions: morris-dancing, presumably?

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Well, the Norse bit I suppose is good news for me, as it means I don't have to be deported due to being of a racial profile that is counted as indigenous by the blessed wisdom of the BNP, despite the fact that nobody in my family has ever resided in the UK before. :stunned:

Why don't they just come out and say they don't like coloured people? I mean, it's obvious that is what they mean.

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Bercow was no mere Thatcherite. He was chairman of the Young Conservatives, an organisation with the unique distinction of having been banned by Norman Tebbit for being beyond the pale: and a member of the Monday Club, Secretary of its Immigration and Repatriation Commitee (yes, that is just as bad as it sounds).

He wasc actually chairman of the Federation of Conservative Students. The Young Conservatives were basically a marriage agency for half-witted farmers/members of the gentry, with typically wet paternalistic views. The FCS were a bunch of socially inept ideologues with unpleasant views on foreigners, poor people, single mothers, gays, etc, etc, such that even the right-wing of the party was too embarrassed to associate with them. Republicans, in short. :P

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I fear that the tactical chunder is, like Kylie and Neighbours, an Australian phenomenon that we have adopted with extreme enthusiasm

But surely Australia is merely a far-flung county of the motherland?

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I fear, my pallid brother in St. George's Flag underwear, that you have fallen into heresy and error.

When talking of Patrick White it is clear that Australia is an integral part of Greater Britain, however when discussing Paul Hogan it is immediately apparent that Australia is a distant nation on the fringes of Asia for which we bear no responsibility at all.

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I fear that the tactical chunder is, like Kylie and Neighbours, an Australian phenomenon that we have adopted with extreme enthusiasm

I begin to suspect that you are, in fact, a crypto-Welshman. The proper English response would be, "Tactical chundering may be sufficient for the misbegotten, dim-witted wretches that inhabit the outbacks of Scotland and Australia. We intellectually superior English employ strategic chundering (in places like Mykonos and Tenerife) to maintain our superior position in a post-colonial wasteland."

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I fear, my pallid brother in St. George's Flag underwear, that you have fallen into heresy and error.

When talking of Patrick White it is clear that Australia is an integral part of Greater Britain, however when discussing Paul Hogan it is immediately apparent that Australia is a distant nation on the fringes of Asia for which we bear no responsibility at all.

This is an excellent point. I have obviously fallen under the malign sway of Germaine Greer. Again.

PS Colonials chunder, straight-limbed, stoical English gentlefolk sing liquid arias.

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I do like the idea of the BNP defending our folkish traditions: morris-dancing, presumably?

They're probably thinking more of folkish traditions like football hooliganism and subjugating foreign countries.

I begin to suspect that you are, in fact, a crypto-Welshman.

Apparently Nick Griffin lives in Wales. I wonder if he regards himself as an immigrant there?

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Come on, enough of this pussy-footing. Forcing the BNP to accept job applications from all the blacks and Asians that are just dying to work for them? Stopping their party members from teaching kids how to read and write?

Don't get me wrong, bringing the full power of the state down on these seditious cockroaches is important, making them feel like outcasts in their own country and disenfranchised from decision-making is a crucial first step, it's not enough. A final solution is needed. Only then will our people be pure again; only then will our society be free to grow.

Heil Harman!


Hurry the day that the Tories get back in and BNP voters drift back to Labour. At least that will stop the press and establishment form yammering on about them so much. For as long as I can remember the BNP have been making breakthroughs here and breakthroughs there, and all they have to show for it is a handful of council seats in some of the biggest shitholes in England and a couple of MEPs. Whoopdy-fucking-do, carry on at this speed and they may over-take the Lib Dems at some point during the thirty-fourth century, and we know what the force they are. If the Equalities and Womens And Whatever Else Is Good Commission has nothing else to do with its time than fight for everyone's right to work for a party that no one wants to then it should go take a long walk off a short cliff.

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