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Survivor Samoa

Tears of Lys

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The high five of the racists and the fact that they didn't vote either of them out upsets me. That dumbass losar tribe deserves to lose.

Tho, I will say that the hairdresser was SO RUDE!!

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I can't imagine what the hairdresser chick thought she was accomplishing by giving her little speech. There's zero situations that I can imagine where that would be successful.

That poor older guy with the braided beard looked like he was about to have a heart attack any minute. It's a good thing they took him out.

There's a part of me that's a bit resentful of the attitude that the Asian chick had where she automatically dismissed the cop because she was 47. There are many challenges that don't rely on brute strength, and Ben didn't seem to be a powerhouse anyway. Now that Russell is using him as his bitch, leaving him on the team may prove to be a fatal error.

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Dude, I would have totally kept policelady. She was the first to say she didn't trust Russell - woman has good instincts. Besides, she is a cop and is probably far more badass than that idiot redneck.

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I can't imagine what the hairdresser chick thought she was accomplishing by giving her little speech. There's zero situations that I can imagine where that would be successful.

I don't know what she was thinking. Her diary session earlier in the episode definitely proves that she is not cut out for this game. Hopefully she sticks around so we can either see a slow descent into crazy or that she rises to the challenge.

There's a part of me that's a bit resentful of the attitude that the Asian chick had where she automatically dismissed the cop because she was 47. There are many challenges that don't rely on brute strength, and Ben didn't seem to be a powerhouse anyway. Now that Russell is using him as his bitch, leaving him on the team may prove to be a fatal error.

It's ridiculous that Betsy got voted off; in a strictly game sense I would rather have her on my team than any of the other women on that tribe. But she was on to Russell, and he would not let her stick around.

The preview for next week looks nice. I wonder how long it will take for Russell to turn on Jaison because of his growing popularity?

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By the sounds of it, the Russell vs. Jaison face-off is gonna go down next week.

Goody! I hope Jaison pummels his stupid face into the ground with the immunity idol. :lol:

The immunity idol will put a nice little twist on it; if Jaison does go after Russell, he won't hesitate to use it. If Russell evens sees Jaison talking behind his back it wouldn't surprise me if he played the idol. Should be a nice battle when it does go down. :D

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By the sounds of it, the Russell vs. Jaison face-off is gonna go down next week.

Goody! I hope Jaison pummels his stupid face into the ground with the immunity idol. :lol:

I would put the chances of Russell/Jaison squaring off at about 2% despite what the preview seemed to show. I'd guess the square-off will be between Jaison and Ben. They had more than enough shots of Jaison reacting to Ben stuff throughout the episode. If there is a square-off between R and J, I wouldn't be surprised if it might even be staged by Jaison and Russell together.

The high five of the racists and the fact that they didn't vote either of them out upsets me. That dumbass losar tribe deserves to lose.

I'm curious at your racist claim for Russell.

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Russell gave openly racist dude a high five. I think a slap to the back of the head would be a more PC (not necessarily better) response. Racists need to be given the cut direct, not high-fives.

Basically Russell painted himself with the racist flag by his actions.

*really tho, if I call my ex-husband's current gf a white trailor trash cum stain is that racist too? bigoted? Maybe use low-class instead of white?

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Russell gave openly racist dude a high five. I think a slap to the back of the head would be a more PC (not necessarily better) response. Racists need to be given the cut direct, not high-fives.

Basically Russell painted himself with the racist flag by his actions.

Interesting. I actually thought it was a high five for team solidarity given that it came after Russell's speech about how the opposite tribe's rep shouldn't come in their camp smack talking. But I see where you got that from. I guess only time will tell.

And a slap to the back of the head would have gotten Russell kicked off of the show, you aren't allowed to do that stuff. That's just stupid.

As to the answer for your last question, making a statement like that I would think would make you a racist and a bigot.

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I feel sorry for the ones who have to be on the tribe with Russell and Ben. Aside from those two dickwads, I mostly like them even if they did figure Betsy was the best vote (I mean, WTF?)

Yasmin needs a clue ... or twelve. She can go at any time now.

This is so much drama so soon. It's overshadowing everything else and we barely see anyone who is not directly involved in the Russell and Ben Variety Hour. I know, only 2nd show - hopefully we will get a little more depth soon.

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I'm thinking that Russell and Ben will be gone soon. We've barely even met anyone else, especially on the other tribe except for Yasmin. I know the editors love their cast members who provide drama but they cannot put the entire show on the shoulders of two asshats.

I feel really bad for Jaison and Mick (the doctor/tribe leader?). Those guys seem like they'd be strong, interesting players but they're on tribe meltdown this season and won't likely stand a chance should they even make it to the merge.

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I wonder how far in advance the show is recorded - it would be interesting (and probably depressing) for the 'Survivors' to deal with the aftermath of yesterday's Tsunami.

I'm pretty sure this season was done filming before the finale of the previous season. I base this on the fact that at the Survivor: China finale they mentioned that Amanda and James were just back from filming Fans Vs. Favorites. Of course the timeline might have been changed for that one in order to have Amanda and James back in time for the China finale.

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Guest Nadine

:D you know its early in the season when the swimsuits are still bright and full of color rather than the crap brown they all turn into.

Tired of challenges that encourage ripping the clothes off others. Or at least the blurring out of the nakeds anyway. :P

Edit: Vindicated!! Ben *is* a disgusting racist.

OMG, he is even more gross than I thought. :stunned: :wideeyed: :thumbsdown:

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I know what you mean about the swimsuits - they DO look like hell half-way through. But what was up with getting new bikinis?? I don't remember that ever happening before. Granted, they've got some pretty nice looking girls - but that's not anything new. There are always good looking people.

I loved when Jaison refused to go along with the voting. I'm surprised he was as controlled as he was in the face of extraordinary provocation. And it was GREAT that everyone joined him in voting Ben. Russell's lost his little bitch. :lol:

So how long do you think it'll take for his fellow teammates to figure out what a snake Russel is?

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Guest Nadine

The kitten wouldn't shut it until I fed him, so I missed the distribution of the bikinis - product placement again perhaps?

Jaison is my hero after that - I would have lost it big fscking time. I think Russell is screwed with his support, heavy handed support at that, of Ben. I think the women looked uneasy with Ben's yelling assholeness and will gravitate toward Jaison as a consequence of the hard pushes by Russell and the ugliness of the tribal. I see Jaison quietly taking control back with the four (non) blondes (heh) supporting him.

Russell was so played up that it doesn't seem he will go out this quickly, but I don't see him maintaining a hold like he did before. But...he was right - those women seem to be dumb as sand.

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Jaison just catapulted up my list of all time favorite survivors. He was cool, collected, and undeniably intelligent. It was such a stark difference between his thoughtfulness and Ben's ignorance. I was really thinking that Ben was going to stay, but I think for once Tribal Council actually did something (or at least I'd like to think so).

I'm sure Russell's mind is just running right now trying to figure out how to regain control. I think he'd be making a bad move to try to wrest power away from Jaison. He'd be better off finding a way to control Jaison and therefore everyone else through him. But I'm hoping Jaison turns around and gets rid of Russell next.

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