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Everything posted by horangi

  1. Yeah, I hear you. I've been lucky enough to have players that have also been DMs, so when some person suggests going off on a truly tough to reconcile tangent, they pull them back into the scope of the campaign.
  2. OK yeah, that is quite a short section, you should be fine.
  3. Are you playing in person or online? One thing I found is that it actually takes a lot longer to run through campaign sections then I expect when creating it, especially if you are doing a lot of improv as characters explore their environment. On the plus side it means your content goes farther. Battles particularly can take an hour+ depending on how much the players consider their options. That has led to me dropping a lot of the scrub battles out (which the official adventures seem to love) and go for one or two more curated thematic battles a session.
  4. Quite impressive looking. I like that they didn't edit out the glitches (or at least not all of them) such as the people walking through the raging fire or janky physics. The age old question is, will the real game be able to pull it off like that and how generic does the procedural generation end up being. NMS in all of its innovation still gets to be pretty repetitive once you've seen the same monolith over and over. Similarly, I'm only on level 20 in Starfield but have already cleared out like 4 abandoned UC Comms stations with identical layouts.
  5. Matt Mercer's "you can certainly try!" is a good approach. This just sounds like a DM with poor improv skills. In the games I've run, I try and reward creative solutions even when it can sometimes spoil some of the pre-planning (though rarely in such a way that you can't get back on track.) Sure, if a level one monk says he is going to levitate to the top of a tower using his willpower alone, I'm going to respond back that he has collected some curious glances from nearby strangers who are witnessing a monk standing in the street, eyes closed, and veins bulging on their forehead. Most of the scenarios you mentioned though should have been 'run with it' opportunities.
  6. I've been enjoying Starfield overall and agree with others its more about the variety of options even if if the fast travel does break up the immersion a bit. I have had a few laughs how the romance scenarios have played out with my paramour generally deciding to flirt at the worst time. I finally got a prompt to get married after killing off 3 waves of Spacers, wading through sprayed blood and corpses only to be told I am the truest of loves... Oh and by the way, what are the ethics involved in using the precog power when going through the romance dialogues?
  7. Well, tell me that the Republican party isn't full of White Walkers, or to be fair in Josh Hawley's case, White Runners.
  8. Well, we are posting on a fantasy forum aren't we?
  9. In terms of major Democrat policies, sure, but in the extremely unlikely scenario that this occurred and somehow Jeffries wasn't immediately vacated, there are a number of bipartisan bills that could go through with even a handful of R votes. I suspect that funding for Ukraine and other bills could get through with support from those representatives for whom the targeted issues are key to their survival in purple districts or are actually true believers in the cause. Even if not, the D's could put up the 'prevent harm from terrorists to kittens and puppies' bills all day long to force the Rs to vote against them.
  10. I'd also think the nature of modern war doesn't lend itself to the small line formation battle mechanisms that the TW series uses. You can get away with that type of modern battle with a RTS at a small scale like Company of Heroes where you have at best squad sized units who can occupy a single location. However that would make the strategic aspects of running a faction untenable. You could have extremely abstract characters representing company sized units and no attempt for realism like Starcraft or C&C in a fantasy battlefield. Or a Hearts of Iron-like hundreds of miles-wide strategic front and become a paradox game's concept of real time measured in hours or days.
  11. OK, I am hesitant to even step into this discussion. That said, today, October 13, Ukraine claims to have inflicted 1030 casualties on the forces of Russia plus over 120 vehicles and 44 artillery pieces destroyed. Granted, Ukraine has an incentive to exaggerate successes, and we have to assume Ukraine losses were a significant percent of the losses to Russia. Why are the vast majority of posts dealing with the horrors in the Levant vs what is happening in Ukraine? Literally the horrors lashed out by either side which have spawned multiple threads here have been just the norm for whats happening to their North-East.
  12. You Marxists and your dialectics! Actually I am hopeful this is the case. Nature and evolution tend to work in a similar way. We just have to hope that the resting energy state of human nature is something enlightened vs something more sinister.
  13. Setup for a Season 2 we didn't get to explore with him unfortunately. I am divided on whether his last scene was a disappointment of what could have been or maybe a decent way to go out as an actor, gazing out over the undiscovered country at the end. The next grand journey ahead. Perhaps both.
  14. Keep in mind that education in the US is controlled at the state and local level for the most part. So you have some counties with reputable public education and some with reprehensible public education. Some of the reason is due to politics. Growing up in a predominately R area, the county would hold referendums to build new schools to hold a growing student population or even just maintain them and each and every time the referendum would be voted down overwhelmingly, with a 'not my kid, not my problem' attitude. The opposite happens in the more educated (generally heavily D counties) where every referendum passes. The other aspect is funding usually comes from property taxes- the later seasons of The Wire addressed this with the comparisons between a poor Baltimore County and a rich Montgomery County.
  15. Holy hell, I hope that lady is being marked down in some ledgers for future office.
  16. Doesn't the completionist in you demand just one more episode?
  17. Pushing ahead with my multiplayer BG3 game. Its slow going when you can only play a couple hours every other week due to scheduling all three of us at the same time and the game is definitely rough around the edges with multiplayer/cross platform support so we've probably wasted 2 hours total trying to get it to load up correctly. Outstanding game, but why do they have rope, that staple of D&D problem solving, in the game when its not usable. We found an area where the entrance to another dungeon was high above us, we had a flying potion, but apparently we cant tie the rope to bring up the rest of the party. I get it would be a bit game breaking or challenging to code to have it totally free form, but having designated anchor spots (such as the iron gate that served as a door) when its a reasonable choice would have been nice. Or just remove the rope so we don't spend 10 minutes trying to figure out how to use it.
  18. I hope not! He's been fantasy gold for my team. Top QB through three weeks. We award a bonus for 300+ yard games, so keep the garbage time flowing! I do wish the pass to Hock at the end connected vs deflected for an int, since I have him as well.
  19. Started One Piece after hearing folks talking about it here. I had literally never heard of the IP before. I enjoyed the intro pirate king scene thinking, OK I can get into a Pirates of the Caribbean/Black Sails world. Stuck with it with the dude in the barrel getting swept up by the pirates. Started to wonder how a kid's show (I was assuming by dialogue) was allowing the pirate to smash a prisoner with a maul. Then got to the part when the dude started using super power bendy movements and Nope'd right out of that series. ETA: I noticed it was a Manga series (based on the Star Wars thread apparently #3 in some several peoples minds of being the most influential all time!) and something of a victory after Cowboy Bebop failed? I thought the Cowboy Bebop live series was quite decent, but apparently I am in the minority
  20. I kinda figured the Dathomir witches punched in the main galaxy in their Uber app, but were too cheap to splurge on UberX and so it was Thrawn and his beater star destroyer that rolled up, no doubt 20 minutes late. We've all had those days. Overall I had fun with this one as well. I also got a no-deep-thinking-necessary laugh from the Howler Sabine interaction.
  21. Among the places I've visited, Jaisalmer Fort in India is near the top of the list. Gazing through the windows of the palace overlooking the desert below evokes a feeling of being in the middle of a fantasy series. https://en.wikipedia.org/wiki/Jaisalmer_Fort
  22. Seriously, if Chris Hemsworth came into a theater with his shirt off, no one would bat an eye. Well actually a ton of folks would bat an eye, but not in the same way. Boebert has so many things to scrutinize, why make one of the few pleasures in life one of them! For who amongst us has not had a consensual grasp of a (male or female) nipple in a dark theater. Who shall be the first to cast a stone?
  23. Says the dog who is currently plotting to convert the world's production into a wholly owned subsidiary of Lazyscrog Industries!
  24. Thanks! Its the bolded that got me in Kingmaker. I kept running into encounters that were clearly beyond the capability of the party, but, to my knowledge there wasn't a way to run either. I probably didnt give the game enough of a chance, but it felt like there wasnt much of a way to sense and avoid those situations and I've tried to not meta game through trial and error (party wipe, I mean, running away to fight another day is fine).
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