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About TheKitttenGuard

  • Birthday 09/03/1978

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  1. Under Trump civilians casualties tripled from U.S military actions and I think that is very important even if he did not get us into new wars is full accurate. I will put a lot on Trump paving a path to 10/7, and I say this as someone who highly critical of U.S Israel policy. I think being so extremely naked and dismissive of all Palestinian concerns and just dictate allows for entity like Hamas to seem as the only option. I understand how supportive the Democractic Party been of them does not mean they been good policies.
  2. America is a great country and all it is ask for is to not falisfy your payment to the Porn Star you had a fling with on your Pregnant Wife. There is a lot of speculation on Trump to prison. I agree more fine and probation though I kind of like to see Trump picking up litter for a few weeks. Though I think he can easily use that to humanize himself and I know he can easily mess it up if your not into him by now. I will say if Trump is sentence to a couple months, I am tempting to bet he will convert to Islam.
  3. I know of Trump since at least Wrestlemania IV. I understand some of what makes him appealing and funny. Beside thinking Politics is strictly to seek power I do not see how you support what Trump stated he will do after showing how far he had go on Jan. 06, 2021.
  4. I do not care what level of ignorance or naviety is shown. There is a part of me that still thinks I am Zionist and Palestinians deserve to comes to be talked to above dictates.
  5. How about stop treating PA as unreliable prison wardens. Yeah there corruption yet somehow Israel immense is not of concern. There is by far a lot. Stop this "Rewarding Terror" rhetoric and get some real movement included putting PA to stop settlers if needed and those who want to push to violence.
  6. If ICC and War Crime charges is not Public Opinion. The Battlefield is only on part of any war. The most terrible and the one that most think but is only one. There is little doubt what those results will be. Hamas does have a political and societal hold. The solution is not in corpses.
  7. You stop bombing when you have no plan. Israel lost and it choose to proceed to enacted a collective punishment with near full U.S support.
  8. You did not engage with any points I made on Democratic Policies. Please do not tortorous construne what I wrote.
  9. They have been utterly ignored and viciously attack in every means. I do not get the point you want to make unless then to trout them out as some counterpoint. The fact they are there is why I stated 4th most Right Wing. Being slightly hyperbolic and now feel I just Explained the Joke.
  10. The Democratic Party has became the fourth most Right Wing Party in Israel. If you do not see what uncondition all aid regardless of settlement or diplomatic position, when the Senate Miniority Leader cheers the Jerusalem Embassy disguarding provision link to diplomacy, and silent on Laws passed in 2017 will not greenlight the worst than how is that not a full endorsement of those policies. Go on how I am just denying Palestinian agency and their wrongs. Israel build big tall walls, developed a sophisticated Ariel defense system, and a blackmore of Legal Ambugity in Gaza that I do think borrow a lot from what Guatiamo Bay. When this succeeded, it fueled the Right with expansion of Settlements, and now it failed the Right Wing was given Card Blanche. Allowing it and it still happen was and is a choice and should never had been surrender to Hamas.
  11. Every escalation is Hamas's fault for you. I have read you consistently, and it demonstrate how hard Right U.S policy has become.
  12. What do you think if someone state that they oppose Hamas yet in the end support their actions? You state how wrong the Right is yet you are supporting all actions. I refuse to point to Hamas for I still think their were choices to be made even in those horrible moments and still can be made.
  13. In the past conflicts, Israel will state it wanted to destroy Hamas so you think there will be something. I have stated my view before, and no this is not immediate and could well mean to exchange hostages for many prisoners to get them back. I do not fear for Israel for it will actually be attention so a massive attack is far less likely in the short term. Israel and The West wanted this to be another post-9/11 "Us or The Terrorist" Clarion call without a thought what those 22 years produce. Israel has a high standard. Well, BiBi speaks how they are Bulwark of Western Civilization, many U.S as well and even add an Religious element to it. They are established they are far above. All those Elite University training and in the end work on set of principle and ethics that are more in line with base Street level Thuggery.
  14. If Hamas is so integrated in those aspect of Palestinian it is a matter more societal and political which the military is not equipped for. A focus to create an alternative structure or ready for something to take the vacuum for an annihilation of an area Health Care system should not be an option unless you are looking to punish the populace as a whole. The whole situation was long in the making. Laying waste to Gaza does nothing to this in the end for their is nothing to follow and Israel is in the shadow of a very dark valley and it is disgusting how their Allies are helping keep it there. No, this is not Hamas getting away with it. Their operation took years of build up and the vast majority of attackers were in the end killed or capture. A lot of their success still relied more on Israel's mistakes then the amazing brilliance of Hamas's plan. I am not all familiar with all of ISIS battles and use of hospital. I will state that it was given it was Iraqi forces fighting something within their country and so will look to rebuild those.
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